Madly Obsessive Still.
I STILL can't snap out of it...=)
I've finished watching the entire series of BOF since like last week, but I'm still truly, madly, deeply obsessive with it, even till now. Going to youtube or to stream the videos has become a habit and now that there's no more episodes for me to catch, I suddenly feel so...lonely. Like there's nothing to do if i were to turn on my lappie. *hahs* Is that obsessive or what?!?! *gags* And then I happened to chance upon U-magazine (last week's) and saw a gigantic poster of Kim Bum, one of the F4 cuties, and when I looked at the bottom, it says next week's poster (which is this week's issue) is LEE MINHO!!! *woots!* Kudos to U-mag, seriously. Only they know what's in and what's not. *heehee!* Anyway I'm trying to procrastinate my studying (yes, it's time to study for irritating exams liao! *gags*) with much success cos here I am, updating my almost-dying-blog... And because there's no happening events in my life right now (how to have them when my life's stuck with books and more books?!?!?), I can only blog about...yes, you guess current 'fling' and his friends... *HAHAH!* A collage of him done by yours truly (kudos to PhotoScape!):

Okie to be fair and honest the other F3 are seriously cute as well, but since your friend here is madly in love with LMH she's only posting his pics. But then when she rewatched some of the episodes, she was also swooned by this cutie pie down here:

Kim Hyun Joong, who played Yoon Ji Hu in the show, or Hua Ze Lei in the outdated Taiwanese version. Love his character man! Watch it to know what I mean. =)
OH! There's a person whom I seriously think looks like him. And that person was not just a random stranger; he's from NTU and a classmate of mine from printmaking class!!!
But then the most unfortunate thing is, we never talked to each other AT. ALL. Or rather, NIE and NTU ppl almost never had any interaction with one another. We were just content in our own cliques and focused on our chop chop.
Furthermore, by the time I realise that he looks like KHJ, it's the last week of class. What a bummer! *hrmpf*
Although that was the last lesson, some things did happen but I'm not going to share. Too personal liao. Perhaps in my secret blog, huh? What do you think? Suspense, suspense! *hehs*
*change topic abruptly*
Dun say I'm being unfair. Here's the Korean F4, the hottest of the hottest in 2009!

Hate to do this, but I have to return to my books and squeeze in one chapter of Language Acquisition and Development (the title can put one to sleep already!) before 9pm, cos that's the time to watch BOF on KBS World channel 173 (for those who have SCV!). Yeah, yeah I know I've already finished the whole series, but is there a law that says I can't watch a second time? Or a third time? Huh? HUH? *calm down*
Till then, sleep tight and may I dream of LMH!!! *heehee*
p/s: No more Chiang Mai trip cos of last minute emergency.
p/p/s: Going to spend my holidays learning to play piano (been to Yamaha, but going to check out other music schools b4 making the decision!)
p/p/p/s: Going swimming alone! *wheeeeeee!*
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