Thursday, January 15, 2009


Sometimes I feel like closing down this blog and start a brand new one which people I know (or dunno) have no access to. The main reason being that I dun want my life to be too exposed to the human race. On a second thought... is that so?
Or is it because I dun have to consider the feelings of others or worry if my words will offend/hurt/upset them when writing about some stuff (or writing about how I really feel or what I really think)?
It's quite scary to think of the kind of people (well, apart from my regular readers who happen to my friends) who will visit my blog, read all about it, and get a peek into what's happening in my life.
Maybe you'd think that I should not disclose too detailed accounts if I want to keep a low and private profile of my life.
But then again, isn't that a blog exist to function?
Why keep a blog if you can't write about the happenings (exciting or not) in your life, or rather, your inner thoughts/voices?
I think the main reason is because I care too much about others' opinions and worry too much about not hurting their feelings to the best of my ability, so much so that I neglect mine.
I'm tired of keeping everything to myself and not being able to let them all out in case somebody gets wind of it and ends up getting hurt.
Not that I'm always bad-mouthing people (unless they really really really piss me off!).
I just...dun want people to know too much about me.
I'll still keep this up and running because I can't bear to delete all my hard work (the time spent uploading all those photos!).
But it's time to stop myself from being too exposed to the outside world.


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