Sweeeeet =)
Yes, YOU!
You, you, you!
Life at home hasnt been very fantastic lately...due to some...domestic problems. HAH.
But life outside has been fantastically fabulous. *grinning from ear to ear*
Thanks to all my lovelies who made the effort to celebrate my 22nd.
I've been busy going out EVERYDAY till late, meeting up with loved ones and having free treats. HAHAH!
And then I realised that I havent been spending time with...myself.
I believe that all of us, if not most, must spend some quality time with ourselves.
Selfish time that allows us to think, to reflect, to whine, or to just daydream.
I need that kind of personal space every now and then.
So, because I have no plans on the 25th, I decided to find a quiet and peaceful spot to read some books, drink some tea, have some cakes, and act tai-tai. *hee*
And because I'm from the Upper East Side, I settled down at Teasire (Coffee Bean was so crowded! I'm anti-crowds, by the way), which was unsurprisingly empty but comfy, comfy, comfy. =)
Service was great, Rising Sun with Rose Buds and Oreo Cheesecake were yumyums. *satisfied look*

Then I received a video call from Sin Choon and gang, who were all shocked that I was alone on my actual birth-day.
I was shocked that they were shocked. HAHAH.
Cos what's normal to me wasnt normal to them.
My dears, I'm NOT anti-social okie! I just need some time with myself. =)
Anyway, I'd love to spend the whole night there, but needed to get home to prevent more domestic problems from happening. *tsk tsk* Life sucks at this point.
So that was 25th for you. =)
Finally got to meet up with my Gossipys the very next day.
Gawd. So long never see them. Miss them terribly!
Lucky or not, they didnt change much.
Still as crazy, funny and bitchy as ever.
They're both looking for jobs at the moment, having just graduated from uni and ORD-ed.

After dinner, Lester aka Beatrice brought us to some shopping centre at Katong where there's a cheap karaoke place.
Turned out that it was fully booked, even though its location was quite ulu and appeared 'indecent'.
Still adamant of singing K as our after-very-full-dinner activity, Beatrice Yong brought us to another karaoke place at, listen good, Chai Chee Community Centre.
Nope, we didnt sing any dialect songs with any senior citizens.
Anyway, the zhong dian was the cheap, cheap and cheap price that we paid to sing for 3 hours.
Only $9.60 nett per person. Tell me, cheap anot!
But then again, you get what you pay.
The sound system was quite lousy and the MVs were rather blurry.
But I totally enjoyed myself during that 3 hours. We were all super high, especially LustyLester, who danced and pranced all night long. I wonder where he got all the energy when he was as skinny as a bamboo!
Oh wells! I'm not complaining. He's really one of a kind. =)
How I wish I could upload our videos/MVs here. They sure can light up your day. =)
Super entertaining, super hilarious and maximum pleasure.
Let me know when you feel down/sad. I'll play you the videos. *grinz*
Time to share my most disgusting and terrifying (ever!) encounter after our k-session.
Nope, I didnt bump into flashers or ghosts. It's twice or maybe thrice as worse than that!!!
*trying to calm down while recollecting the incident*
Okie, here's what happened. In brief.
Brace yourself...
Okie, you may scream now.
I can totally feel its dirty, spiky body braaaa-ing past my foot now. YUCKS!
That was the ultra-ultimate most gross sensation ever!
You may wonder why none of us noticed that big fat rat scurrying towards us.
Oh wells.
Our skinny friend LESTER YONG CHANG JUN saw the stinky-icky-yucky creature hiding under the dustbin and didnt have the basic courtesy to inform us.
And when he, being the first one to witness the stinky-icky-yucky creature scuttering out of its hiding place, shouted, "老鼠!!!!!!!!", and jumped neatly out of the way, everything was too late.
Shalyn and I screamed and jumped on the spot, like doing some kind of spastic tap dance, hoping that we won't have any contact with the stinky-icky-yucky rat.
But it was too late.
My foot kena it. And my sandals too.
*shivers and then faints*
I seriously have NO idea that my spastic tap dance moves would cause me to step on the last-creature-you'd-want-to-have-contact-with. I absolutely have no idea that I stepped on it.
Oh wells. Guess I was too engrossed in my tap dance that I couldnt think properly.
I am still seriously traumatised by this late-night encounter, so much so that it has left a scar in my beautiful life.
Okie. Enough. The more I talk about it, the more I can feel what I felt at that 0.5 seconds when the rat brushed past my foot, the more I'd get goosebumps, and the more I can't sleep later (gawd it's 2.30am now!!!).
Stupid rats.
*** *** ***
Woke up the next day to the smell of ba-zhangs. Heavenly smell that is. =)
Getting ready to head out for lunch with Mal!
Okie. I'm totally into the Korean craze now. No prize for guessing why.
Love their culture, love their language, love their food, love their dramas, love their namjas. Love their everything. HEHS.
I'm teaching myself Korean language, and am now able to recognise some of their writings! So cool lah!
Korean words appeared to me as weird symbols in the past. But now, I'm totally amazed by their writings. Each symbol actually represents a vowel/consonant sound that is now romanised by the Korean government for the benefit of foreigners who wish to learn the language. For people like me! =)
Okie, I can go on forever, but I'm tired.
To cut long story short, we had lunch at Thai Express, shopped ard Tamp One, and then chilled at J.CO (another of my fave hangout now).
Thank you, my friend, for the pretty card and lovely present!
It was nice and fun catching up with you!!! =)
Wish you well and happiness.
Wish me sweet dreams that are rat-free.
Till the next post. =)