I've been going for Printmaking classes for the past 7 weeks, and my early art pieces are not suitable to be showcased to the public cos they simply CMI.
B4 I continue, it's time for a brief intro of what printmaking is.
Basically, printmaking is transferring an image that you've drawn/carved/etched onto the paper after you inked it.
Sounds chim??
Yes it is.
LOTS of patience is involved when you want to do an average piece.
So far, we've done all sorts of printing and I can forcefully say it's quite fun.
Besides my NIE mates, there are others from NTU, who are generally nice people.
The only unfair thing is...some of them are from ADM (read: super artistic people), and are really arrogant.
Anyway, I'm really proud of my latest work, which is wood carving.
I looooovvvvveeeee wood-carving! =)
FYI. I did not draw that. I googled it. *hehs*
But hey, it's all about the carving techniques, okie! *defensive*
The end result is super...let's just say I'm proud of it. *heehee*
So in all, printmaking class is tolerable, and we're going to do T-shirt printing soon!!! *excited*
*** *** ***
I know I havent been posting pictures, all because I havent been associating myself with Fun or Shopping lately.
Because I have no money, no mood, no time, no body to have Fun with.
Pathetic right. That's life when you study at NIE.
Or is it just me? *tsk tsk*
Anyway, I decided that some of you must have missed me a lot, so for the sake of your health, I sacrificed myself and did these tak-glam shots....
Well, I had fun taking all these nonsense photos (self-entertainment!), but it's just not the same as going out and letting my hair down.
Lonely? Sort of. Sad? Probably. Happy? Definitely NOT.
Heal the wound and leave the scar?
You said you are worried that you might have opened up the wound again. I dunno, cos I didnt really feel the pain. Not as much as the time when the wound was inflicted. Then I ask myself: "Is it really that I dun feel it? Or am I already numb to it?" Because the scar will forever be there, and it reminds me constantly that you are moving on with your life, your new-found life. And I must not be anything near selfish to stop you from doing so. Cos you're just you. You have the right to choose what kind of life you want to lead. But honestly, I'm rather sick and tired of always being the one to ask you out, because out of those many times, you can only make it once or twice. Or maybe thrice, I dunno and I dun want to know. You may be right, that there's something between us that wont be changed no matter what. But I have doubts on that. I'm sorry to feel that way, but it's just is. Life's just is.
*** *** ***
Have to go school liao.
Dreading the 5pm meeting.
I seriously hope that I can survive it in one piece. *crosses fingers*
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