Culture Shock!
I wanna say a huge huge thanks to the one who invented Youth Day.
You saved me from going to the school for the full five days.
Seriously. It was a culture shock when I saw how the secondary school operates.
It's not like I haven't expected it and all, but still... *SIGH*
(My friend saw a couple kissing openly! How's that, huh?!?)
So it's obvious that my first day wasnt that great as compared to last week's experience.
I was simply very, very, VERY free for the whole day. Only got to observe two periods of English lessons. And the rest of the time was either spent in the library or on the massage chair in the staff room.
At least one of my friends got to help the teachers to mark papers in his school. Another got to conduct a class test alone in hers.
All I did was attempted comprehension questions, read readers' digest and take pictures. *haiz*
Looking forward to a better day tomorrow. *crosses fingers*

*** *** ***
Something terrible almost happened to me, but luckily I was *ahem* rather smart.
Or was I?
Anyway, I always walk from my house to the mrt station by crossing the Pasir Ris Town Park, and vice versa.
So today was as usual.
As I walked, I noticed this man in his 40s sitting on one of the benches, 'reading' newspapers. There was a bicycle parked not far from him.
Suddenly I was reminded of momsie's account of how she saw a pervert flasher at the park, and that man totally fits her description. Bicycle, newspapers, super short shorts, suspicious behaviour and stuff like that.
And he was staring at me as I walked nearer.
And you know me. I have creative but negative imaginations.
But I wasnt that scared, cos it was still daylight. Plus, I can always scream.
I was still keeping an eye on him, just in case, you know, he decided to attack me (although he was quite far away).
He was looking around, sort of making sure there's no one in sight.
But he's stupid lah, holding the newspapers but not concentrating on it. Of course that'll further arouse suspicion right?!?
So I took out my hp and pretended to talk to Nobody. And I really talked loudly, hoping that he could hear me.
But just in case he doesnt understand English...
"我在公园loh! 要走回家le!"
But I think he's a MLR. Oh whatever.
I was still making small peeps at him, and that's when I saw it.
I mean, not his didi, but his hand, you know...up and down his, you know...privates.
Shite. Shite. Shite.
Was contemplating as to whether I should call 999, but then again, there's no hardcore evidence that he actually flashed at me leh.
What can I say to the police??
So I got home and told momsie, who got really angry.
And then she came up with a plan to catch that fellow, but nah, no action was taken.
Probably due to pure laziness, or too much durians.
So ladies, do be careful when you're alone outside. PLEASE be observant and alert like me and learn to protect yourself (by speaking a few more languages, if possible.)
Lots of sickos running around these days. You can never be too sure.
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