Happy Niu Year! MOOO~~~
Happy NIU Year!!! MOOOO~~
A brand new year for all the Chinese out there. Woots! =)
For me, every CNY is the same.
Chu xi is for reunion dinner, whereby we'll have BBQ steamboat!!! (the only thing I look forward to during CNY, other than ang paos! Hehs.)
And I bet food is what BeBe is looking forward to every year.
This year, her dinner comprised of fishballs, meatballs, a few pieces of veggie, crabstick, pork, chicken, fish and last but not least (everyone please go "AWWW"), a couple of sliced ABALONE!!!
And the best part is she didnt even appreciate the abalone can! She spat it out after a few bites cos apparently it was abit 'chewy' for her. Nevertheless, my mum sort of forced it down on her. Hehs.
After dinner, I opened a bottle of Icewine and in a matter of seconds, mum, bro and I emptied the whole contents into our stomach. Tsk tsk.
We spent chu yi at my ah ma's house, and I got to see some of my relatives whom I only get to see once a year. So sad hor? I guess everyone's busy with their own life and I'm glad there's CNY to gather everybody together.
This year, we attempted to take group photos, since almost all our family members were there.
These are my cousins, the number was not completed cos we're missing 7 more girls.
These are my cousins plus my bro. We're still missing.......3 guys.
It was a brave attempt to squeeze, I mean, gather, everyone together on the teeny weeny staircase which must have been bigger 10 years ago as compared to now.
Two new soon-to-be family members. Find them.
At my waipo's house...
The three generations united!!! Sweet.
A very different CNY indeed.
Looking forward to the next one; can't wait to see how much everyone has changed or does not changed.
But I'm definitely not looking forward to school tmr.
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