Cheered up by ang moh kias =)
Kiren and Alex made my day! *hearts*
Had an urge to stay away from home as long as possible.
Sort of angry with momma because of the stupid new car.
No wonder people say mothers always side sons.
Damn true.
Neeways, after gym and shopping and facial today, I was determined not to head home so soon.
Original plan was to wander around at the beach till 9pm (cos I wanna catch the ch 8 show!).
Instead, I spent the time at Coffee Bean, E!Hub. *hahs*
Ordered Belgian Chocolate Ice Blended, which was superduper bloodily sweet! *bleahz*
Thankfully, it wasnt very crowded, and I got a super comfy sofa by the corner.
But who knows, after a while, this young woman (very fashionable-looking) came over to me and wanted to share my seat.
Turns out that she wanted to use the powerpoint for her lappie. *rolls eyes*
So we shared the seats.
I was messing around with my DS Lite (thank GYM for it! I managed to kill loads of hours with the help of Mario and Luigi. *hehs*) when this Caucasian guy with his two little boys came to sit at the table next to mine.
Guess the kids were intrigued by my scibbling furiously on my DS, as one of them suddenly leaned so close against me I can feel his breath. *HAH!*
And before you know it, Kiren (not sure how to spell it!) the 4-yr-old and his five-yr-old brother, Alex and I started to play together.
They were like,
"Can I play this, can I play that?"
"What's this, what's that?"
"How do you play this?"
And so on in their American accent.
So cute lah!
Their dad was abit embarrassed that his kids were 'haressing' me, but in the end, he himself also joined in the game!!!
And when it was time to go, the dad had a tough time pulling his boys away, especially Alex, who started whining and weeping. *tsk tsk lovingly*
I can't emphasise how cuteeeeeeeee they are, but yes. They ARE.
So I was quite happy that I didnt go to the beach and act emo, if not I'd never get to meet the kids, who cheered me up LOTS.
To conclude, I shall camp out at the cafe next time I want to be alone or act emo or just want to run away from home.
The cafe's a good place for people-watch, okie.
So, don't come and find me there when you can't find me elsewhere, yeah?!
Or else... you'll have to buy me 1kg of ice gems biscuits! =)

French manny! =)
Today was the grand opening of Alyssa Hairdressing n Beauty Salon at Tampines BLK 829 (unit number not very sure).
Actually its opening did not concern me that much, but the shop happens to be my dad's, who leased it out, so the tenant/owner invited us over to his salon.
The whole place was renovated and designed into a simple yet stylish-looking salon that looks rather atas.
There was buffet, and of course, promotions of their hairdressing and beauty services.
So I went to do French manicure for my nails!!! *hehs* (Too paiseh to show off my ugly feet, so didnt beautify my toes.)
It came off quite well, but I think I can do it better myself. *heehee* Buay hiao bai, you'd say.
Anyway, it cost $24 nia, but I'm not sure if it's cheaper or more ex than outside. The best part is that my lao pa paid for it! *heh heh heh*
Just fyi, the name of the salon was named after the owner's daughter. So sweet, right? And it sounds really nice too. =)
Meanwhile I saw momsie chatting to this auntie (another guest), so I went over to join them.
Bad mistake.
The auntie seems to me like a snobbish and boastful person, but who knows? I could be wrong. But I just don't like the way she tried to show off how good she is, how good her own daughter is, and blah blah blah. *rolls eyes*
Anyway, I discovered a VERY SUPER EXCITING AND ADDICTIVE typing game, which I'm currently hooked onto it now! So fun! I can do this for the whole day....
Try it! =)
PS: I still have not get the chance to see the car (let alone drive it!) cos bro couldnt get the season parking coupon, so he had to park near DTE for the time being. *tsk tsk*
Welcome back, Mal! =)
My dear friend Mal is finally back from BKK!!!
And she got me TWO lovely tees that fit me to a T!
Tks love! =)
We met up today for our usual workout session, and then we headed to town cos she needed to have her piercing checked.
Meanwhile, I shopped at F21 (twice in three days!) and got myself a pair of shorts and a necklace. Sweet.
Had pasta for lunch. Yummily full.
Listened to Mal's 'adventurous' days at BKK, and I'm soooooo missing Thailand! I miss Chaktuchat! I miss the Platinum Mall! I miss the crickets! I miss everything in BKK! *sigh*
Guess I have to wait till another vacation, which is in December, to think of going for holiday le.
Anyway, it was amusing/fun/exciting/interesting to hear about her and her friends' encounters in BKK. Mind you, Thai police were involved as well okie! And they almost got our ambassador in Thailand into the picture.
But the worst thing is that one of them lost her IC because of pickpockets! SCARY!!!! *shudders*
Think I'll cry to death if my IC was lost in a foreign country. *tsk tsk*
So being alert and careful and attentive is really, really, really important when you're outside, in or out of Singapore.
Anyway, I was determined to spend my Taka vouchers today, no matter what.
But like I said, I can't get my agnès b bag cos they dun have what I want.
Thought of getting DKNY bags, but Mal said the bag I wanted was not worth my buying cos of its canvas-type material.
We then went to check out Longchamp bags, which in the first place, I was not very interested in.
However, the design that Mal picked out is simple but pretty, and guess what?!
This ended up in my room now:

I got the brown one, while Mal got a blue one, which is lovely and suit her alot. But since I'm not a 'blue' girl, I go for brown.
I know, I know.
I used to criticise Longchamp bags, like how they are soooo easily faked, and how they look like free giveaways if you buy 250g of Darlie toothpaste, something like that.
I'm sorry I said that. *hehs*
People with taste and class will and can tell the difference between real/fake Longchamps.
Which means the fake ones (if you can tell the difference!) might come from Darlie toothpaste or Lux body wash or something along the line.
So. *shruggs*
I'll stop here for now.
Need to go work on my wardrobe.
Went IKEA ytd with momsie, who bought for me two clothes organisers (one pink and one red! Sweet.) and a table lamp, also in red. =)
Therefore, my wardrobe must go through a makeover before new term starts to make room for more clothes (going shopping for clothes tmr with momsie)! *hehs*
Didnt know she's so generous and wonderful and lovely. *heehee*
Here's BeBe in her sofa, where she sleeps at night while waiting for Bro to get home. Bloody fat she is, isnt she? But bloody cute as well. I heart you, BeBe! =)

PS: I still didnt get a chance to see the new car! So angry. *hrmpf*
Irritating junk mails!
Dunno why but I kept receiving irritating scam mails nowadays!
They're flooding my mailbox!
But luckily they'd go straight into the junk box.
Credits to the senders though, cos some of them are really hilarious.
There's one that says I've inherited from this late engineer from US a whooping SIX MILLION AND ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND US DOLLARS (how many zeros are there?!?).
Apparently he was a very nice guy who loved the feeling of giving, so he decided to give ME (of all people) all his remaining estates when he passed away at the age of 80 at year 2005.
And apparently, I can only receive the money 3 years later cos the will needed time to execute.
This is, by far, the most hilarious scam ever.
How can I possibly know a dying 80 year old engineer from the States?
Am I getting smarter, or are they getting more stupid by the second?
Must be the latter.
Anyway, there's another scam that says I've won USD ONE MILLION DOLLARS or so.
*tsk tsk*
At the rate I'm going, I would probably be as rich as Bill Gates! =)
Imagine what I'd do with the money......
First, I'll of course donate some to the charity.
Then, I'll break my bond and compensate them for their loss.
And then I'll get myself a chic, sophisticated and modern-looking house, like the one which Christopher Lee moves into in the Beach.Ball.Babes show from Ch 8. *sigh* I can't believe a pub owner can make so much money. Drama.
Anyway, I believe I would be left with some decent money to get a car of my dream:

Mercedes Benz CLK-Class Cabriolet.
No more Honda Jazz.
It's always encouraging to dream far. Anyway I'm a millionnaire now, am I not?!
Then, after the car, hmmm maybe I'll get some Gucci bags along the way.
Digression: I went Taka ytd to check out my agnès b bag. Guess what. They DON'T HAVE IT! *tsk tsk* But then again, it seems to me like the salespeople there were not willing to serve me.
One was actually serving a couple, while the other two (guy and gal) were like, flirting away with each other in one corner?! Okie lah, to be fair to them, they were doing something to the price tags so I guess they were working. But that's not the main point.
They saw me enter, saw me walk ard the boutique, but did nothing (fyi, I didnt dress lok-cok-ly okie! I just didnt carry my Gucci bag). They just looked at me, like counting down the seconds till I will leave.
So I picked up a bag near me casually and asked the girl for other colours. She's like, "Oh, that's the only colour available."
So I gave a little shrug like I didnt care a hoot about her reply and walked away.
But of course, I still remember my manners and gave them my thanks before leaving.
See? People nowadays see and judge others by what they're wearing AND carrying. What a superficial society we're living in.
Luckily the media's doing something to change the stereotypical mindset of our society, which I think is a very good effort, but there's still a long way to go.
Check out <一切完美> or Perfect Cut on Channel U, weekdays 10pm. It's by my fave, Thomas Ong. So suave! *heehee*
End of digression.
Anyway, it's good to have lots of money to throw around, but then again, nothing's free in the world.
You've got to earn it.
Which means the scammers (people who create scams) have to work harder to win my trust! Which means it's impossible!
PS: The car's coming today! Bro went to collect it just now. *excited*
Dun Get Conned!!!
Can't believe I'm blogging two times within a day.
But I felt that there's a need to because I dun want people, especially you, to get conned/fooled by other people.
So I'm issuing a warning to all you peeps out there. Dun say I never warned.
Be careful and beware of this new scam called UK National Lotto.
Just a couple of hours ago I received an email that says:
"Congratulations! Your email won (Cash Prize 715,000 GBP) on our online draw dated 21st July, 2008 in London, United Kingdom.
To file for claims, contact our claims agent: Adam Boulton.
Note: You are required to provide your Full Name, Full Address, Telephone Number, Occupation, Sex, Age & Country of Residence to the claims agent via email ( or fax(+44 700 6096 896).
Best wishes.
Prof. Anette Bowik.
Online Coordinator."
Looks really enticing, doesnt it?
Seems like I've just won myself 715,000pounds from an online lottery draw, which, for some reason, I dun even remember I have taken part in!
The money looks really, really, really attractive, so I went to do a little calculation.
I converted the GBP into our SGD, and guess how much I've won?
A whooping 1,934,529.84 SGD.
In just a day, my wealth increases thousand-folds! That's fricking 1.9 million bucks!
Now you tell me, where got such good lobang?
*shakes head speechlessly*
And as it wasn't every day for me to receive such scams mails, I went to do a little investigation.
Turns out, after googling, there's hundreds of men called Adam Boulton; there's really a UK National Lotto in UK, and many others have received similar, if not totally identical, mails like me.
So. *looking smug*
I'd be a total bimbo if I fall for it.
But then again, it's always nice to dream that the money is mine. *hehs*
Neeway, good try, SWINDLERS! =)
Another incident that totally deviates from the above but still fits the title is what BeBe gone through just now.
See, she was fooled by these two evil-looking bees (to me, but they might look friendly to her cos she's so innocent) while she was about to eat her lunch in the kitchen.
That two damned buzzing monsters came zooming into our house via the balcony window and decided to sting my babylove.
BeBe was, of course, petrified and quickly ran away from her bowl of mum-mum which she was about to savour.
Poor thing. Until now she's reluctant to go near the kitchen nor eat any food.
And then father realised that both of her front legs were STUNG THREE FRICKING TIMES by TWO BLOODY BEES (one of them was so greedy lah!)
I tell you, the bites were swollen and red, and it must have been painful!
No wonder BeBe's dropping her favourite hobby: eating.
While comforting her, I told her that bees are evil and they are your enemies. I also said to her that next time when she sees them, make low growling noises to show them your prowess. If worse comes to worst, just giap your tail and run!
If she can understand my words, that is.
Poor baby.
Yesterday was full of agony.
Planned to go town after my gym to check up on my one-week old piercing, and maybe get my agnès b bag along the way.
But I made a HUGE mistake by wearing my newly bought heels. *shakes head hopelessly*
Just five minutes on it, the back of my feet were crying for help.
But I refused to admit defeat.
Struggled all the way to Watsons and got their home brand plasters, which didnt work for me cos they wouldn't stick nicely and obediently onto my blisters!
I tell you, each and every step was an agony! Each step felt like the heel was slicing my skin. *pained expression*
In the end, I bought another box of plasters from Watsons' rival, yes you'd guess right: Guardian.
But I dun dare to buy any of their home brands.
Got the all-time favourite Hansaplast, which is cheaper than Watsons by just FIVE CENTS!
The plasters from Hansaplast managed to cling onto my skin, and so I was spared from the terrible agony for about 30% only.
Cos it was still very painful!
Oh, did I mention it was raining heavily as well?!?
Double swayness.
Finally, I hate to do it, but I gave the trip a miss.
Headed back to my hometown, and had lunch at Mac. *hahah*
It has been dunno how many donkey months since I last ate at Mac.
Bought some snacks from NTUC and I felt happier.
But not as happy as I would be if I had gone to town and get my bag! *tsk tsk*
I just felt that my monday was wasted, and since school's opening soon in just two weeks' time, my remaining days of freedom have to be spent meaningfully, you agree?!?!
Stupid heels, the root of my agony, the cause of my wrinkles. *chucks heels aside evilly*
Neeway, I woke up today feeling......THAT I MUST GO TOWN LATER NO MATTER WHAT!
But all the dilly-dally-ness got the better of me.
Plus, I'm not so sure if I wanna go town ALONE.
Yesh, I had went shopping at Far East ALONE as I need some private time to myself.
But then again, it's always nice to have some company, which I couldnt find any at the moment.
Friends are either working or in camps or in BKK enjoying themselves.
Family...none. Mum's anti-Orchard, Dad's pro-Pasir Ris, Bro, well, he only goes out with his GF. As for BeBe, I'm sure she wouldnt mind a trip to Takashimaya, but it would be a chore bringing her out.
And then there' one else le.
Suddenly felt so lonely.......
And in such situations, I can't wait for school to start. I can't wait to start on all the irritating assignments and busy myself day in day out so I wouldnt have to think of things like loneliness.
So, at the moment, only exercising and M&Ms Mintastic and blogging are my only comfort.
*pouts lips*
A Day With Hui =)
Hey peeps!
Have not been blogging these days, have I?
Sorry to my loyal fans out there.
I know I said I would blog everyday, since I'd be at home and so free and all.
But that's precisely why I havent been blogging, duh!
Cos all the while I'm at home (besides going to gym - dun think you would want more info on my workout), and so there's nothing to update!
In other words, nothing exciting had happened.
Well, except that I pissed my mother off all because she pissed me off first.
And then I managed to shed a kilo and lost cm-s from my waist/hip/thighs after 6 weeks of diligent workouts (hehs).
And then...that's about it.
Oh yeah, there's one more.
Before I pissed my mother off, she bought a figure trimmer (you know, a round twirling kind of something which you stand on it and twist and turn your hips?) for me, so I've been twisting and turning my ass off during the days.
And that's it. That's my life for the past four days.
Anyway, I was lucky to meet up with hui just now for some light shopping (light because of my financial status now).
Truth is, we wanna go down to Arab St to get diamantes. *hehs*
But before that, we had lunch at Sakae Sushi @ Bugis, and it was yummylicious. =)
And then we headed to the famous ah neh shop to get our crystals.
Being indecisive, I spent quite some time squating outside the shop, choosing the colours of my diamantes. And Hui, being the super decisive one (cos she always knows what she wants!), bought hers within like, 3 mins?
In the end, she had to leave me for another shop cos I was still deciding! *hehs*
Alas! I've made up my mind.
These are what I bought.

Dun be awed. I've got discount from the uncle, although it was not alot.
Originally the total cost would be $43.60.
I only paid $39.60.
Must sa jiao with the ahnehs if you wanna save some money. Although it made me wanna puke.
Hui was amazed at my purchases. She said that I was influenced by XX cos I told her I might do my DS Lite too.
Ah Neh overheard her.
"Oh, you mean that Xiaxue. Wendy, right?"
"Oh ya, her. That's how we know your shop."
"Okok, she always come here one... Like once every two weeks... I always ask her to take photos with me, she always says yes yes, but in the end she runs off."
In my mind, I was thinking, "of course lah! If I were XX I'll also dash out of the shop loh..."
But I cannot be so mean to him cos he gave me discount.
So me and hui just laughed.
And then Ah Neh said:
"But got once I secretly take her picture..."
And he proceeded to take out his handphone and scroll and scroll till XX's picture appeared. *shakes head*
Ah Neh is so 'cute'. =)
Wonder why I need so many diamantes?
Cos I'm so bored at home! I wanna do some handicraft!
And I wanna beautify these wooden photo frames I bought at Bangkok last year:
Plain and ugly frame (my finger got slashed by the one of the glasses when I tried to take it out and put in the photo. The blood just oozed and oozed and I had to change the plasters three times cos the first two couldnt absorb any more of my blood. It's horrible can!)

Frame that is in the middle of the process to prettyness (I realised I dun have enough diamantes to do the whole frame, which explains why I need to restock!)

I'll show the AFTER looks when I'm done with zenging them. Which shouldnt take long cos I'm going to do it tomorrow! Or maybe later.
Okie, back to our trip.
After Arab St, we walked to Artfriend to search for Hui's dream guestbook for her big 21st. But too bad they dun have what she wants.
Apparently her dream book is really hard to locate cos she's been to major bookstores/stationary stores but can't seem to find one that she likes.
She's actually looking for one with BLACK pages and is binded like a book. Any one with any knowledge as to where to get one that fits the bill, pls lemme know okie?! Thanks!
So we continued to shop. As you all know, I felt like getting this agnès b (say 'ah-nia bay') Voyage tote bag:

So we decided to walk to Raffles City to check it out.
At first I thought it would be damn ex.
But when I saw the price tag, I was sooooo relieved and happy! It's only $195!!
Luckily there's an agnès b counter at Taka, which means I can use my $100 voucher!!! *giddy with happiness*
Had our tea break at J.Co, my current favourite donut and coffee cafe.
Man, was it crowded. Had to wait awhile to get seats.
But it was worth waiting cos the ice chocolate and glazy donut are heavenly! *licks lips hungrily*
For those who have not tried it, please, go now. Be good.
Anyway, I had a great time being with hui.
She's really engaging and conversational, and we really talked a lot.
The topics range from boys to tampons to sex (er, we're very innocent de okie!). And of course, family, friends and relationships.
We almost never stopped talking. And yeah, I love it. =)
Before we knew it, it was time for dinner.
Headed down to my all-time fave: Bedok 85.
It's been soooooo long since I last went there. Miss the food sooo much!
We had fried oyster, bbq chicken wings, and wu xiang. Yummy.
Just when we were finishing our food, it started to drizzle rather heavily.
The weather has been pretty bad lately. Think it's undergoing mood swings, cos the drizzle was on and off, and the sun kept playing hide-and-seek. *haiz*
Mother Earth is deterioriating.
Are you doing your part to save the earth and save our world?
That's for you to reflect, my friends.
But before I go, I wanna show you how alluring BeBe is:
Not this one - I just put for fun de.

BeBe's way of relishing herself, which I think is sexy! *WAHAHA*


I want better skin!
Great news people.
I've just spent 300 lovely dollars (excluding GST!) on my face.
Hopefully NYSC can solve the problems on my face and bring back the natural glow in me! *crosses finger*
Meanwhile, I shall just stay home and depend on my parents to feed me until school starts.
Which means...
No more shopping!
No more drinking!
No more feasting!
No more playing!
No more swiping of cards!
Till the end of July.
You will see me blogging every day cos I'd be so stuck at home!
Pls, GYM, let my parents strike 4D or TOTO bah!
PS: My car will be available for collection soon! Just waiting for the paperwork to be completed. Can't wait! =)
DIY Day!
D.I.Y. Sunday!
Spent almost the whole of Sunday assembling my newly purchased bookcase from IKEA.
Wanted to do it all by myself, but somehow my dad just appeared out of nowhere and helped me with the banging and screwing and whatsnot.
I so wanted to complete it all by myself, and mind you, I CAN DO IT OKIE!
But men are all the same: they felt that women can't do carpentry or anything along the line.
My semi-filled addition to my 'roomies', whom i named Billy:

It fits just nice into that little corner,and my TV fits just nice beside it. And my lovely Gossipy's Frame of Memories finally has a place to settle in. Perfect.
After cleaning Billy, I proceeded to beautifying my mirror.
Many hours and minutes later, I present to you:
My ultimate blingbling mirror which I named Shiny J:

The front:

And the back:

Not bad from an amateur like me, huh?
I'm so proud of myself that I can't stand myself. Hehs.
*** *** ***
Had a super embarrassing moment this morning, and it wasnt even my fault to begin with!!!
I was wearing my Birkies when this stupid, rude, unbelievable and ugly auntie decided to step on my right Birkie and sent it flying a few feet away from its owner.
And mind you, this happened INSIDE THE STUPID TRAIN OKIE!
Stupid stupid stupid!
Not the train but the auntie!
She was rushing to enter the train behind me and viola!
I almost tripped and fell over CAN?!?!?!
And then spastic auntie just uttered a 'sorry' with no insincerity AT ALL and then walked off!!!!!
I was like, F**K!, and turning round and round frantically to look for my flying Birkie, so frightened that it would suay suay drop into the gap between the train and platform.
Or worse still, it might even flew onto the platform and then the train would close and then I would be left inside the train with only one Birkie.
Imagine how humiliating that would have been!
Spastic and stupid auntie was lucky that my shoe was INSIDE TOGETHER WITH ME, if not I'll sue her for personal assault and demand compensation for the humiliation and trauma that she set upon me. Stupid.
The worst thing was that she's not even apologetic for causing hurt to my fragile little heart! *HRMPF!*
I was too stunned at that moment to react quickly, and when I realised, she's nowhere in sight.
And can I add that it was in the morning like around 10am, when the train was like, packed with people?
Luckily there's this kind lady who sat near the door swept my shoe over to me, if not I had to limp or hop or skip or whatever to get it.
One lesson learnt. NEVER EVER rush into the train at the last closing second. Even if you do, MAKE SURE no aunties are behind you.
*** *** ***
Embarrassing and unpleasant moments aside.
Went to vivo again aft gym.
Bought a white berms at Pull and Bear, and a cute Mickey Mouse shirt at F21. Shopping really cheers me up! =)
Had lunch at The Asian Kitchen (again!) cos Mal was tempted to try it out after listening to my praises about it. Hehs.
And then the craziest and most spontaneous thing happen when we decided to get our ears pierced.
Oh man. This is the ultimate craziest moment ever.
We headed down to B*Dazzled at Wisma cos we trust their hygiene and skills in piercing weird locations on our ears.
I had let them pierce my left ear years ago, and I still remember it was only $37 then.
Guess how much we paid?
A whooping $208 per pax can!!!!
The pair of diamond earrings already cost $398! Plus the after-care lotions...
I can't believe I just spent a couple of hundred dollars like that.
The stud is my third diamond to date, and well, since it's diamond with 18k gold, I guess it's pretty worth it?
But until now I'm still so xin tong.
Was I being too rash?
I can easily go to New Generations and get a $4 piercing, but then again, it only comes with a fake blingbling stud that wears off after a few months, or maybe weeks, so people won't see the shining effect no more.
So I guess it's for investment sake cos I dun think I'll remove it till I turn 85.
But still, $208~!
That's the craziest thing I've ever done.
Now I have to cast my Agnes B bag aside. Gotta wait till the next bonus before I can afford it.
But at least I have pretty ear-rings! *blingbling*
Spontaneity is fun, but sometimes it can be expensive too!
Going to have to curb my spendings from now on and frugality is the IN word now. Hehs.
3 more weeks left!
I'm finally done with my school experience! YAY!!! =D
Actually, these past two weeks had been GREAT. I've certainly learnt loads, and have gained a better insight as to what I'll be facing in the future.
Hopefully the future generations will not deteriorate over the years and become worse than what they are now. Hee.
Anyway, I finally met my history CT on the third day when he came back from a two-day MC.
It was a waste that I couldnt have more time to learn from him, cos he's certainly very helpful! And he's got a sense of humour too!
He invited me to observe his sec 2NA maths class (yes he teaches Maths too!) besides his history classes, and boy, did I enjoy his lesson!
He isnt very strict with his students (except when they break the school rules), and jokes with the class appropriately (a totally different approach from my english CT!). This is the kind of approach that I'd like my teacher to have, so I guess I'll work towards that. =)
Anyway, I still can't get over one of the remarks he made during that class:
Boy, pointing to his group of friends: " 'Cher! They insult my name!"
My CT: "It's ok, continue!"
Isn't that hilarious?!?! I can't stop giggling to myself whenever I thought of it.
Teaching can be fun too, as long as you know how to deal with the kids. =)
*** *** ***
Went shopping at IKEA the other day and I bought a bookcase at only $89! So cheap and nice and sturdy!
I really, really, really love going to IKEA. I dunno why, but my mood will improve ten folds when I'm there. Looking at all the nice furniture, dreaming at how I will buy all of them in the future for my own house make me wanna quite school now and work permanently at IKEA for the rest of my life. *hehs*
As they're having sale now, almost all their items are selling dirt cheap. If momsie wasnt there with me, I'd probably be bankrupt now. The little decos, pinkie tables and chairs, clocks, rugs and whatever are super tempting me to get them!
But like I said, momsie was there with me. *shruggs*
*** *** ***
Still remember Missy Muffin from the Ch 8 show, <抢摊大行动>?
Well, the stall is near my gym, so one fine day I decided to try it out.
Bought the oreo, mocha, hazelnut, banana, blueberry flavours.
Frankly speaking, I wouldnt say it's very nice. They are just your normal, average muffins. Nothing special.
*** *** ***
3 more weeks left to Year 2. Can't wait for school to start, but also dreading the amount of workload and stress. *sigh*
To cheer myself up (and also to celebrate the end of my SE), I went for a retail therapy at vivo with momsie yet again. *hehs*
You should know the store I went in first.
YESH. I'm a super fan of Forever 21. And mind you, I was soooooo happy when I stepped into the place cos they have a new range of fashion!
New clothes, new style, and so much better than before!
Almost went into a state of madness as I browse through the entire shop. Felt so excited! =)
But in the end, I only got to get a skirt and some bangles, all because of my dear old mother.
After like, ten minutes?, she complained of leg pain and soreness. Which made me rush through my shopping halfheartedly cos I dun want to keep her standing and waiting for me. *tsk tsk*
This is why I love shopping alone. I can set my own pace and never bother about having people to wait for me and stuff like that. Which means that I'm so going to go there again next week for some serious shopping! Alone!
But I couldnt blame her cos she's so over the age of 21. *heehee*
When we looked at shoes and bags, she forgot all about her leg pain. *rolls eyes*
In the end we spent most of the time at U.R.S, and I bought us two pairs of heels and some key chains. Pretty pretty! And unexpectedly, I became their member. =)
Tea time at The Asian Kitchen was yummylicious.
You should go try their village tofu, guo tie, and xiao long baos! *slurpz!*
And I love Jam Hsiao's new album! Listen to about a hundred times, and still counting!
Oh this is getting so random, which means I have nothing more to share.
And oh, pay is here! Like finally! Happy, happy, happy!!!! *hahah*
Enough of randomness.
Bye bye.
Culture Shock!
I wanna say a huge huge thanks to the one who invented Youth Day.
You saved me from going to the school for the full five days.
Seriously. It was a culture shock when I saw how the secondary school operates.
It's not like I haven't expected it and all, but still... *SIGH*
(My friend saw a couple kissing openly! How's that, huh?!?)
So it's obvious that my first day wasnt that great as compared to last week's experience.
I was simply very, very, VERY free for the whole day. Only got to observe two periods of English lessons. And the rest of the time was either spent in the library or on the massage chair in the staff room.
At least one of my friends got to help the teachers to mark papers in his school. Another got to conduct a class test alone in hers.
All I did was attempted comprehension questions, read readers' digest and take pictures. *haiz*
Looking forward to a better day tomorrow. *crosses fingers*

*** *** ***
Something terrible almost happened to me, but luckily I was *ahem* rather smart.
Or was I?
Anyway, I always walk from my house to the mrt station by crossing the Pasir Ris Town Park, and vice versa.
So today was as usual.
As I walked, I noticed this man in his 40s sitting on one of the benches, 'reading' newspapers. There was a bicycle parked not far from him.
Suddenly I was reminded of momsie's account of how she saw a pervert flasher at the park, and that man totally fits her description. Bicycle, newspapers, super short shorts, suspicious behaviour and stuff like that.
And he was staring at me as I walked nearer.
And you know me. I have creative but negative imaginations.
But I wasnt that scared, cos it was still daylight. Plus, I can always scream.
I was still keeping an eye on him, just in case, you know, he decided to attack me (although he was quite far away).
He was looking around, sort of making sure there's no one in sight.
But he's stupid lah, holding the newspapers but not concentrating on it. Of course that'll further arouse suspicion right?!?
So I took out my hp and pretended to talk to Nobody. And I really talked loudly, hoping that he could hear me.
But just in case he doesnt understand English...
"我在公园loh! 要走回家le!"
But I think he's a MLR. Oh whatever.
I was still making small peeps at him, and that's when I saw it.
I mean, not his didi, but his hand, you know...up and down his, you know...privates.
Shite. Shite. Shite.
Was contemplating as to whether I should call 999, but then again, there's no hardcore evidence that he actually flashed at me leh.
What can I say to the police??
So I got home and told momsie, who got really angry.
And then she came up with a plan to catch that fellow, but nah, no action was taken.
Probably due to pure laziness, or too much durians.
So ladies, do be careful when you're alone outside. PLEASE be observant and alert like me and learn to protect yourself (by speaking a few more languages, if possible.)
Lots of sickos running around these days. You can never be too sure.
Happy Youth Day!!!
Happy Youth Day!
Yes, I'm still considered a youth even though I'm 21.
21 is still a youth wad!
Anyway, no school today for the ginnas.
Which is both good and bad.
The bonus is that I dun have to report to the school I'm dreading at, but going to places like Bugis was a nuisance cos all the ginnas were released from their 'day-care centres'.
Oh whatever.
Morning's workout was great. Our trainer taught us new cardio steps, which are fun and can really get you sweating like a pig. But your hands and legs must be able to cooperate nicely, cos coordination can be a problem for people like me. But overall it was quite enjoyable. =)
After gym, Mal and I headed to Bugis for a movie and lunch, and man, was the place crowded to the max.
Lians and bengs all over the place. Plus it was the lunch period, so all the office people were out too. PLUS it was raining like madness, so all the office people decided to eat in.
Therefore, any shop that sells food, tasty or not, cheap or expensive, was full house.
V8, NYDC, Swensens, Wangkok Cafe all had long waiting queues.
In the end, we ended up at this Tea Shake Hut or sth. At least we filled our stomachs and made it for the movie.
Which was awesome. I LOVE HANCOCK and WILL SMITH ROCKS! =)
It is a must-watch action/humourous film. Anything by Will Smith is worth watching anyway. Note: I AM LEGEND (I still remember his dog in the movie is called Samantha, which died while trying to save Will. Awwww~)
I shall sincerely declare here that Will is my fave Hollywood actor. *grinz*
Headed to The Bencoolen to look at watches again.
I've finally made up my mind: I wanna a white Casio watch, but dunno which model yet.
And then I saw this:

Pretty pretty! It was love at first sight can! I got it straight away. Cost me $108, which I think is okie cos of its blingbling! =)
A close-up shot of my new best friend:

Met up with XY for dinner at E!Hub.
Was quite surprised that she asked me out cos it's so rare of her to initiate a meet-up! *ahem*
Anyway, we ate at the hongkong cafe, and this is my Spicy Tomato Chicken Spaghetti in a very cute bowl that looks alot like the one used in Swensens for their salads:

When I got home later, I was pleasantly surprised to find my house fill with the fragrance smell of DURIANS!!!! *hahah!*
Check this out:

Most of the durians were already nicely 'plucked' out from the shells and see how many there are in the huge container?!?!
And there are some more still not plucked out on the floor!
And they are all free! *hehhehs*
Must be wondering why we've got such good lobang right.
Dun tell you.
What I can tell you is that they are yummylicious, that is, if you adore durians.
And I can't imagine who would dislike durians. These people are missing out big time.
Even BeBe LOVES them okie! See! Even a dog can appreciate the beauty of the King of Fruits. *tsk tsk*
Alrightey. I'm going to sleep le.
Tomorrow's THE day.
Dunno why I kept having a bad feeling about my sec school experience.
Oh pls, GYM! Bless me! Help me sail through this four days smoothly and peacefully! Thank you!
The week has passed slowly but meaningfully.
One Precious Week Gone.
My primary school experience was officially over.
It had been GREAT cos I've learnt lots from the teachers and also from the students. *HA!*
Especially the science workshop on Thursday. It was till then that I realised that science is so exciting, but still I don't foresee myself teaching science. Never.
Nevertheless, the entire experience was priceless, and I'm seriously contemplating to change to the primary track. But to be fair, I shall go through the secondary school experience before I make any decision.
Which I think shouldnt be that difficult, considering the secondary school I'm being posted to this coming week. o_0"
I'm dreading it, but I also can't wait for it. I wanna experience the culture shock. *hehs*
Okie, enough about school. Or work. Whatever.
*** *** ***
Met up with Hui and Xiang to go Arab Street to get the blingbling fake crystals. *BIG SIGH* I need them to 'zeng' my hp cos the back of it is peeling like mad!

It's so ugly right!!! Very upset about this. Didnt know Motorola phones are so lousy and sooooo not durable and they actually peel!!! Can you believe it??!?!
And it's not just mine. Hui's also. But hers is actually peeling off nicer than mine. At least hers completely came off.*hmrpf*
So I'm going to put crystals on it to cover the fugliness.
Anyway, before we go, we were drinking at Coffee Beans @ Raffles Hospital, and I saw a pair of angmoh gays (black & white).
I'm no expert at identifying gays (although I have a knack at it), but these two were obviously trying to tell the whole wide world their sexuality through their intimate behaviour.
I saw them smack each other's butts playfully and flirtatiously while they were waiting to collect their drinks. That's evidence #1.
Then evidence #2 came along when I caught the black one feed his partner lovingly with his spoon. *shudders uncontrollably*
I know I shouldnt be ostracising them just because they are gays, but dont you know that for every pair of gays, there'll be TWO LESSER GUYS IN THE WORLD?!?! *tsk*
*** *** ***
Have you heard of J.Co?
It's like a cafe that sells super delicious donuts and coffee/tea/other beverages.
They have one outlet at Bugis and one at Raffles City.
And I'm sooooo into J.Co now.
LOOOOOVVVVEEE their donuts. Theirs are ten thousand times NICER and BETTER than other donuts seller, especially the famous one.
I wanted Hui and Xiang to try, but the cafe at Bugis was simply crowded with customers and seats are limited.
In the end we ended up at V8 for a super late lunch (or early dinner):
My Chicken Shawarma (not sure of the spelling, but you just need to know that it's low in calories and high in fibre, and it's yummylicious):

Xiang's Jambalaya Rice (not sure of the name, but you just need to know that it's fried rice topped with a huge softshell crab and fresh prawns, and it's also yummylicious):

Hui's Cheesy Potato Wedges (this I'm sure of, cos I guess the chef or whoever can't think of any creative or weird name to name the wedges. But you only need to know that it's yummylicious):

Had fun playing with Xiang's new Samsung Soul, which is just a normal hp really. *hehs*

*** *** ***
Xiang brought us to The Bencoolen where cheap cheap (but real) watches are sold. Now I know of a good place to get watches cos they are really cheaper than outside!
I wanna get a white Casio/Adidas/Puma watch. Can't decide on which so I gave up.
But what I wanna convey is that they sell cheap watches!
For e.g. A watch that costs $155 outside is being offered $116 over there. That's how much you can save.
Cool, huh?
*** *** ***
Night fell, and we headed to Harry's at Chjimes to chill out.

Tiong met up with us, and the four of us ordered drinks and some junk food.
Everything was fine and pleasant and almost perfect, until they started to serve our orders.
Because our table is soooooooooooooooooooo small, it was quite hard to place all the humongous plates and jugs and glasses on it.
So we fumbled a bit as we tried to arrange the stuff on the table so that it can accommodate everything.
And then the 'waitress' that was serving us made an extremely sarcastic comment:
"Don't put your handphone on the table. You are not going to eat your handphone, right?"
Wah lau. I'm quite pissed off when she said that in a totally sarcastic tone.
I mean, who says we can't put our mobiles on the table? We can put whatever we want on the table, even manure as we pleased, if we can tahan the smell. So who is she to tell us what to put or what not to put??
(I put 'waitress' cos she's not wearing the uniform, so maybe she's of a higher position than a normal waitress. Btw, she wore a very low-cut tight-fitting blouse that showed off her big but sagging boobs. And she's a MLR who thinks she speaks wonderful English. I'd come to that later.)
But we forgot about this unpleasantness as we stuffed ourselves with the food and drinks.
And then Celes came to join us, and asked the same woman for the menu.
Celes: "Excuse me, can I have the mer-nu?"
Bimbo in a I-dun-understand-what-you-are-saying look: "A what?"
Celes: "A mer-nu."
Bimbo in a no-wonder-I-dun-get-you-cos-you-pronounce-it-wrongly look: "Ooooh, you mean man-nu?"
*roll eyes big time*
That bimbo acted like Celes's a bimbo who can't pronounce 'menu' properly. She's so bimbotically (if there's such a word) stuck-up lah!
So what if you can pronounce it correctly? Havent you heard of slangs or accents?
And when one of our friends Emma joined us moments later, that bimbo managed to piss us off yet again.
Emma: "Erm, can I have a cup of iced water?"
Bimbo: "Oh, you mean a glass of iced water."
EXCUSE ME!!! What's your problem, lady? Did we pay you to give us English lessons?!?!
She's acting like we're totally stupid and she couldnt believe she's actually serving us.
And then she decided to add a little drama to our lives.
Bimbo said loudly to the waiter who was serving us: "Can you pass this glass of water to her?"
Hello!!!! Is there a need for you to say that?
So I said loudly purposely and sarcastically so that bimbo could hear: "Oh Emma, your glass of water is here!"
I know I was being childish and stuff by retorting back, but I just couldnt take it!
I dun think we deserve that kind of attitude/service. I just dun understand her problem.
Oh wait, maybe I do!
It could be that we're not white or black. We're not tall, dark and handsome. We dun have blue eyes nor blonde hair. We dun speak in a British or American accent.
That's why the yucky attitude.
But apart from these little unpleasant incidents, everything was satisfactory.
But not the second round of drinks we ordered individually.
I ordered Manhanttan, thinking that it should be a nice cocktail or sth, but it turned out to be very very strong and spicy cos of the whisky in it.
I totally regretted ordering it.
But thanks to Xiang, he exchanged his Sex on the Beach with mine. *HAHA!*
His tasted so much nicer lah! More like a lady's drink.
Some of the names for the alcohols/beers are pretty amusing. There are Blowjob, Sex on the Beach, Slippery Nipples and so on.
Imagine saying this to the waiter:
"Can I have a Blowjob?"
Anyway, Harry's is really a nice place to chill, if no bimbos are involved.
So yup. I'm done with this.
It's fricking 3am now and I'm super tired.
So I'm going to end here.
Simply shagged!
Reported to the school in the afternoon today for the observation of the P1s and P2s.
They are sooooooo tiny and small and very cute can!
But they are also very poor things...
Some of their schoolbags are so much bigger than their body frames... *tsk tsk*
Anyway, today was the contact time for the teachers, and we were there to observe the process.
And boy, it' eye-opener. All I can say is, things got pretty hot at some point.
So for the rest of the day, we sat through two P1 lessons: PE and English.
I met two students who share the same name as my beloved pals: Lester and Yong Xiang. *WAHAHAHZ*
I'm simply exhausted now.
Afternoon sessions made me feel so lethargic! Prefer the morning ones. =)
Two more days to go!
And tomorrow will be worse than today cos it's totally a full day for us.
Will be going to another school after the morning session for some workshop thingy.
Quite excited abt it.
Till then, take care everyone! =)