I'm so into sun-tanning now!
One of the must-dos during the holidays:
Get a beautiful and healthy-looking tan by lazing around on the beach.
Or so I thought.
Instead of a beautiful and healthy-looking tan that is supposed to be golden brown (I guess?), I'm fricking red now. But 'lazing around on the beach' did happened.
Had a carefree Friday at Sentosa with my history mates.
Our first ever outing together (although only 8 turned up, but then again, our history class was divided into cliques, and these 8 of us happened to 'click' together).
Super fun.
I'm so in love with Sentosa now that I'm missing its beaches already!
The guys played volleyball all day, while Malinda & I just slacked on our mats. We were too lazy to get our ass up to play. HAHA.
At one point it got super hot to stand on the sand, so they decided to play cards.
No money was exchanged at all. Teachers DO NOT gamble. Not openly anyway. *hehs*
Okie. Time for pictures! =)

Malinda babe: my best mate in history...

The guys (left to right): Ivan, Erjin, Leonard, and Ah Boon kor-kor.

Malinda & See Ming:

Must sit far far away from the guys lest their ball hit me. Eh, doesnt sound right, huh?? *winkz*

My ugly feet: high time for some pedicure...

Teachers are still humans afterall...

The teacher teaching the teacher how to gamble, oh I mean, play cards...

Wonder what was he thinking...?

Trying to dump Erjin into the water, but they couldnt even carry him!!! *tsk tsk*

Leonard & Zong Lun:

All of us =)

Had a sumptuous lunch at Sakae Sushi.
It was an eye opener to watch the male species consume their food. Unbelievable.
Shopped at my fave boutiques at Vivo, and it was home sweet home.
Went back to WS and got some assessments for my student.
Have an urge to whine about my tuition, but then it is not very ethical of me to do so.
Not here anyway.
That's all for now.
Love u peeps. =)
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