Mind Cafe/JACKPOT!!!
NIE friends' outing =)
The History Girls headed to Mind Cafe after exams for some serious boardgaming!
Here's Lynn and Grace...
That's Evelyn and SinChoon!
And here's yours truly... =)

Okie that's it.
Not really into taking photos nowadays...
Guess my digicam must be feeling neglected!
There were others around, so sorry Malinda, Joyce and Chris for not capturing ur cute moments! Hehs.
Went down to Vivo alone later to do some serious shopping! Like, really serious.
F21 gave me a huge and warm welcome, cos they've been missing me for weeks and weeks!
And so, to reciprocate them, I bought two blouses and a pair of berms!
I'm so nice huh.
Wanted to shop somemore, but the increasing size of the crowd began to annoy me, so I retreated home not without my prized possessions. *woots!*
*** *** ***
Went to watch Wolverine with some of my NIE friends...
I was glad to catch this show cos it's awesome! You should go watch it if you havent. =)
Anyway, the most extraordinary thing happened to us at GV!
You see, GV is having this Jackpot thingy as a kind of lucky draw if you purchase more than 3 movie tickets.
So we got the card that entitled us to have one try at the jackpot.
We four girls screamed in disbelief when the last slot (there were five slots, fyi) was a perfect match with the previous four. That's like so amazing can! Uber lucky!
And there was this group of TPJC students who were behind us waiting for their turn... They were, like, so kay-poh to know what kind of prize we won.
When they found out, one of them shouted, "Holy shit! They won the starcruise!"
So I turned around and said, "Yeah! HOLY SHIT!"
Heh heh.
The feeling was pretty satisfying.
And since the prize is for two people and there were five of us including one couple, naturally the one-for-one cruise trip went to the couple below.
Sinchoon and Philip =)
Hopefully when the two of them do get to go on the trip, they dun return...as three! Hehs. You know what I mean. *winks*
Oh, oh, oh!
We saw Zhou Chongqing the 933FM DJ and then Shawn Chen Hong Yu at Tampines One!
Although not a fan of theirs but still pleasantly surprised to see them...
And yup that pretty summed up the exciting events that happened to me these past few days...
Hope my life gets more exciting from now on!
And one more exciting news on the road!
Channel U will be airing Boys Over Flowers on every Saturday at 9.30pm. The first episode is on May 16th.
Watch it people!
*wide grinz*
F4 and Jandi...

Nvm if you dun.
Cos you're not in my league.
Till then, take care my friends! =)
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