A peep into my life...
A peep into my life ~ An extremely long post.
Hey peeps!! How've you all been?? Grrrrreat, I hope?!?
I'm back with some wacky photos to share after days of disappearance.
Been pretty busy recently okie.
Let's see.
Wed: No gym-ing cos I need a break; collect my new specs which I'm totally loving it; ate at Lemongrass for dinner with parents; had I-thought-it-was-the-last tuition after dinner; almost crashed dad's car when I reverse parked...
Thurs: Gym-ing and still loving it; bought 萧敬腾 and 林宥嘉's debuts and PS. I Love You DVD; met up with E for lunch and supposedly museum trips which we didnt go in the end (will explain later)...
Fri: Gym-ing again (even the trainer is amazed at my diligence); had the tastiest yummylicious sweet&sour pork for lunch (did I forgot to mention that my FAVOURITE dish is sweet&sour pork?!?!?!); rebonded my hair while momsie dyed hers (her white hair is getting obvious); dinner at Changi Village which was, as usual, yummy.
Sat: Had the last tuition, finally; bought a pair of diamond-studded earrings at SK, which was totally a CRAZY act; lunch at Sakae with momsie; shopped at NTUC and bought pancake mix for breakfast tmr; BeBe went crazy upon my bro's gf's arrival; watched PS. I Love You and cried and laughed at the same time...
Sun: Blogging.
See? I was VERY busy, wasnt I?? *hehs*
Some things to clarify first.
1. The car was not crashed.
But, eh, the boot has a little small dent on it.
2. Why E and I didnt go to the museums...
She was late. Simple as that. Plus lunch at Pizza Hut took too much time. Plus the photography lesson she had taught me drained all my energy and caused me to be frustrated at some point. But I was very happy that she managed to take some lovely pictures of me with her, erm, weird photography skills. *hehs*
I'm not going to reveal E's zhen mian mu (or her name) cos she's a low profile person and I dun think she'll throw a party if she knows her face appears here. But that's her, if you wanna know.

The zhong dian is not me (who should be!) but the black halo-lookalikes behind my head. *rolls eyes*

NG shot: Me preparing to strike a sexy pose when E accidentally shot it. And it turns out that I'm scratching my butt or something. So ta-sexy.

Now at least this is soooooo much better. Oh wells. It's not really counted as sexy because the mood of sexiness had evaporated as quickly as it had came.

Me attempting to shoulder the weight of our infamous durians, which was so silly as tourists were walking past us. They must be thinking Sg girls are mental. Shoots. Why can't I speak some Korean or Japanese fluently???

Okie. Things can get worse than the durians shot. Check THESE out:

E totally admired that tree and being the photographer, she forced me to take with it. *SIGH* So the next time you come across a picture with the model looking weird at some poses, dun blame him/her. Look who the photographer is at the bottom corner of the ad and start cursing him/her. *tsk*
I've still got one more picture of me drinking the Merlion's saliva, oh no that sounds disgusting, eh waterfall?
It's soooo funnie and cute but the pic is still with E and I'm waiting for her to send. But as her lappie has some attitude problems, I'll have to wait patiently for it to be fixed.
This explains why I totally dislike using others' cams to take pictures of me cos I have to wait for them to send the pics over, which can take like, years.
People just forget about it or are too lazy to switch on their com, login to their email add, upload the pics, and click the send button.
And being a diligent lady, I'd prefer to blog almost immediately about my day so that I won't forget the feelings I'm feeling and I can pen them down. That's why I want them to use my cam instead. I dun mind uploading pics and sending them cos I know the feeling of having to wait, and I dun want my friends to go through that.
If I can do it, why can't they? Except if their com is throwing tantrums. This I can understand.
Anyway, after spending the day with E, I found out something about myself. That is, I HATE photography. I PREFER being the subject of appreciation.
Oh, whatever. But E also made me realise one thing.
As a Singaporean, or as any resident of your own country, we should learn to take more pictures of our homeland. Seeing that when we travel to other places, we marvel at their structures/monuments/people and we happily snap our cams away.
But did you ever thought of capturing the sights of OUR very own hometown and wonder about its history and be thankful for the fact that you are born here and not somewhere else??
*wakes up suddenly from a trance* Eh...am I boring you now? I think I'm feeling a bit patriotic now...prolly nearing August the Ninth. The schools are preparing for National Day celebration. I can hear them playing all the patriotic songs in the morning. "Count on me, Singapore~! Count on me to give my best and more~~~~Count on me Singapore!!!" *hehs*
Whatever. Let's move on.
Bought these the other day. Which is madness cos they are all the original editions! Not those cheap cheap china stuff okie!

I still havent listened to their albums, but I've watched the DVD. Bloodily touching and sad and heartwarming. But I still prefer the book.
3. Tuition.
I thought Wed would be the last tuition. But apparently the mother wanted me to have one more on Sat. So....it was still as frustrating as ever before. No matter how many times I told her, 'is', 'are', 'was' and 'were' still seem foreign to her. And this made me wanna grab a knife and stab myself.
So Sat came and when I reached her house, nobody was in. Shoots. I knocked and knocked but nobody answered. I sms-ed my student but no reply. I called but her phone was off. Negative and ugly thoughts surfaced in my mind.
I went back downstairs in a pek chek mood and called her again. THANKFULLY she answered and told me she's on the way home. *TSK TSK TSK*
And even more thankfully, her mother paid me. So that's the last I'll see of them. A bit sad, though, but I dun wanna go mad this early.
I even bought my student candies in a lovely and cutesy packaging okie! I'm quite good to her already hor!
4. Earrings.
I'm not being vain nor rich by getting bling bling studs from SK. It's just that there's this voice inside me that's nagging me to get a pair of new earrings that won't 'corrode' my skin.
Cos I have 'tai-tai skin', as I'd like to call it, my skin is extremely sensitive to fake stuffs. I can't wear fake jewellery without my skin itching and rotting. I'm not exaggerating, but when it itches and rots, I'll bleed! And it's painful okie.
So I decided (or the voice had decided) it's time to get a REAL piece of jewellery for my lovely earlobes as a permanent accessory.
And I've got rebates to spend, so why not? And I can treat it as an investment, so why not again?
And also, SK actually takes back your old jewellery (they had to be from SK, duh!) so you can 'upgrade' to new pieces. Meaning that if you are sick of your necklace, for example, you can bring back to SK, pick a new one, and just top up the difference, and ta-da! You have a new bling bling necklace to flaunt.
Anyway, I saw every pair of earrings they have, and the cheapest is like $299?!?! Which is like too small to be seen?!? *tsk tsk*
In the end, I chose one that can be spotted ten miles away and suited my big earlobes (the lady says people with big earlobes have a blissful life! *heehee*).
Bloody $600+ can!!! And it's totally sponsored by MISS Neo, who is none other than me.
*URGH!* Momsie refused to pay for it. And she's the one egging me to get the bigger one: "...才可以看得到吗!!" *rolls eyes*
5. Pancakes
Woke up early today to make pancakes, which I failed miserably. In the end momsie took over and made it beautifully. But MacDonald's hot pancakes are still the best.
Okie peeps.
Enjoy your Sunday. =)
PS. Tmr's my school experience!!! Excited, but very nervous about meeting the students and staff and principals. Wish me luck!
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