Overwhelmed with Love.
Spent almost the whole of Sunday doing this:

I'm so proud of it that I can't stand myself. *tsk tsk*
*** *** ***
Finally got to meet up with XY after sooooooooo long!
We had dinner at HK Cafe just now. It was not too bad, except that they do not serve dim sum any more.
Ridiculous rite?!?! HK Cafe with no xiao long bao or siew mai or har kau??? What kind of HK cafe is that??? *rolls eyes*
Other than this pathetic change, dinner was generally acceptable.
Headed to PP for a little shopping afterwards, hoping to get some decent clothes or bags etc. But mission failed badly.
It's okie. We plan to go town this wed to see if we'll be lucky there!
Picture is rather blurry cos it's been long since I try to zi pai, so my hand was abit shaky...

Now, the zhong dian lai le (the main point of this post is here).
When I got home and walked to my room, I had the shock of my life when I switched on the lights. There was something on my bed. And nope, it wasnt a lizard or cockroach or anything like that.
OH. MY. GOSH. (repeat 20 times yourself).
I can't believe it. I didnt know the two of them have been meeting behind my back for FOUR DAYS AND FOUR NIGHTS to complete such a masterpiece of work!
I'm bloody touched and overwhelmed RIGHT NOW (still trying to hold back my tears).
No one has ever done such a thing for me.
I'm so grateful to GYM for letting me know these two humans who have brought me lots of laughter. And I'm also thankful to TP Business School for accepting the three of us as its students and even putting us in the same class, where we got to know each other better as time ticked by.
I was debating whether to reveal their present for me now, cos I was planning to save it till the actual day.
But what the heck. I simply can't wait.
This is the labour of Lester and Shalyn's fruit - the Frame of Gossipys's Memories:

It is so nicely and creatively done can! The photos just brought back all the past memories and crazy moments we had in our poly life.
Actually, I suspected something fishy was going on when Lester suddenly asked me for all the photos we had taken together. But I NEVER EVER expected this.
It even has lights in the shape of stars!!!

What's more, they had included BeBe's little cute head in it as well:

No wonder BeBe kept sniffing that part of the frame, cos I told her that her picture is there, and I think she likes it too. =)
And there's pink crystals!!

I'm so going to hang it on the wall of my princess room, as soon as I get my dad to drill some holes into it.
And then both of them will have the honour to watch me get dressed and undressed all day long. HAHAH!
Seriously, I spent a long time admiring each and every picture, and lovely memories just kept flooding back...
There was the trip to Sentosa, where SCB Shalyn brought rain as soon as we reached the beach, and she became our BMQ...
There was the attachment at Kelly Services, where we went through lots of 'disasters' like answering phone calls, biased 'boss' who likes 'Rainy' weathers, the controversial issue over the appraisal points, the time spent outside the ladies trying to make some sense to someone...
There were the projects and reports we had to do, where it was madness trying to complete them by the deadlines. Especially the Entrepreneurial project, where we had to construct a model of our ice-cream parlour at Lester's house late into the night, and his parents even bought us soon kuehs and shui jing baos for supper. (And then he threw the model away in the end, after we got an A for it).
And there were the countless outings, where we posed and snapped crazy pictures at deserted corridors, and even made our very own debut MTV in some secluded corner of MPH...
All these memories...man, they are priceless.
I yearn that we can continue our Gossipy culture and tradition to snap as many pics as possible till we are 85 years old (if we could live tt long).
But whatever it is, I'll definitely treasure the moments we have spent and will spend together in the future.
Some last words before I say bye bye...
To Lester: I can't believe u actually came down to my house (while I was out somemore!) to give the present. Heard from my mum that BeBe barked at you. This is weird cos she's usually very receptive to male species. Unless she sense that you are not. WAHAHA.
To Shalyn: I'll leave a space for you in the pictures during the chalet so you can photoshop yourself in it, pretending that you are there. =) Meanwhile, enjoy your trip to BKK!!!
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