Welcome back, Mal! =)
My dear friend Mal is finally back from BKK!!!
And she got me TWO lovely tees that fit me to a T!
Tks love! =)
We met up today for our usual workout session, and then we headed to town cos she needed to have her piercing checked.
Meanwhile, I shopped at F21 (twice in three days!) and got myself a pair of shorts and a necklace. Sweet.
Had pasta for lunch. Yummily full.
Listened to Mal's 'adventurous' days at BKK, and I'm soooooo missing Thailand! I miss Chaktuchat! I miss the Platinum Mall! I miss the crickets! I miss everything in BKK! *sigh*
Guess I have to wait till another vacation, which is in December, to think of going for holiday le.
Anyway, it was amusing/fun/exciting/interesting to hear about her and her friends' encounters in BKK. Mind you, Thai police were involved as well okie! And they almost got our ambassador in Thailand into the picture.
But the worst thing is that one of them lost her IC because of pickpockets! SCARY!!!! *shudders*
Think I'll cry to death if my IC was lost in a foreign country. *tsk tsk*
So being alert and careful and attentive is really, really, really important when you're outside, in or out of Singapore.
Anyway, I was determined to spend my Taka vouchers today, no matter what.
But like I said, I can't get my agnès b bag cos they dun have what I want.
Thought of getting DKNY bags, but Mal said the bag I wanted was not worth my buying cos of its canvas-type material.
We then went to check out Longchamp bags, which in the first place, I was not very interested in.
However, the design that Mal picked out is simple but pretty, and guess what?!
This ended up in my room now:

I got the brown one, while Mal got a blue one, which is lovely and suit her alot. But since I'm not a 'blue' girl, I go for brown.
I know, I know.
I used to criticise Longchamp bags, like how they are soooo easily faked, and how they look like free giveaways if you buy 250g of Darlie toothpaste, something like that.
I'm sorry I said that. *hehs*
People with taste and class will and can tell the difference between real/fake Longchamps.
Which means the fake ones (if you can tell the difference!) might come from Darlie toothpaste or Lux body wash or something along the line.
So. *shruggs*
I'll stop here for now.
Need to go work on my wardrobe.
Went IKEA ytd with momsie, who bought for me two clothes organisers (one pink and one red! Sweet.) and a table lamp, also in red. =)
Therefore, my wardrobe must go through a makeover before new term starts to make room for more clothes (going shopping for clothes tmr with momsie)! *hehs*
Didnt know she's so generous and wonderful and lovely. *heehee*
Here's BeBe in her sofa, where she sleeps at night while waiting for Bro to get home. Bloody fat she is, isnt she? But bloody cute as well. I heart you, BeBe! =)

PS: I still didnt get a chance to see the new car! So angry. *hrmpf*
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