Ups and Downs
On Monday I looked like this:
Came Tuesday and Wednesday, I became like this:
And guess what I look like on Thursday???

No wonder they say life's a rollercoaster. Everyone will go through ups and downs in their life at some stages.
I guess I took one hell of a ride on Monday, which lasted until today, when it ended on a super high note.
Cos my lappie is fine! And more amazingly, all my data is still there!!!!!
I dunno why there's such a drastic change of luck.
Perhaps the trip down to GYM on tues 改变 my 命运, and I seriously think so.
Thank you GYM for answering my prayers!
And thanks to all my mates for the words of encouragement and care and concern and for keeping me in their prayers as well! Love u! *muacks!*
(And to the taxi driver whom I almost crashed into, pai seh hor.)
It's definitely a relief to find all my pictures, songs and of course, my school work all safe and sound. I'm gg to develop the lay-chey-but-safe habit of backing up my data. And so should YOU, my friend!
I'm so happy now I can laugh forever.
Hee hee.