Welcome to the 22nd Club.
Oh wells. One year older. *tsk tsk*
Though I dun feel any difference (I'm still adamant in staying forever 21! PS. I'm not advertising for my fave boutique aye!) in being 21 or 22.
With the exception that I was not as excited in celebrating 22nd than I was last year.
But a huge and grateful THANKS to my dearies who made the effort to make me feel so special and so loved (gawd, I'm so emotional now I feel like wailing!).
Your company really meant a lot to me, cos that is something my family can't really give me.
Ahem. Time to digress.
Met up with my long-time friends for dinner at Shillawon, a restaurant that serves Korean cuisine, BBQ-style at Suntec.
The food was not bad, but guess I didnt cook the meat thoroughly, cos I got tummyache few hours later.
Hate it when I have to LS outside, especially right before our movie. And dun get me started on the pain! It was like a food-poisoning kind of pain (I knew it cos I always have the same kind of pain everytime I ate sth wrong!)
What a thing to happen.
Oh wells. I survived and was just in time for Night in the Museum 2. Go watch it if you havent!=)
Okie. Photos!
Hui and me acting stupid. -_-"
He might be the one who caused my tummyache...TSK TSK TSK.
Because Shillawon doesnt provide desserts, we headed to I-forgot-the-name-but-it's-sth-like-Crystal-Jade restaurant where Celes had her dinner there, and we had our desserts too. Then Minmin joined us when we were almost done. =)
Lately it has been the same.
Dinner first, then movie.
It seems like that's all we can do nowadays.
But I'm not complaining. =)
Movie ended quite early and we didnt feel like heading home that early.
So we went to Xin Wang (Xiang's favourite hangout) and slacked.
As the saying goes, "Less is more."
Although it was just an ordinary dinner-then-movie day, the simplicity of it all was what I like.
It's who you're with that counts, not what you do or which posh place you dine in.
Too bad Tiong was not with us, or it'd be even better. =(
Having lots of emotions on my 22nd. Soon it'd be 23rd, then 24th, then 25th, then...I can't imagine anymore.
Hate to admit, but we're all getting old.
Even those born in 90's are hitting the uni/poly already!
But one good thing of turning one year older: I'm getting closer to becoming more independent!
By independent I mean being self-sufficient, owning a place that you can call your own, and perhaps travel around the world. I'd also love to try and live and work in another country (mind rooting for S. Korea!).
That's what I want to achieve after my bond.
Shall work hard towards that goal then!
Jacie baby, fighting! =)

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