Vivo shopping with Momsie!!!
Had a rather fruitful day.
Went out with momsie and dad to the lawyer's firm to collect some documents.
And I requested to the lawyer (a capable-looking woman with diamond jewellery all over - I'm just exaggerating. hehs) to draw out a deed poll for me.
For the ignorant ones, check out the wikipedia for the meaning of deed poll.
I'm so happy lah! Although it's just an addition of a name into my IC, which does not account for a major change in my life, like REALLY changing my name or anything like that, but I just felt wonderful cos it's something I've been really longing to do, and now I did it!
It's like vainy Lester saving his ANG BAO lui all his life and then viola! He finally got to spend SOME of it on his mini-me eyes, that kind of feeling.
It is the fact that some action has been taken that makes me happy. *smilez*
So tomorrow I'll be going down to the office again to sign the deed poll. *whoopie!*
And on Monday, it's time to make a new IC!!! =)
So, after the collection of the documents, it was still early, and the ladies decided to go shopping.
As for the only male, home was the most logical way.
So momsie and I went down to Vivo and did some serious shopping. Eh, actually it's just me. *hee*
My shopping spree: Sling bag from IORA, and the rest from F21.

Didnt want to get the vest de, but it's only $28!!! So cheap, right?!?! So must buy mah!! *hehs*
And I LURVE the extra big shades, and it's freaking cheap too! 11 bucks! *faints with happiness*
As for the grey cropped cardigan, I know I have LOTS of cardigans at home (momsie scolded me too) but I just can't help it. Cardigans are like bags, it's never enough!! Well, at least for me.
Speaking of bags, I saw one DKNY white tote bag at TANGS, and boy, it's just love at first sight can!
And there's a less 15% signage in front of it.
Hesitated for VERY long.
After some calculations and debates and words of encouragement from mum, I decided to get it.
This is the one I'm talking about. (The picture does not do the bag any justice.)

But then, the worst thing had to happen to me.
The display piece is the LAST PIECE!!! *URGH!*
Why is it always like that?!?! I'm so suay can! *sigh*
But tt's okie. I'm not giving up.
Like I said, tomorrow I'll be going to the firm...which means I have time to go shop first before the appointment.
I want to try my luck at town. *crosses fingers*
And suddenly, mother became so on that she's going to accompany me. *mild shocks*
So that's about it. The bottomline of this post is that I've overspent. *HAHAH*
Before I end off, I want YOU to have sweet dreams (if reading my blog is what you do before bed):
CHOCOLATES!!! They are extremely yummylicious!

The strawberry one contains real strawberry fruit in the chocolate. Abit sourness and sweetness and bitterness. I like.

This is my favourite of the two: Tiramisu flavour. But eh, I dun taste the tiramisu...all I taste is the almond nut, which is really good too! On the packet it says: 'Roasted almond dipped in finest white chocolate and dusted with premium cocoa powder'... does it make you drool?? I hope not, cos that's not my purpose!

Sweet dreams everyone! I'm out. =)
Food Fair at Expo - May '08
The legendary food fair has hit Expo yet again. Judging from the unbelievably huge crowd, our country's rate of population growth is on the high end (not sure if this is healthy or not).
Yesterday (altho it's just a Monday, the worst weekday cos it marks the start of a new week!) was horrible. The place was freaking packed!!!
All I saw and sensed were eagerness + kiasuness + craziness (3-in-1) in everyone's eyes.
People snatching food samples, queueing for you-know-what, debating with themselves whether to buy 10 packets of 3-in-1 kopi-o cos it's cheaper to buy in bulks, and so on. *tsk tsk*
I drove there with my mum and aunt, who is also XY's mummy (*winkz to XY*). at around evening time. Had a tough time finding a parking lot, and when I did, it was so very far away from the hall, which I regretted it (I'd tell you why later).
And so, the pushing (and swearing to myself) began.
Honestly, I wasn't in the best of mood cos I didnt sleep a wink at all after the chalet. So I didnt have any appetite nor mood to buy anything. Plus the number of aunties around me totally spoilt everything.
But it was a pleasure to shop with my companions. Especially my aunt. *hahah*
Man, she REALLY can buy. I thought I was a crazy shopper (the bkk trip was proof), but I am thoroughly defeated by this woman.
The most exciting moment was when I finally get to witness her buying ability. It was amusingly scary.
Even my mum had to kowtow to her. *haha!*
Together, they bought so much that it was hard for them to continue to shop due to all the bulging and overloaded bags.
As I had enough of the crowd, I offered to take their stuff back to the car, thinking that I could enjoy the aircon and listen to 933 while I wait for them to continue their shopping.
That was the bravest thing I have ever done so far - I had to brace through shocked and unbelievable looks from strangers as they passed me. I was carrying, what, 20 shopping bags?!?!
Not to mention the weight of their purchases. I seriously hoped that XY was there with me - at least there was someone to share the burden with! *hehs*
I've finally made it to the car, and after SOME time, they were back. WITH MORE BAGS. *lolz*
We drove back to my aunt's place, and my mum had to help her take her prized possessions up. Super hilarious.
And that's just yesterday.
Today, me and momsie went back to the food fair again. *hahah!*
This time round, the crowd was not as terrible as last night cos we went in the afternoon. But I still got kicked and pushed by irritating people! So rude, right!!!
But apart from that, I pretty much enjoyed myself.
If given a chance, I would want to go with my aunt again, cos it's fun watching her buy things... *hahah*.
But, LXY! You better come with us, aye!
I'm showered with so much love! =)
Had a blast at my 21st celebration yesterday.
Although I dare not say it was very successful, but I believe that everyone had enjoyed themselves very much! I know I did!!! =)
Can't believe I have hit 21 already (must start my age-defying, anti-wrinkles, UV protection and all sorts of skincare and beauty regime le).
Now I'm legally and officially an adult, but I dunno exactly how I feel about it.
A new chapter of my life has began, and there's no shrinking of any kind of responsibility now that I'm 21. Not that I mean all of us should be selfish and irresponsible people and stuff like that, but it's just that we're no longer small little ginnas that simply pass off "I don't know!" or "I'm still a kid what!" in order to avoid getting reprimanded or blamed by the adults.
Let's just say that 21 is the age for one to be a truly independent soul with strong sense of responsibility, and of course, filial piety. Undeniably, one can definitely unleash his/her inborn ability to act like a small child all over again, but chances are limited. =)
Anyhow, I guess I'm 90% happy that I've survived in this world for 21 years (and still counting!) and 10% sad that I can't 'sa jiao' to my parents like a 2-year-old (I guess I still can, but that'll be pretty disgusting, right??).
Nevertheless, I'm very thankful to YOU who have appeared in my life and making things happen like they are meant to be.
To those who couldnt be there for whatever reasons, check out all the lovely pictures which are filled with love. =)
Me and momsie checked in early to 'decorate' the chalet. She was hilarious when trying hard to blow the balloons. *lolz* Love this very important woman of mine very much.

Family and friends who rock my world... =)

Cut cake loh!!! *huge grinz* My recommendation: Get a Secret Recipe cake cos it's worth the value...=)

Of course, the first ever pressie I've received was from the Gossipys. Although both of them couldnt turn up for the party (Vainpot Lester went for LASIK and Shalyn holidaying at BKK), their moral spirit is always with me! =)

Courtesy of Momsie: Diamond necklace and diamond bracelet from SK. I'm so touched by her insistence to get me something, even though she paid for the chalet and every other things. Love this woman deeply... Oh btw, anyone who wants to buy something from SK Jewellery can use my member card for further discounts. =)

Courtesy of XY: Glamorous necklace + a little handmade sketchbook that detailed some of our past wonderful moments together (I only knew till now that she's actually very artistic!) =)

Courtesy of my beloved mates who have stood by me for almost half of my life now: DKNY watch. Sweet. =)

Courtesy of Malinda, Eleanor & Gary: I'm so gonna have fun shopping at Tangs with the vouchers! Thanks dears!

Courtesy of the united history boys: I'm so gonna smell sexy with Davidoff Cool Water Game for women! Thanks guys!

Courtesy of Nick: A super thick copper-bronze notebook. I LOVE NOTEBOOKS! I'm so gonna save it for Year 2. =)

Courtesy of Bro and his gf: 2 x $50 Takashimaya vouchers. Know what this means??? SHOPPING~!!!

And Helen and Jo bought me a white tote bag that is simply pretty! (I didnt take the picture cos I left the bag in my dad's car's boot. *hehs*) And Razee gave me a green packet! *wahaha* How cool is that?)
Oh wells. What more can I ask for?
Food's delicious (sorry I forgot to take pictures of the buffet. Anyway, fyi, so much food was wasted cos...there was too much. Fyi again, Dad sponsored it! *hehs*), and LOVE is in the air!!!
But too bad most of them couldnt stay over... BUT! It's a good thing I have XY, Xiang and Minmin. The four of us played MJ throughout the night can!!! I could see that they were pretty exhausted from all the "HUAT AR!" and "PONG AR!", but they were still maintaining their jovial nature. Especially Xiang, whom I can tell had been trying his best to entertain us, so much so that he had to report sick today. *tsk tsk*
But I really appreciate EVERYTHING and EVERYONE. Really. I couldnt ask for more.
Initially, I was very paranoid that the celebration will be a failure and kept thinking that no one will turn up (although some really DID never turn up!), and that having a chalet is a bad idea, but looking back now, I'm glad I had it cos all the important people who have made an impact on my life were there singing the Happy Birthday song to me.
Life's such, isn't it? What's important is that everyone is together.
Alrighty. That's a bloody long post.
I can't believe I've only slept for 2 pathetic hours from yesterday till now, but I'm still quite awake! Amazing, right?!
And I'll be going to the Food Fare at Expo later with momsie. Nice.
Lastly, a final thank YOU for showering me with so much love! =)
Happy 21st!
I'm so tired!
Had tuition in the morning.
Irritating algebra question stumped me. So very pai seh.
*** *** ***
Went out with XY to town for some shopping~!
Had yummy lunch at Sakae, Wheelock Place. Saw a NIE senior there. So very surprised.
Shopped somemore, but didnt fancy anything.
Saw Xiaxue. Very surprised also.
Finally, when I thought the whole shopping trip was a waste, I managed to buy a blouse at Cotton On. Pretty pretty.
So that's all.
Life's dull at the moment.
Need to order cake tmr.
Oh wells.
Good night.
Overwhelmed with Love.
Spent almost the whole of Sunday doing this:

I'm so proud of it that I can't stand myself. *tsk tsk*
*** *** ***
Finally got to meet up with XY after sooooooooo long!
We had dinner at HK Cafe just now. It was not too bad, except that they do not serve dim sum any more.
Ridiculous rite?!?! HK Cafe with no xiao long bao or siew mai or har kau??? What kind of HK cafe is that??? *rolls eyes*
Other than this pathetic change, dinner was generally acceptable.
Headed to PP for a little shopping afterwards, hoping to get some decent clothes or bags etc. But mission failed badly.
It's okie. We plan to go town this wed to see if we'll be lucky there!
Picture is rather blurry cos it's been long since I try to zi pai, so my hand was abit shaky...

Now, the zhong dian lai le (the main point of this post is here).
When I got home and walked to my room, I had the shock of my life when I switched on the lights. There was something on my bed. And nope, it wasnt a lizard or cockroach or anything like that.
OH. MY. GOSH. (repeat 20 times yourself).
I can't believe it. I didnt know the two of them have been meeting behind my back for FOUR DAYS AND FOUR NIGHTS to complete such a masterpiece of work!
I'm bloody touched and overwhelmed RIGHT NOW (still trying to hold back my tears).
No one has ever done such a thing for me.
I'm so grateful to GYM for letting me know these two humans who have brought me lots of laughter. And I'm also thankful to TP Business School for accepting the three of us as its students and even putting us in the same class, where we got to know each other better as time ticked by.
I was debating whether to reveal their present for me now, cos I was planning to save it till the actual day.
But what the heck. I simply can't wait.
This is the labour of Lester and Shalyn's fruit - the Frame of Gossipys's Memories:

It is so nicely and creatively done can! The photos just brought back all the past memories and crazy moments we had in our poly life.
Actually, I suspected something fishy was going on when Lester suddenly asked me for all the photos we had taken together. But I NEVER EVER expected this.
It even has lights in the shape of stars!!!

What's more, they had included BeBe's little cute head in it as well:

No wonder BeBe kept sniffing that part of the frame, cos I told her that her picture is there, and I think she likes it too. =)
And there's pink crystals!!

I'm so going to hang it on the wall of my princess room, as soon as I get my dad to drill some holes into it.
And then both of them will have the honour to watch me get dressed and undressed all day long. HAHAH!
Seriously, I spent a long time admiring each and every picture, and lovely memories just kept flooding back...
There was the trip to Sentosa, where SCB Shalyn brought rain as soon as we reached the beach, and she became our BMQ...
There was the attachment at Kelly Services, where we went through lots of 'disasters' like answering phone calls, biased 'boss' who likes 'Rainy' weathers, the controversial issue over the appraisal points, the time spent outside the ladies trying to make some sense to someone...
There were the projects and reports we had to do, where it was madness trying to complete them by the deadlines. Especially the Entrepreneurial project, where we had to construct a model of our ice-cream parlour at Lester's house late into the night, and his parents even bought us soon kuehs and shui jing baos for supper. (And then he threw the model away in the end, after we got an A for it).
And there were the countless outings, where we posed and snapped crazy pictures at deserted corridors, and even made our very own debut MTV in some secluded corner of MPH...
All these, they are priceless.
I yearn that we can continue our Gossipy culture and tradition to snap as many pics as possible till we are 85 years old (if we could live tt long).
But whatever it is, I'll definitely treasure the moments we have spent and will spend together in the future.
Some last words before I say bye bye...
To Lester: I can't believe u actually came down to my house (while I was out somemore!) to give the present. Heard from my mum that BeBe barked at you. This is weird cos she's usually very receptive to male species. Unless she sense that you are not. WAHAHA.
To Shalyn: I'll leave a space for you in the pictures during the chalet so you can photoshop yourself in it, pretending that you are there. =) Meanwhile, enjoy your trip to BKK!!!