Good Morning, Teacher!=)
Good morning, Teachers!=)
That's right.
I was greeted the above by a bunch of students in a singsong voice.
It gave me the goosebumps. =)
Even as I mouthed the national anthem and said the pledge.
It all seemed surreal to me. *hah!*
The first day was great. Met the P, who introduced us to the whole school and pronounced my name as 'Jacklyn' when I've told him it's 'Jacelyn'.
I dun understand why people LOVE to call me 'Jacklyn'.
For the record, it's 'J-ACE-LYN'. Pls pronounce the 'ace' with the 'J' okiedokie? *winks*
Anyway, our morning began with...breakfast.
After the morning assembly, our SCM treated us to a heavy breakfast set at the canteen. That was very nice of her. =)
Then she briefed us about the school and gave us a tour.
The staff there are very friendly and look approachable.
My three other friends and I were attached to a P5 Math and a P4 Science class today. Eh, they are really a bunch of bubbly and loud kids. And they're very participative in class as well! Which I found it surprising cos in my memory, I don't shoot my hand in the air, eager to answer the questions.
But this is good though, at least the teacher is not talking to walls. =)
Anyhow, the day ended pretty fast, and we knocked off at about 1.15pm.
And for the rest of my day, I was being tortured by a terrible stomach cramp. *tsk tsk*
Nevertheless, I'm still looking forward to the remaining days spend in the school cos they have actually lined up plenty of activities for us!
Till then, take care peeps! =)
PS: Like I've promised, here is the crazy photo of me eating people and drinking from the Merlion's saliva. Kudos to E. =)

A peep into my life...
A peep into my life ~ An extremely long post.
Hey peeps!! How've you all been?? Grrrrreat, I hope?!?
I'm back with some wacky photos to share after days of disappearance.
Been pretty busy recently okie.
Let's see.
Wed: No gym-ing cos I need a break; collect my new specs which I'm totally loving it; ate at Lemongrass for dinner with parents; had I-thought-it-was-the-last tuition after dinner; almost crashed dad's car when I reverse parked...
Thurs: Gym-ing and still loving it; bought 萧敬腾 and 林宥嘉's debuts and PS. I Love You DVD; met up with E for lunch and supposedly museum trips which we didnt go in the end (will explain later)...
Fri: Gym-ing again (even the trainer is amazed at my diligence); had the tastiest yummylicious sweet&sour pork for lunch (did I forgot to mention that my FAVOURITE dish is sweet&sour pork?!?!?!); rebonded my hair while momsie dyed hers (her white hair is getting obvious); dinner at Changi Village which was, as usual, yummy.
Sat: Had the last tuition, finally; bought a pair of diamond-studded earrings at SK, which was totally a CRAZY act; lunch at Sakae with momsie; shopped at NTUC and bought pancake mix for breakfast tmr; BeBe went crazy upon my bro's gf's arrival; watched PS. I Love You and cried and laughed at the same time...
Sun: Blogging.
See? I was VERY busy, wasnt I?? *hehs*
Some things to clarify first.
1. The car was not crashed.
But, eh, the boot has a little small dent on it.
2. Why E and I didnt go to the museums...
She was late. Simple as that. Plus lunch at Pizza Hut took too much time. Plus the photography lesson she had taught me drained all my energy and caused me to be frustrated at some point. But I was very happy that she managed to take some lovely pictures of me with her, erm, weird photography skills. *hehs*
I'm not going to reveal E's zhen mian mu (or her name) cos she's a low profile person and I dun think she'll throw a party if she knows her face appears here. But that's her, if you wanna know.

The zhong dian is not me (who should be!) but the black halo-lookalikes behind my head. *rolls eyes*

NG shot: Me preparing to strike a sexy pose when E accidentally shot it. And it turns out that I'm scratching my butt or something. So ta-sexy.

Now at least this is soooooo much better. Oh wells. It's not really counted as sexy because the mood of sexiness had evaporated as quickly as it had came.

Me attempting to shoulder the weight of our infamous durians, which was so silly as tourists were walking past us. They must be thinking Sg girls are mental. Shoots. Why can't I speak some Korean or Japanese fluently???

Okie. Things can get worse than the durians shot. Check THESE out:

E totally admired that tree and being the photographer, she forced me to take with it. *SIGH* So the next time you come across a picture with the model looking weird at some poses, dun blame him/her. Look who the photographer is at the bottom corner of the ad and start cursing him/her. *tsk*
I've still got one more picture of me drinking the Merlion's saliva, oh no that sounds disgusting, eh waterfall?
It's soooo funnie and cute but the pic is still with E and I'm waiting for her to send. But as her lappie has some attitude problems, I'll have to wait patiently for it to be fixed.
This explains why I totally dislike using others' cams to take pictures of me cos I have to wait for them to send the pics over, which can take like, years.
People just forget about it or are too lazy to switch on their com, login to their email add, upload the pics, and click the send button.
And being a diligent lady, I'd prefer to blog almost immediately about my day so that I won't forget the feelings I'm feeling and I can pen them down. That's why I want them to use my cam instead. I dun mind uploading pics and sending them cos I know the feeling of having to wait, and I dun want my friends to go through that.
If I can do it, why can't they? Except if their com is throwing tantrums. This I can understand.
Anyway, after spending the day with E, I found out something about myself. That is, I HATE photography. I PREFER being the subject of appreciation.
Oh, whatever. But E also made me realise one thing.
As a Singaporean, or as any resident of your own country, we should learn to take more pictures of our homeland. Seeing that when we travel to other places, we marvel at their structures/monuments/people and we happily snap our cams away.
But did you ever thought of capturing the sights of OUR very own hometown and wonder about its history and be thankful for the fact that you are born here and not somewhere else??
*wakes up suddenly from a trance* I boring you now? I think I'm feeling a bit patriotic now...prolly nearing August the Ninth. The schools are preparing for National Day celebration. I can hear them playing all the patriotic songs in the morning. "Count on me, Singapore~! Count on me to give my best and more~~~~Count on me Singapore!!!" *hehs*
Whatever. Let's move on.
Bought these the other day. Which is madness cos they are all the original editions! Not those cheap cheap china stuff okie!

I still havent listened to their albums, but I've watched the DVD. Bloodily touching and sad and heartwarming. But I still prefer the book.
3. Tuition.
I thought Wed would be the last tuition. But apparently the mother wanted me to have one more on Sat. was still as frustrating as ever before. No matter how many times I told her, 'is', 'are', 'was' and 'were' still seem foreign to her. And this made me wanna grab a knife and stab myself.
So Sat came and when I reached her house, nobody was in. Shoots. I knocked and knocked but nobody answered. I sms-ed my student but no reply. I called but her phone was off. Negative and ugly thoughts surfaced in my mind.
I went back downstairs in a pek chek mood and called her again. THANKFULLY she answered and told me she's on the way home. *TSK TSK TSK*
And even more thankfully, her mother paid me. So that's the last I'll see of them. A bit sad, though, but I dun wanna go mad this early.
I even bought my student candies in a lovely and cutesy packaging okie! I'm quite good to her already hor!
4. Earrings.
I'm not being vain nor rich by getting bling bling studs from SK. It's just that there's this voice inside me that's nagging me to get a pair of new earrings that won't 'corrode' my skin.
Cos I have 'tai-tai skin', as I'd like to call it, my skin is extremely sensitive to fake stuffs. I can't wear fake jewellery without my skin itching and rotting. I'm not exaggerating, but when it itches and rots, I'll bleed! And it's painful okie.
So I decided (or the voice had decided) it's time to get a REAL piece of jewellery for my lovely earlobes as a permanent accessory.
And I've got rebates to spend, so why not? And I can treat it as an investment, so why not again?
And also, SK actually takes back your old jewellery (they had to be from SK, duh!) so you can 'upgrade' to new pieces. Meaning that if you are sick of your necklace, for example, you can bring back to SK, pick a new one, and just top up the difference, and ta-da! You have a new bling bling necklace to flaunt.
Anyway, I saw every pair of earrings they have, and the cheapest is like $299?!?! Which is like too small to be seen?!? *tsk tsk*
In the end, I chose one that can be spotted ten miles away and suited my big earlobes (the lady says people with big earlobes have a blissful life! *heehee*).
Bloody $600+ can!!! And it's totally sponsored by MISS Neo, who is none other than me.
*URGH!* Momsie refused to pay for it. And she's the one egging me to get the bigger one: "...才可以看得到吗!!" *rolls eyes*
5. Pancakes
Woke up early today to make pancakes, which I failed miserably. In the end momsie took over and made it beautifully. But MacDonald's hot pancakes are still the best.
Okie peeps.
Enjoy your Sunday. =)
PS. Tmr's my school experience!!! Excited, but very nervous about meeting the students and staff and principals. Wish me luck!
Lunch with Momsie
Eurasian kids & Gym & Lunch.
Hello everybody!!! =)
Tell u one good news.
I'm feeling so tanned now!!! *whoopie!*
Went Sentosa yesterday, and weather was not that bad.
(Digression: Saw a celebrity couple at Vivo, enjoying their breakie. They looked so en ai!)
The beach was rather crowded, though school has already started, and by right all the ginnas should be confined in school rite?
Nah. Still saw lots of kiddos ard. *tsk tsk*
Apart from them, I saw two extreeeeemly ke ai, mix blood toddlers.
The girl and her little bro (who stripped halfway while playing, revealing his little *ahem* 'didi') are bloody beautiful can!!
Why is it that eurasians kids, or rather, kids who have parents of different nationality, eurasian or not, always manage to look oh-so-great???
This definitely set me thinking: maybe I should go look for an ah-moh and that's it.
Because I'm beginning to think that our guys can't make it le.
Recently, I heard a disgusting story about this army guy who went overseas for training and actually looked for prostitutes when he had some time off.
To increase the intensity of my disgust, he's the same age as me.
Isn't that totally GROSS or wad?!?!
I dun care about his private life, whether he loves to eat chicken so much that he had to actually 'call' for them. And he's just a little over the 20s.
What is this world coming into?!?!?
Anyway, back to the fricking cute ah moh kias.
Their daddy is ah-moh, and mummy an asian, but both kids have the asian look.
Which is usually the case cos us asians' genes are more dominant than the caucasians'.
I simply just adore this equation: Asian + Caucasian = Eurasian.
Check this out: The Gosselin Ten
I'm currently hooked to this discovery programme called "Jon & Kate plus 8" that showcases the lives of this very special family.
8 refers to the number of children they have, and out of these 8 kids, two are twins and six are sextuplets. Amazing??? =)
All the kids, who have the Asian face, hair and features, are simply adorable! Even with all the screaming, yelling and crying.......
Oh, as I was saying...
Suntanning was great.
But one side effect is that my hair seems very dry now. And my fringe has started to curl. *URGH!*
Hafta go for another rebonding.
Anyhow, dragged my tired body up this morning to go gym. I guess I'm pretty disciplined, huh.
Met up with momsie for lunch at E!Hub.
Wanted to eat waffle ice-cream at Gelare Cafe since it's half-priced today.
But ended up in HK Teahouse, or HK Street Cafe, or whatever.
Which was actually a pleasant surprise cos our food tasted yummylicious!
The drink (forgot the name), but it's lime-flavoured with a tad gassy.

Mama and her Spicy Yunnan Pork Ribs Noodles, which was absolutely yummy:

Me waiting hungrily for my food to be re-prepared cos they sent in the wrong order.

Finally, my Shrimp Dumplings Noodles. I tell you, their shrimp dumplings *droolz* are fulfilling. (Ignore the big brown glob of meat in the corner. It's not part of the dish):

Our dessert: Hot Black Sesame Paste with Rice Dumplings, which is worth another thumbs-up:

I hope that'll set you drooling.
Till then, take care people!
The tuition session yesterday had been the last straw.
I snapped.
And I threw the white flag.
Gave up totally.
Told her that I cannot teach her anymore. Told her that we are just wasting our time and her parents' money, cos after sooooo many lessons she still can't tell the difference between is/are or was/were.
And she's taking O's nx year.
Well good luck to her. I seriously hope another more experienced and better teacher can help her out, cos I can't.
Felt so frustrated and demoralised, you know?
It takes two to tango, or two hands to clap. Only one is working her ass off, explaining the same old thing again and again, but the other one is simply letting the information in from one ear and out from the other without passing through her brains. How can?!?!
No more patience or time to waste on her.
And then this morning her mum called (cos she wasnt home yesterday), and I explained to her.
But the thing is, she called ard 11AM while I was still sleeping (I slept at 7.30AM can!! I'll explain why later), so I sounded groggy (although I knew it's her. hehs.)
Think she's a bit bu shuang that I DUN WANT to teach her daughter anymore.
Oh wells. I dun really care. $300/mth for that kind of torture is simply NOT worth it.
But I'm still going for one more session on this coming Wed, and we'll see how it goes from there.
If she wants to stop there, I'd be glad. If she wants to continue until the 8th which is the final lesson, it's fine too.
In any case, we shall not see each other after 30 June. Period.
*** *** ***
As to why I slept at 0730 was the result of being a bodyguard to my dear mama.
Accompanied her to my aunt's house for a MJ session.
They actually played *GASPS* from 8PM till 7AM the next day.
And their playing is no slow pork okie. They were fast, but it's just that the 'zeng gay' kept winning, and they were stuck.
Naive me thought that they'll be done latest by 3AM. *HAIZ*
*** *** ***
On a happier note!
I've made a new pair of specs yesterday.
From C.O.A.C.H.
I love it! Can't wait to collect it soonish!
But it burnt a big hole in my pocket, cos I bought contact lenses too.
Can't wait for JULY to come!!!!
Bonus, bonus, bonus, bonus, bonus, bonus, bonus, bonus, bonus, bonus....
Suntanning lo!!! =)
When SCB-ness Struck Again.

Met up with Mal super early today to go to Sentosa for our suntan session.
Felt very weird to walk amongst the office people, who flooded the whole train and Outram station walkway. *shrugs*
This experience totally affirms my dislike for morning rush hour period.
Anyway, we reached the deserted beach and found a secluded spot, far away from potential ginnas, especially huan-nas (hokkien).
But who knows.
The clouds became darker and heavier, and then it started to drizzle.
Why does it always drizzle when I'm already physically in Sentosa?!?!?!
Both of us couldnt believe my SCB-ness.
I quickly prayed to GYM, hoping that she can help blow the grey clouds away.
And then we decided to wait it out, so we had breakfast at Delifrance.
Man, I miss the old school Deli so much lah! Nowadays it's always the Bistro Deli found in malls; it's quite hard to find the traditional ones that offers just the sandwiches and beverages.
Luckily, the sun did come out in the end, thanks to GYM.
So we finally get to suntan!!!
Oh yah, we saw Mediacorp filming at the beach not far from us.
In fact, the whole crew was already there before we came.
At first we thought it is the new volleyball drama that starrs Jesseca Liu and Dawn Yeoh... but after poking around, we didnt see any of them, but saw a tall guy wearing long-sleeve button shirt and long pants plus a long white doctor's coat.
Imagine wearing that under the hot weather!!!
We seriously pity that guy, who was still filming even when we left, which was around 1PM. *tsk tsk*
So we thought it might be some kind of commercial, like a doctor educating beach-goers on how to prevent skin cancer. Which made sense. Who would dress like a doctor at the beach?!?
Anyhow, I'm so happy I've became more tanned. Falling in love with suntanning now. =)
Shopped abit at Vivo, and bought a shirt from F21. Hee.
Helped a girl with a survey, which was irrrrrritatingly loooooonnnnng.
I stood there answering to her over-50 questions can!!! So pek chek lah! I tried to throw the whole survey (which felt so thick like a term paper assignment) back at her, but she looks kinda fragile, so...
She's lucky that I can get a free drink voucher from Gloria's Jeans at the end of the survey, if not she'll get it from me!
Had lunch at Sakae and went back to TM to collect my pants from G2000. Love it!
Shopped somemore and got a blouse from Espirit. Love it too!
Quite tired now, and tmr's gym-day!
Can't wait. =)
Loving-every-day-of-my-life-before-school-starts Jacie is seriously cherishing her life now.
You should too!
Take care peeps!!!
Happy Father's Day!!!
Happy Father's Day!!! =)
Have you said "Happy Father's Day!" to your dearest one and only daddy today?
Oh wells. Me neither.
Because I'm an advocate for 'Action speaks louder than words'. *hehs*
Seriously, I think we should really, really, really celebrate Father's Day (most of us tend to leave this very important day out, don't we?) because fathers are usually the ones who slog away half of their life to provide food, shelter, weekly allowances and sometimes, unnecessarily entertainment for the family.
Well, mothers probably also deserve most of the credit because after marriage and kids, their figures changed for the worst, became huang lian puos and blah blah blah (like Zoe Tay in La Femme).
Fathers tend to assume the role of a backstage person (at least, mine does) who sits back and only makes noise when situation turns really nasty.
Nevertheless, I still think they deserve quality love and attention from us children.
So what have you done for your dad on this special day?
My bro and I treated him plus his lifetime partner i.e. his wife to a scrumptious dinner.
We went to Lemongrass at DTE, but it was damn full and had to wait for 45 mins to get a table.
Being impatient lots, we moved on and ended up at Fresh Bulggogi, a restaurant at E!Hub that offers Korean cuisine.
Bro looking through the menu while still queuing...

Basically, Fresh Bulggogi is somewhat like Seoul Garden, except that it offers a wider variety of traditional Korean food like shi guo fan, kimchi and so on.
We each ordered their Bap (chicken, garlic chicken and szechuan chicken), which tasted yummylicious!!!

We BBQ-ed as well!

It was quite an experience, given that it was our maiden try at Korean food, which are surprisingly belly nice! =)
The fried assorted mushrooms, the kimchi, the BBQ assorted chicken meat, and even the tofu, are superb.
In all, our dinner was great, and it cost around 90 bucks, which was really quite reasonable.
And when we left, the queue outside was still going strong!
I'm so glad Lemongrass was full, like my stomach now.
So the dinner was our Father's Day gift to our dad.
What about you?
Smelling sexy!
Smell Sexy
Very-hiao-and-sexy Lester plus me got our perfumes at Chinatown today.
Lester's Estee Lauder Beyond Paradise (for FEMALES):

My Salvatore Ferragamo Incanto Heaven:

As Lester is unbelievably broke (cos he bought two Longchamp bags for his mummy!! What a filial, but broke, son) and I just wanna get a perfume for fun, we decided to go for the testers, which are much more cheaper than the sealed ones. Ahem, the testers were totally brand new. They are cheaper cos they dun come with the packaging, it's just the bottle of perfume by itself. I MUST justify myself here in case I'm misunderstood. =)
We then moved on to Suntec to get our FBT shirts.
Man, it's a wrong choice to go there today. Irritating crowds with big boxes of printers/computers on trolleys really stress me out.
And so, we decided to head home.
As it was around dinner time, and Lester became very hungry on the train. But due to the fact that his account has only less than 10 bucks left, he can only eat this:

Looks like a light bulb to me. *hehs*
*** *** ***
I shall declare here that I am not able to go overseas for this holiday!!
Parents dun feel like going, friends not free to go or some have already gone or are going, and I've overspent! So cannot go HK or BKK or Rendang Island lor...
It's okie. HK is having some sort of virus flying around, BKK is having some strikes, and Rendang has killer UV rays that causes cancer. So I'm not missing out anything. *trying seriously to console myself*
To treat myself better, I've decided a few things that I die die must accomplish before the end of my precious 3-month vacation.
I shall have my hair rebonded, I shall buy some furniture from IKEA to deco my room, and of course, I shall BUY LOADS AND LOADS OF CLOTHES, SHOES, BAGS and MAKEUPS to make up for myself for not being able to ride on the planes. I shall have my entire wardrobe changed to welcome in the new school year. *hehs*
Retail therapy really works wonder for me. Just the thought of shopping makes me feel much better. Even if it's shopping in Singapore, and not at Chaktukchat.
Orchard and Holland V.
Bought some clothes at town yesterday...but they are still not enough for me. *hehs*
Had ice-cream waffle at Gelare Cafe at Far East, and it was yummy. Makes me wanna get a waffle machine soon. =)
Eleanor's fruity waffle:

Mine...the classic choice:

Malinda and Eleanor:

Bus-ed down to Holland V for dinner and chill.
Had a hard time deciding which restaurant to go to.
Ended up at Harry's.
Oh man, I'm falling in love with the bar/restaurant.
Great food, great drinks, great live performance, and great ambience. A must-go for chill-outs.
Bars/pubs are sooooo much better than 'clubbing', whereby the word doesnt even exist in the dictionary. *tsk tsk*
First round of drinks: Margarita (lime flavour)

Harry's Club Sandwich, which Eleanor and I both ordered, and it's really good. =)

Malinda's Harry's Fish and Chips. It looks nice, so I guess it must have tasted nice too.

Our small table was almost cramped with huge dishes of yummylicious food and drinks.

Second and last round of drinks: Tequila Sunrise

Took some pics while slacking around...

The live performance was great. The singer is very pretty, with a slender figure to die for, and a great voice that suits jazz songs perfectly.

Eleanor and I requested four songs to them, but prolly due to time constraint or whatsnot, they only sang one song, which is mine!!! I requested Hey Jude and Over The Rainbow, and they did the latter in a jazz style. Sweet.
Oh yeah, I dun think the pic is very clear, but the guitarist seriously looks like Mao Zedong. No offense here, but the more I see him, the more I can see Mao in him. *wahahah*
But hey, people can play the guitar very well okie! At least he can play my song. *hehs*
Got pretty tipsy from all that drinking. Cabbed home and slept through the ride. Luckily the taxi driver is a decent one, if not...........
In all, my maiden visit to Holland V was brilliant and I love it. It is definitely the next hangout place on my list. There's still so many restaurants and bars yet to be tried.
Till then, take care everyone!!!
Will be back for more. =)
Busy eating!
Weather has been pretty unpredictable lately. It can be all shining and bright, but the next second, *boom!*, it's all dark and gloomy.

Scary how the weather seems to change lately. Makes one thinks negatively.
Anyhow, I still went for my gym.
Bumped into my primary school mate, See Kee, who lives in the same block as me. =)
She's now a landscape designer okie! I'm so proud of her. Now I can tell everyone that I have a designer designing landscapes for condos as a friend. *haha*
It turned out she's going to city hall for meeting, so we took the train together.
So nice to have someone to chat with in the packed-with-office-people train.
And her workplace is at Tanjong Pagar! So I excitedly told her about my gym, and just nice, she's also looking for a all-women's gym too! *lolz* Super qiao.
So gym was as great as ever. I'm feeling so fit already, and it's only the second week! =)
After working out, I met up with my history mates.
Had a lovely and yummylicious lunch at the Peony-Jade Restaurant located at Clarke Quay. The atas-looking restaurant serves Szechuan-Cantonese cuisine, and we went for the ala-carte buffet, and boy, we (or rather the guys) can sure order and EAT!
Sharks' fins, Peking duck, crabs, cod fish, cereal prawns, fried scallops, shrooms, pot belly, prawn salad, some appetisers, some more food which I can't remmember cos there's too many, and of course, 'dry' tang yuans with black sesame fillings coated with peanut crusts, lemon-grass flavoured ice cream, red bean paste, fruit platter for dessert.
It's such a pity I didnt bring my cam.
And with that much food, each person only paid $37! I think it's quite reasonable lah, given the 'atas' ambience and good service.
But then again, most of the food are stir-fried or fried, so might not be that suitable for health-conscious people. Like me. =)
Parted with the rest, and me and mal went to Bugis cos I wanna visit GYM and she's kind enough to accompany me.
Shopped around a bit, and then we went home.
Bought a math assessment book for my student at Pop. I'm seriously hoping for some improvement in her, if not...I dunno wad to do le.
Got this too =):

By the time I got home, it was around dinner time, and dad wasnt home from his fishing trip.
And my mum was hungry.
So we drove down to changi for dinner (for two straight days, fyi). Oyster egg and carrot cake.
So basically, I've been eating the whole day. Which made my morning workout session look like a waste. *tsk tsk*
Tomorrow will be MORE eating, I guess, cos I'm going to town and Holland V to shop, eat, play and chill!! *excited*
Can't wait.
Till then, take care, drink more water, exercise more, dun let the flu bug catch you!
First day without Lao Pa.
"Yesterday was history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift; that's why we called it the present." - Master Wu Gui (turtle)
Hey people!!!
How's life? Has it been good to you? *winkz*
As for now, mine has been lovely. =)
All the gym sessions have made me feel so fit and healthy!
*** *** ***
I finally know the true meaning of treasuring your life every single day. That's why I simply adore the quote above. It makes sense right!! I'm so amazed.
Go watch Kung Fu Panda, and you'll know who Master Wu Gui is. *hahah!*
I watched it with momsie just now. That's our very first time watching movies together. Amazing, huh???
It was brilliant that we had such 'freedom', cos she doesnt have to worry about cooking dinner for the men for at least three days.
Cos my dear papa is away to Indonesia to fish! Yup yup... Fishing is his favourite hobby. *hee*
Back to the movie.
It's superduper hilarious, entertaining, and cute! I'm so going to get the DVD to prepare for days when I want a good laugh.
Anyhow, we watched at E!Hub, and by accident I found that K Box has opened! And beside it is Nihon Mura!! And there's an ice-skating rink, too, LXY!!! But then it's for kids. *heheh*
I'm so in love with Pasir Ris.
Now if the gym is set up here, wouldnt my life be simply wonderful???
*** *** ***
Met up with momsie at TM after my morning workout to get some formal wear at G2000. Turned out that the whole shop was closed for half a day and would only open in the noon.
So we hanged around a bit, and during that period of time, I dunno how but we got ourselves a pair of Levi's jeans each. *hahah*
And then somemore hanging around, and G2000 was opened.
After several hours trying and matching the clothes, I got a pair of pants and a nice knitted top. Sweet.
But it cost me a bloody $138 can!!! Damn ex lah! And that's just one outfit for a day. I still need to get another pair of working pants and more tops!!! *tsk tsk*
And BeBe chose to finish her mum-mum at this time, which means I had to go and get her snacks. SIGH. She's such a blissful dog.

Know why she's sitting there looking oh-so-sweet-and-innocent?
Because of these:

Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk...
A lot right...
My mother prepared and made them ALL BY HERSELF OKIE!!!
She actually woke up at 3.30AM on Saturday and eight hours later: look above.
Really must salute her. And they are REALLY nice can!
So over the weekend I survived on bah zangs.
No complaints cos they are the best ever. =)
Even BeBe loves it!
Oh ya, we practically treat her like human now, so we allow her some bites of Nyonya zangs. And she's craving for it ever since! *haha*
FYI, about half of the dumplings were given away to our relatives and neighbours, so BeBe is not to be tempted anymore.
That's our Day 1 with thefather away from home.
Brilliant. =)
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As some may already know, I have been working out at the gym these past few days cos I signed up for their trial sessions.
The first two were super fun and enjoyable, which made me decide to become their permanent member, as in, FOREVER and EVER. *ahahah*
My little cute member card:

So for now, I can workout at the gym as and when I like cos it's UNLIMITED access!!
Although the gym is located at Tanjong Pagar, I dun seem to mind the distance. I mean, after travelling back and forth from Pasir Ris to Boon Lay, Tanjong Pagar is nothing to me. Peanuts.
But then! I was told that they are going to open another branch IN THE EAST soon!!!
Even better, they're looking at either PASIR RIS or TAMPINES!!!
Oh gosh, I'm so excited la! I can hardly wait!!!
So until the new outlet is open (I'm hoping it's at Pasir Ris!), I will have to continue to travel to Amoy Street. *shrugs dismissively*
And needless to say, the need to get sportswear seems more important now than getting formal wear for my school experience.
So far I've spent like over a hundred getting stuff like NIKE and FBT shirts, shorts, sports bra and even a shoe bag. *gasps*
My pay! Faster come can!!!
*** *** ***
The aftermath of changing my personal particulars, i.e. my name, is very mafan.
I have to get a new IC, which I have gotten it. But I totally forgot to replace my passport as well! *urgh*
So I had to make a trip down again to get it done. Luckily there's no need to get a new passport and pay another hefty sum.
They just chopped an observation chop in my passport stating that they have endorsed the new name. And it's absolutely free! *whew!* So the most important thing is done.
Now, I need to inform the relevant government bodies (CPF board, MOE, etc.) as well as the banks.
There's so much to do! Thank GYM as I have the time now to settle these miscellaneous stuff. =)
*** *** ***
I've gotten back my results! It's absolutely a HUGE RELIEF.
And yup, I'm quite happy and contented with it cos I didnt expect such grades. My GPA has inched a little forwards!
This means that I must go to GYM soon and thank her for blessing me. *wide grinz*
*** *** ***
It's.... *URGH + grabs hair*
A few sessions ago, I've finally lost my temper. No frets, I did not scold her harshly or something along the line.
In fact, I told her, rather calmly, some da dao li (trying to be reasonable here) to make her understand my pain and tiredness.
She kept silent all the while, nodding at times.
Okie, nvm. I've said all I can say, so it's up to her now.
And when I met her again for the next lesson, she seemed to have improve slightly.
It's like my words had hit some sense into her.
So I was pretty happy, naively thinking that she has decided to strive for the better. So the decision to talk to her mum (or more likely, to complain!) on that day was put off cos I wanna give her one more chance.
But apparently, good things do not last long.
She reverted back to her old self again.
I absolutely cannot take it cos she's not putting in any effort! She's not paying attention...and...and just not paying attention!
In fact, I just had one amusing + frustrating lesson with her today.
She showed me her exam scripts and report book. *BIG SIGH*
At the end of it, I finally approached her mother, and I explained to her the situation. Luckily she understands my pain and torment. I can feel her anxiety and desire to want to see her daughter do well, but sometimes, some things just cannot be forced.
I dunno if it's quite late already (the tuition ended at 9.30pm, and we talked till 10pm) and the mum is tired, or she's really upset and frustrated, because her eyes suddenly became watery while she talked.
I'm sooooo scared tt she'll breakdown in front of me and start to wail. I dun think I can handle that kind of situation. *tsk tsk*
So I sort of quickly ended off the conversation and left. *hee*
I feel bad for her, though.
What if next time my kid/s (if I ever have one) is/are like that? Like cannot study type? HOW?!?!?
*** *** ***
Tomorrow is Bah Zang Day aka Dumpling Festival.
I shall be a good girl and help my mother wrap the dumplings.
She's amazing lah...she prepared and cooked ALL the ingredients for Nonya Zang, Bah Zang and Tao Sar Zang when I was out tuition-ing just now. And dun play play, all the ingredients amount to 5kg or more okie! *salutes to the woman*
So tomorrow is just wrap, wrap, wrap, and steam, steam, steam, and bai bai bai, and then can eat le.
I'm so loving gym-ing!
Hello everybody!!!
How has your day been?? =)
Mine has been great, but not perfect.
The great part came from the morning, when I finally had my maiden visit to the gym! *lolz*
The workout exercises were so fun and enjoyable...
The not-so-perfect part came in the afternoon, when I went to sha's hse thinking that we could swim and get tanned.
But who knows.
When you put two *SCBs together, the combined forces are overwhelming.
Firstly, my da yi ma deliberately chose to visit me just when I was about to go swimming. But I still went ahead.
Secondly, when we got to the pool, it was drizzling.
Drizzles (= no sun) plus not-wanting-to-dye-the-pool-into-redness spoilt our swim.
So we had to call it a day.
And who knows, when we got changed and everything, the sun came out. Strong and bright.
*tsk tsk*
I guess our SCBness is no joke.
Okie, I'm super tired now...
Gotta go down to ICA to make my IC tomorrow. *heehee*
Nitez, people! =0
*SCB = Suay Char Boh!
Singapore, Thailand and India.

Singapore, Thailand and India.
I was out for the WHOLE of Saturday.
The three of us shopped at Singapore's hottest and busiest place for the day, and then we flew to Thailand for dinner (yummylicious Thai cuisine ever!), and then more shopping for the night at India, the cheapest place ever.
And then we returned to our hotels in Singapore.
Absolutely EXHAUSTED, but completely SATISFIED.
How I wish I could fly around like that!
But it was true we visited all those places.
On the very least, Singapore is not SO bad lah.
But it will be SOOOOO much better to be able to go to the ACTUAL country to shop and dine and play. *sigh dreamily*
I can't wait to go to BKK again!!!
Especially after hearing from Sha the future-BKK-resident and her shopping spree at Chaktukchat.
Uber jealous! I WANNA GO TOO!!! *SHOUTS*
But in the meantime, I searched for and found cheap thrill at Golden Mile Complex. At least it's better than nothing!
Cabbed down to Mustafa for Lester's Ray Ban aviator. He's a super uber vainpot can!
He already owned one, which he literally wore the WHOLE day (and yes, even in the night! Sunglasses in the night?!?! *tsk tsk*) to protect his just-LASIKED eyes, and he wants to get another one too!
If it's a different design, it's fine.
But the zhong dian is, he bought back the exact same one except that it is black-rimmed or something.
And mind you, it's not just a couple of bucks. One pair of Ray Ban shades costs $145 and above!!!
Sha and I felt so xin tong, but he's okie with it cos it's something he really likes.
Oh wells. What can I say. He's hiao.
Talking about hiao.
I'm going for 3 trial sessions at Contours Express starting from tomorrow! *excited*
If it's good, I think I will sign for their membership.
I must adopt a healthy and sporty lifestyle from now on. I must wave goodbye to the life of a couch potato! =)
And because of that, I got myself NIKE sportswear at Tangs (yes! finally get to use the vouchers!).
Wanted to get FBT shirts and shorts, but simply can't find them anywhere! *frustrated*
Anybody know where to get them besides Queensway?!?!
Okie, I need to go and sayang BeBe now. She's thoroughly devastated this morning when I woke up. Oh okie, I'm exaggerating here.
But she's definitely upset. Cos bro went for mobilisation last night and was not back yet.
This means that BeBe is going to skip meals and sleep badly until she sees him back.
What a lovely dog she is.