First day without Lao Pa.
"Yesterday was history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift; that's why we called it the present." - Master Wu Gui (turtle)
Hey people!!!
How's life? Has it been good to you? *winkz*
As for now, mine has been lovely. =)
All the gym sessions have made me feel so fit and healthy!
*** *** ***
I finally know the true meaning of treasuring your life every single day. That's why I simply adore the quote above. It makes sense right!! I'm so amazed.
Go watch Kung Fu Panda, and you'll know who Master Wu Gui is. *hahah!*
I watched it with momsie just now. That's our very first time watching movies together. Amazing, huh???
It was brilliant that we had such 'freedom', cos she doesnt have to worry about cooking dinner for the men for at least three days.
Cos my dear papa is away to Indonesia to fish! Yup yup... Fishing is his favourite hobby. *hee*
Back to the movie.
It's superduper hilarious, entertaining, and cute! I'm so going to get the DVD to prepare for days when I want a good laugh.
Anyhow, we watched at E!Hub, and by accident I found that K Box has opened! And beside it is Nihon Mura!! And there's an ice-skating rink, too, LXY!!! But then it's for kids. *heheh*
I'm so in love with Pasir Ris.
Now if the gym is set up here, wouldnt my life be simply wonderful???
*** *** ***
Met up with momsie at TM after my morning workout to get some formal wear at G2000. Turned out that the whole shop was closed for half a day and would only open in the noon.
So we hanged around a bit, and during that period of time, I dunno how but we got ourselves a pair of Levi's jeans each. *hahah*
And then somemore hanging around, and G2000 was opened.
After several hours trying and matching the clothes, I got a pair of pants and a nice knitted top. Sweet.
But it cost me a bloody $138 can!!! Damn ex lah! And that's just one outfit for a day. I still need to get another pair of working pants and more tops!!! *tsk tsk*
And BeBe chose to finish her mum-mum at this time, which means I had to go and get her snacks. SIGH. She's such a blissful dog.

Know why she's sitting there looking oh-so-sweet-and-innocent?
Because of these:

Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk...
A lot right...
My mother prepared and made them ALL BY HERSELF OKIE!!!
She actually woke up at 3.30AM on Saturday and eight hours later: look above.
Really must salute her. And they are REALLY nice can!
So over the weekend I survived on bah zangs.
No complaints cos they are the best ever. =)
Even BeBe loves it!
Oh ya, we practically treat her like human now, so we allow her some bites of Nyonya zangs. And she's craving for it ever since! *haha*
FYI, about half of the dumplings were given away to our relatives and neighbours, so BeBe is not to be tempted anymore.
That's our Day 1 with thefather away from home.
Brilliant. =)
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