I'm showered with so much love! =)
Had a blast at my 21st celebration yesterday.
Although I dare not say it was very successful, but I believe that everyone had enjoyed themselves very much! I know I did!!! =)
Can't believe I have hit 21 already (must start my age-defying, anti-wrinkles, UV protection and all sorts of skincare and beauty regime le).
Now I'm legally and officially an adult, but I dunno exactly how I feel about it.
A new chapter of my life has began, and there's no shrinking of any kind of responsibility now that I'm 21. Not that I mean all of us should be selfish and irresponsible people and stuff like that, but it's just that we're no longer small little ginnas that simply pass off "I don't know!" or "I'm still a kid what!" in order to avoid getting reprimanded or blamed by the adults.
Let's just say that 21 is the age for one to be a truly independent soul with strong sense of responsibility, and of course, filial piety. Undeniably, one can definitely unleash his/her inborn ability to act like a small child all over again, but chances are limited. =)
Anyhow, I guess I'm 90% happy that I've survived in this world for 21 years (and still counting!) and 10% sad that I can't 'sa jiao' to my parents like a 2-year-old (I guess I still can, but that'll be pretty disgusting, right??).
Nevertheless, I'm very thankful to YOU who have appeared in my life and making things happen like they are meant to be.
To those who couldnt be there for whatever reasons, check out all the lovely pictures which are filled with love. =)
Me and momsie checked in early to 'decorate' the chalet. She was hilarious when trying hard to blow the balloons. *lolz* Love this very important woman of mine very much.

Family and friends who rock my world... =)

Cut cake loh!!! *huge grinz* My recommendation: Get a Secret Recipe cake cos it's worth the value...=)

Of course, the first ever pressie I've received was from the Gossipys. Although both of them couldnt turn up for the party (Vainpot Lester went for LASIK and Shalyn holidaying at BKK), their moral spirit is always with me! =)

Courtesy of Momsie: Diamond necklace and diamond bracelet from SK. I'm so touched by her insistence to get me something, even though she paid for the chalet and every other things. Love this woman deeply... Oh btw, anyone who wants to buy something from SK Jewellery can use my member card for further discounts. =)

Courtesy of XY: Glamorous necklace + a little handmade sketchbook that detailed some of our past wonderful moments together (I only knew till now that she's actually very artistic!) =)

Courtesy of my beloved mates who have stood by me for almost half of my life now: DKNY watch. Sweet. =)

Courtesy of Malinda, Eleanor & Gary: I'm so gonna have fun shopping at Tangs with the vouchers! Thanks dears!

Courtesy of the united history boys: I'm so gonna smell sexy with Davidoff Cool Water Game for women! Thanks guys!

Courtesy of Nick: A super thick copper-bronze notebook. I LOVE NOTEBOOKS! I'm so gonna save it for Year 2. =)

Courtesy of Bro and his gf: 2 x $50 Takashimaya vouchers. Know what this means??? SHOPPING~!!!

And Helen and Jo bought me a white tote bag that is simply pretty! (I didnt take the picture cos I left the bag in my dad's car's boot. *hehs*) And Razee gave me a green packet! *wahaha* How cool is that?)
Oh wells. What more can I ask for?
Food's delicious (sorry I forgot to take pictures of the buffet. Anyway, fyi, so much food was wasted cos...there was too much. Fyi again, Dad sponsored it! *hehs*), and LOVE is in the air!!!
But too bad most of them couldnt stay over... BUT! It's a good thing I have XY, Xiang and Minmin. The four of us played MJ throughout the night can!!! I could see that they were pretty exhausted from all the "HUAT AR!" and "PONG AR!", but they were still maintaining their jovial nature. Especially Xiang, whom I can tell had been trying his best to entertain us, so much so that he had to report sick today. *tsk tsk*
But I really appreciate EVERYTHING and EVERYONE. Really. I couldnt ask for more.
Initially, I was very paranoid that the celebration will be a failure and kept thinking that no one will turn up (although some really DID never turn up!), and that having a chalet is a bad idea, but looking back now, I'm glad I had it cos all the important people who have made an impact on my life were there singing the Happy Birthday song to me.
Life's such, isn't it? What's important is that everyone is together.
Alrighty. That's a bloody long post.
I can't believe I've only slept for 2 pathetic hours from yesterday till now, but I'm still quite awake! Amazing, right?!
And I'll be going to the Food Fare at Expo later with momsie. Nice.
Lastly, a final thank YOU for showering me with so much love! =)
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