The man who has the same type of blood flowing in his veins as me, the man who has the same surname as me, the man who is...
Eh...I think tt's abt it... That's all we have in common.
Oh wait...I forgot. There's one more...
The man who has the same parents as me.
That's him.
He got thefather to buy a car for him.
Yes. He forestalled me.
And frankly speaking, I'm sibeh bu shuang now, cos my lovely little Jazz bubbles are *pop! pop! pop!* into nothingness.
I know I shouldnt be feeling this way, but why cant I be feeling this way???
So my next move now is to:
Apply for hostel and pray extremely hard tt NTU'll approve my application.
I dun care if thefather doesnt allow (and I dun think themother will care as well).
Feeling sooooo bummed now.
Can't wait for the horrible ordeal to be over on the 23rd.
The retail therapy session at GUCCI boutique is booked by NEOWANTING on the 24th.
*** *** ***
Digress #1:
The first english exam paper was a killer. It's highly possible that I might flunk it. Oh wells. *shrugs*
Digress #2:
I'm totally hopeless at analysing historical facts about the dead and the living, whether their actions reflected their behaviour and blah blah blah. Who cares about it anyway?!?!? The dead is already dead, let them rest in peace! And the living is doing whatever they can for their own survival, now wad's wrong with that?!?! (This hopelessness is not helping me in my Singapore history and Asian Civilisation papers at all.)
Digress #3:
Saw Darren Lim and Evelyn Tan and their lovely girls at WS library. Amazing right. They were casually dressed, but Evelyn is so pretty! Her hubby's not bad looking as well. *hehs*
Digress #4:
Went running yesterday. And I vomitted. *tsk tsk*
Digress #5:
One of BeBe's ears hasnt been upright ever since...dunno when. Turned out she has infection inside the ear. Poor thing. But after a visit to the vet, her ear has miraculously stands up straight. Good gal.

Digress #6:
I wish the list can go on and on, so I wouldnt have to return to the horrible stacks of bound notes:

But I guess all fun things will come to an end no matter wad.
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