Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Honesty or Stupidity?

I almost got into a heated argument with my friend just now over this topic:
If you see a piece of $10 note lying on the floor with the come-pick-me-up! look, would you
a) pick it up and keep it cos finder's keeper, or
b) pick it up and hand it over to the police station because it's the 'right' thing to do, or
c) walk away and pretend to ignore it?
Obviously Option C is the stupidest of all. Unless you're Bill Gates, or someone who has half his fortune, you'd probably wouldnt care less.
I seriously dun think anyone in their right state of mind would ignore money that is lying stark naked in front of you.
So Option A is my pick.
And u clever readers out there would have guess my dear friend's choice is Option B, tt's why the almost-heated argument.
What happened was... I told her I saw a nobody's $10 note on the ez-link card top-up machine when I was abt to top up my card...(Some forgetful person must have left it hanging there when the machine refuse to accept the note, and left without the money)
My first natural reaction was to kope it. And I did. *hehs*
But of course...crazy thoughts started to form in my head...
"What if it's a prank, like those GOTCHA! shows whereby they put the cash there to lure innocent people like me to take it, and then they burst out in surprise?"
"What if the owner decided to come back and look for it, but couldnt find it cos no idiot would NOT want to keep the money for himself, and made a scene at the control station, so much so that the station crew can't stand it and decided to view the CCTV and saw ME taking the money????"
You know, thoughts like that.
Anyway, what's done was done. So end of story. I found a $10 note today. Yay.
But then, my friend, being an extremely righteous person, said she would return the money either to the station crew or to the police station.
*raises eyebrows*
Okie. She's darn right honest.
But come on lah! How sure can you be that when you return the money to the 'authority', they won't use that money to add to their own funds and ultimately spend on themselves??? (I'm not pinpointing anything here aye, dun get me wrong.)
Then she defended by saying at least she dint keep the money and so no bad things will happen to her.
*rolls eyes*
Anyway, I'll stand by the saying "what's yours is yours".
But I guess it depends on how much the money totals up to. If it's like hundreds or thousands or more, I'll most definitely wont keep it. Really.
Okie. Nid to get back to ah neh's essay.
Sooooo fun.


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