Smelling sexy!
Smell Sexy
Very-hiao-and-sexy Lester plus me got our perfumes at Chinatown today.
Lester's Estee Lauder Beyond Paradise (for FEMALES):

My Salvatore Ferragamo Incanto Heaven:

As Lester is unbelievably broke (cos he bought two Longchamp bags for his mummy!! What a filial, but broke, son) and I just wanna get a perfume for fun, we decided to go for the testers, which are much more cheaper than the sealed ones. Ahem, the testers were totally brand new. They are cheaper cos they dun come with the packaging, it's just the bottle of perfume by itself. I MUST justify myself here in case I'm misunderstood. =)
We then moved on to Suntec to get our FBT shirts.
Man, it's a wrong choice to go there today. Irritating crowds with big boxes of printers/computers on trolleys really stress me out.
And so, we decided to head home.
As it was around dinner time, and Lester became very hungry on the train. But due to the fact that his account has only less than 10 bucks left, he can only eat this:

Looks like a light bulb to me. *hehs*
*** *** ***
I shall declare here that I am not able to go overseas for this holiday!!
Parents dun feel like going, friends not free to go or some have already gone or are going, and I've overspent! So cannot go HK or BKK or Rendang Island lor...
It's okie. HK is having some sort of virus flying around, BKK is having some strikes, and Rendang has killer UV rays that causes cancer. So I'm not missing out anything. *trying seriously to console myself*
To treat myself better, I've decided a few things that I die die must accomplish before the end of my precious 3-month vacation.
I shall have my hair rebonded, I shall buy some furniture from IKEA to deco my room, and of course, I shall BUY LOADS AND LOADS OF CLOTHES, SHOES, BAGS and MAKEUPS to make up for myself for not being able to ride on the planes. I shall have my entire wardrobe changed to welcome in the new school year. *hehs*
Retail therapy really works wonder for me. Just the thought of shopping makes me feel much better. Even if it's shopping in Singapore, and not at Chaktukchat.
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