Irritating junk mails!
Dunno why but I kept receiving irritating scam mails nowadays!
They're flooding my mailbox!
But luckily they'd go straight into the junk box.
Credits to the senders though, cos some of them are really hilarious.
There's one that says I've inherited from this late engineer from US a whooping SIX MILLION AND ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND US DOLLARS (how many zeros are there?!?).
Apparently he was a very nice guy who loved the feeling of giving, so he decided to give ME (of all people) all his remaining estates when he passed away at the age of 80 at year 2005.
And apparently, I can only receive the money 3 years later cos the will needed time to execute.
This is, by far, the most hilarious scam ever.
How can I possibly know a dying 80 year old engineer from the States?
Am I getting smarter, or are they getting more stupid by the second?
Must be the latter.
Anyway, there's another scam that says I've won USD ONE MILLION DOLLARS or so.
*tsk tsk*
At the rate I'm going, I would probably be as rich as Bill Gates! =)
Imagine what I'd do with the money......
First, I'll of course donate some to the charity.
Then, I'll break my bond and compensate them for their loss.
And then I'll get myself a chic, sophisticated and modern-looking house, like the one which Christopher Lee moves into in the Beach.Ball.Babes show from Ch 8. *sigh* I can't believe a pub owner can make so much money. Drama.
Anyway, I believe I would be left with some decent money to get a car of my dream:

Mercedes Benz CLK-Class Cabriolet.
No more Honda Jazz.
It's always encouraging to dream far. Anyway I'm a millionnaire now, am I not?!
Then, after the car, hmmm maybe I'll get some Gucci bags along the way.
Digression: I went Taka ytd to check out my agnès b bag. Guess what. They DON'T HAVE IT! *tsk tsk* But then again, it seems to me like the salespeople there were not willing to serve me.
One was actually serving a couple, while the other two (guy and gal) were like, flirting away with each other in one corner?! Okie lah, to be fair to them, they were doing something to the price tags so I guess they were working. But that's not the main point.
They saw me enter, saw me walk ard the boutique, but did nothing (fyi, I didnt dress lok-cok-ly okie! I just didnt carry my Gucci bag). They just looked at me, like counting down the seconds till I will leave.
So I picked up a bag near me casually and asked the girl for other colours. She's like, "Oh, that's the only colour available."
So I gave a little shrug like I didnt care a hoot about her reply and walked away.
But of course, I still remember my manners and gave them my thanks before leaving.
See? People nowadays see and judge others by what they're wearing AND carrying. What a superficial society we're living in.
Luckily the media's doing something to change the stereotypical mindset of our society, which I think is a very good effort, but there's still a long way to go.
Check out <一切完美> or Perfect Cut on Channel U, weekdays 10pm. It's by my fave, Thomas Ong. So suave! *heehee*
End of digression.
Anyway, it's good to have lots of money to throw around, but then again, nothing's free in the world.
You've got to earn it.
Which means the scammers (people who create scams) have to work harder to win my trust! Which means it's impossible!
PS: The car's coming today! Bro went to collect it just now. *excited*
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