Sunday, August 31, 2008
YOU! Money enough not???
Met up with Lester earlier today...
Was nice of him to accompany me to develop photos at PP.
Guess how many photos I've developed?!?!
A whooping 176 can!!!!! *gasps*
All because of someone. *hehs*
Stupid me went to wear the U.R.S. heels.
In less than 10 mins, horrible blisters attacked my poor little toes. *sobs*
Damn painful lah...
Had to go C&K to get a new footwear to save my feet...luckily there is a nice pair of sandals... So problem solved.
Had hokkien mee at the hawker centre cos Lester is on budget..
If he just spend less on his unnecessary wants (not needs!), then life for him wouldnt be so sad. *hahah*
Anyway, it felt great gossiping with him... Glad that he shares my sentiments on certain issues, which I can't really talk about it here wanna create any misunderstandings...since... you know...people actually stalk my blog... STALKERS!!! *hehs*
Wouldnt be nice if things begin to spread around!
So yup.
Lester is just as hiao as ever. Maybe even more hiao than the last I saw him.
For one thing. He still have his wrist sling on lah. My sincere, heartfelt blessings to you, love... U better get well soon hor! (maybe eight months later, right...)
We shopped around high fashion magazines abit...and then we headed home.
Later in the evening, I went to watch Money No Enough 2 with my parents at DTE.
Finally got the time to watch it, which was damn funny lah! *HAHAHAH*
Jack Neo's films really speak for us, the commoners. It's so close to our heart, so realistic, and so touching. The plus point is, MNE2 actually gave me the inspiration to write my MORAL EDUCATION essay! *hahaha*
But I'm super tired to do my homework now, which seems to be never ending.
And tomorrow is the new cycle of the same old week. *haiz*
8 more weeks to go before December holidays!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
I'm loving every moment of it...
I'm enjoying every moment of schooling. =)
Hellllllllloooooooooooooo people!!!!
I'm back with some exciting updates/happenings for the past one week.
I'm not going to say things like , "Wah, time passes sooooo fast!" or "So much things to do, but soooo little time!" and blah blah blah.
Oops! I just said them. Pai seh.
So, yupz. Everyday I'm feeling that. Everything is in a whirl. And unconsciously, it's now the fourth week of school, and it seems that so much things have happened!
Let's see...
I just finished one of my major presentations for this semester. All I can say is, my performance was not up to my expectations, and I hate myself for that little bit of screw-up. But in terms of overall presentation, my group did pretty well, and the tutor was happy with our effort. So I'm crossing my fingers for it! =)
And last Thursday was NIE's Learning Festival, and lessons from 1030am to 230pm were cancelled. So all of us were given the chance to attend various classes (not our normal lectures/tutorials!) for four hours.
So me, ele and mal joined the Muffins Madness and Introduction to Basic German classes for that day.
Oh man, I loooovvvveeee the baking class!
Can't believe NIE actually has a Food Lab, which is just like our secondary school's Home Econs lab! With stoves and ovens and all. (Am I being sua-ku here?)
One good thing about the baking class was, everything was prepared nicely and we had personal coach to teach us how to bake! (and answer lots of our silly questions)... *hehs*
I paired up with ele, and she was responsible for the blueberry muffins and me, the chocolate chips ones. And then we exchanged two of our masterpieces at the end of class, and we both had four delicious, yummy and pretty muffins!
Making muffins was really easy, and in no time, we were more or less done. So while the muffins were being baked, we spent the time taking photos. I can only offer a few pics here, cos most of the pics are in ele's cam, and she said I'll have to wait till she has finished all her essays/assignments before she can send me. Which means I have to wait till end of sem? Most likely.
That green thingy above is actually a silicon glove. My 'teacher' called it crocodile. *hahah* Cute.
This is our 'teacher' for that day. She was from TP too! She took Consumer Sciences. And when I told her I was from TP as well, she immediately guessed that I was from the Business School. Is she a psychic or what? Do I really have the business look?!?! Cos she wasnt the first one to say that. *ahahah*
ALAS!!!! Our masterpieces. Ele's managed to rise prettily, whereas mine was like, *bleahz*. But this is because her blueberries are considered 'wet' ingredients. So when the blueberries melted under the strong heat, it actually caused the flour to rise much higher. Whereas chocolate chips are dry ingredients, so it doesnt really helped much in the rising bit. I think that's how she explained to us. But whatever it is, taste matters more to me! *hah!*

Look at the second muffin from the left hand side. I told ele that she baked the muffins until they bleed. She said they were overflowing with her love. *rolls eyes*
Our muffins not only look good, but taste extraordinarily as well! *heehee*
Right after the class, we headed to learn German.
Oh man, I wanted to speak like Hitler, but it's too tough.
It's even more complex than English can! And English can be quite a headache sometimes.
I still can manage simple vocab, but that's the limit.
I guess learning a new language takes time and practice, and two hours are simply not enough.
German is interesting, but definitely not my preferred choice of language if I want to learn one.
Then came Friday, which was just yesterday.
Let's see...
Attended SLC meeting, where we discussed about the Thailand trip we are going this december. Things are basically more or less confirmed, like airtickets and stuff.
As we're bringing some P5 students from Rivervale with us, we are flying Silk Air! Not some lousy budget airlines! Yiipppeeee!
I'm soooo looking forward to the trip, and I can't wait to meet the kids there. =)
So the meeting was quite fun, and we played one 'adult' ice-breaker, which was really simple but fun. One of our group members, or facilitator cos he's so much older than most of us, is actually a grassroot leader at Bukit Batok constituency. He has several years of experience in expedition projects and he can speak Thai! I'm impressed. This is also why I'm looking forward to this expedition because I hope to learn as much as possible from the team and gain that precious experience.
(OMGosh, I sound soooo...enthu.)
Anyway, after the meeting, we went to play ping pong before our history class. Eh, actually, the guys and ele played. I was there to cheer them on. I tried playing, but somehow, I can't seem to catch the technique. Guess the ball is too small.
Eleanor and Uncle against each other. Can you believe she was from her school team? I didnt know she can play ping pong so well lah! *tsk tsk* But Uncle was not bad too. Not bad at picking up the ping pong ball. *hehs*
Two of our history mates, WZL and shazleen, got into the finals (single & group category respectively)!
So some of us stayed behind to support them.
The event only started at 730pm, so I spent the free time at the library doing my work with Ele.
At the deserted library cafe... can you see my reflection?? *hehs* I was so bo liao.
Oh yeah, I've got one good news to share. I managed to clear my bowels in the library toilet! It's so amazing lah! Now I can truly say that the library has become my second home, cos normally I can't sh*t in public toilets, no matter how bad I want to. *hee*
Anyway, back to Starlite.
Basically, I think that all the contestants, single or group, could more or less sing well. Let's face it. The fact that they have the courage to go for auditions and make it to the finals is already commendable.
That's WZL. He sang 'Hero' by Enrique Iglesias. So sry for the very poor quality of pics. It's not me, it's my hp.
One of the MCs, Alvin. I think he made the whole show more alive and entertaining from his witty and quirky reactions, and his ability to work the crowd. Oh man, he's charming. *hahah!*
I forgot to take some pics of Shazleen and her boyfriend, because I was enjoying her singing. Being classmates with her for a whole year, I didnt know she can sing that well! No wonder she won FIRST PLACE in the group category. I'm so happy for her. Well done! =)

WZL didnt make it to top 3, but I think he tried his best. Next year man!
We stayed behind for the refreshments and the results. By the time everything was over, it was already 11PM.
My gosh.
This is the first time I stayed till so late in school ever since the freshmen orientation camp last year. I'm such a loyal friend right... *haha!*
And I didnt drive lor!
Took the train and bus and all.
Reached home at about 1230AM.
*shakes head unbelieveably*
But I think Ele is more loyal and supportive. She has this e-learning assignment to be completed by 11:59:59PM, but she still stayed behind to support WZL until so late. But then again, she lives so near school. Just a few bus stops away. *hah!*
Okie. I shall get back to my moral education essay, to be handed up next week.
Busy, busy, busy!
ps: mal got me this. Pretty!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Being enthusiastic is so tiring sometimes.
I'm so enthusiastic that I can't stand myself.
After joining SLC, I realised that I have the enthusiastic blood in me. Activities that I didnt bother much with previously seemed pretty interesting now! Hence I'm glad that I was given the chance to help out in such events.
First up: The annual NIE Director's Relay.
If I'm not mistaken, this is actually the third year the event is held.
Basically, the director of NIE (whom we seldom see!) plus staff and students (from NIE & other secondary schools) participate in a relay race, whereby each runner from teams of four will run 2.4km around the perimeters of the campus, in a relay mode.
Which means the whole race might take 1-2 hours to finish.
So yesterday, I stayed back after class and helped out as a SLC member. *hah!*
Apart from the race, there were other events, such as the Endangered Animal Parade, and performances by various CCAs groups. We were in charge of the parade, basically by 'protecting' and 'escorting' the participants as they walked the 2.4km route. In other words, we acted like bodyguards.
Below were some pictures taken by July, the president of NIE's Green Club and our IC for that day. I took these pictures from the club's website, so interested parties can click here to check it out. =)
These were the participants of the parade, together with the water snake and jellyfish and sea turtles. Our duty is to walk with them throughout the parade. Easy job, but tiring.
Walking outside the school, where we drew huge attention from passers-by.
That's the bus stop where I used to wait impatiently for 199, along with hundred others. And that's the bridge that links NIE with NTU. Some called it the Love Bridge. *rolls eyes*
SLC members wore black for that day. So I guess you know who is not one of us. But we thank her for showing up. But no one realised that she disappeared halfway through. *tsk tsk*
From left: Ivan, me, Malinda, I-dunno-her-name, I-dunno-his-name, and Eleanor. Behind the camera is July.
Show you the pics that I took using my hp, so almost all were quite blurry. Not that I'm going to apologise for that. My hp sucks. Not me.
Look at the number of people who were waiting for the run to start. *shakes head*
Night fell and because the rain couldnt stop itself, they had to shift the entire stage into the school, where performances were held.
There were a live band, hip-hop dance, capioera (combination of breakdance & martial arts) and so on. Our 'animals' also got their chance to perform. By any-o-how dancing around to the song Under the Sea. *hahah!*
And then I left ard 8pm cos had to get up early the next day for another event, which I'll talk more about later. OOOHHHH! I forgot to mention the best part of the event.
We helpers got a taste of being VIP by eating the food for the VIPs. *HAH!*
I tell you, the food is so damn nice lah! Feel so privileged. All the hard work was worth it. *hehs*
So that's about it.
Now, the second event: Sharity Elephant 2008.
This is my second time helping out, and I've made up my mind.
No more such events le.
Not when BSc is the coordinator.
I seriously dunno why I joined BSc in the first place. I'm doing arts, so I should join BA club right!?! Shite.
Totally regretted it.
But in terms of experience wise, good or bad, I believe I've learnt alot, which I'll share one by one with you guys now.
Probably because I'm not very close to anyone in the BSc club, so I couldnt bring out the enthu-ness I display in SLC activities.
Anyway, I dun need anyone cos I'm independent. *winks*
Enough disgression.
This year's Sharity is a huge huge event, and is held at the Esplanade Park over the weekend (today and tomorrow). Our Prime Minister will be gracing this event, so you tell me whether it's gigantic or not.
Anyway, he's not here today, neither is Nat Ho (mediacorp artistes are performing tomorrow). *boo!*
So. I was told by the head of the community service committee to meet her at 8AM at Esplanade Park.
Being the ever punctual one, I reached there on time but saw no one.
Mind you, it was raining like mad this morning okie! And I can still get there punctually. *tsk*
That's the first thing I learnt: if you are the leader, try to be on time. Set a good example to your followers. You wouldnt want them to be late as well, right?
But never mind.
Waited and waited, and finally, leader and a whole bunch of people arrived.
And then waited again for the NCSS (National Council of Social Services) people to brief us for the day. *haiz*
This taught me another thing: No point arriving on time; it's just wasting my life.
Fast forward.
My duty was to register kids for coloring/drawing competition, so for almost the whole day I was stuck to the booth.
But I'm fine with it cos it's raining outside, so couldnt go walk around.
Anyway, if you ask me what's the one good thing that happened, I'd definitely say the children.
Some are just so adorable and innocent and cute and lovely that it makes me sick of the adults. Not the parents lah. Just some people.
Actually, the kids are the only reason why I went. To be honest, I wanted to msg leader in the morning and tell her i'm not going cos of blah blah blah reason, cos I'm super super tired and my workload is piling like nobody's business.
But when I thought of meeting the children and the promise I made that I'll help out, I still drag myself up.
And also, with the kind of loud personality leader has, the whole campus will probably know me as the MIA/irresponsible person until the end of the world.
Anyway, the other volunteers from BSc include mostly of freshies who, because they are freshies, were rather hyped up with things. In other words, super enthu. And busybody.
A parent came and asked me if he could borrow a hard board so his daughter can use it as a support when colouring.
There were some boards in a box near the registration table, so I thought it was okie to lend it to him for a while. I mean, if they need the boards, I could just go and get it back from the man.
(Another thing. This is a drawing/colouring competition. But NO TABLES AND CHAIRS ARE PROVIDED FOR THE KIDS. They are forced to sit on the carpeted floor, which was super wet and dirty cos of the rain. Ridiculous, isnt it?)
So I gave the man the board, and he was so thankful to me lah!
And then another parent saw it and came to ask me for the board too.
In the end ard three boards were borrowed out, and it made three parents and three children happy. Worth it? So worth it.
But then this freshie came over and kaypo-ly asked me if I was supposed to give them the board.
I told her I dunno, but I explained to her is not give, is lend.
Then think she trotted off to look for a higher authority to check, and minutes later, I found out that the boards cannot be given out.
This is only a simple problem that requires a simple solution:
Just bloody hell get the boards back from the parents, and all is well.
But Freshie made it look like it's the worst stunt I've pulled. *rolls eyes*
But later on Freshie got a taste of some more worst stunts I can pull, which I dun mean it lah, duh!
Goodie bags.
One of the NCSS people brought some goodie bags over to my booth and asked me to give out to kids even though they dun have coupons cos they have lots of goodie bags but very few people turned up for the event. So I guess they wanna clear the bags.
So I gave lo.
And then another Freshie came over and asked me how come I can give out the goodie bags without collecting coupons. (It seems like the freshies enjoyed spying on me, huh?!)
I was like, cos they told me to do so.
And then she asked again, "Can meh, can meh? So I dun need to take coupons from them lah?"
And then I was completely fed up.
"Do I look like I'm the in charge here? Stop asking me if can do this can do that, go ask the NCSS people lah!"
I think the freshie tio stunned lo. *HAHAH*
Lao niang bu fa hui, dang wo shi bing mao?
From them on, no freshies came to bug me.
I mean, I dunno what I'm supposed to tell you if you ask me if you can do certain things or not. Especially if I'm not the person-in-charge. If I tell you "no, you can't do it", but in actual fact you can do it, fingers will point at me for telling you no in the first place. Same goes for yes. If I said "yes, you can do that", but in reality you are not supposed to do it, then it will be my fault too.
You guys get what I'm trying to say here?
I'm trying to be smart and protect myself and not get myself into unnecessary trouble for giving out wrong instructions that I'm not even sure of it.
I just dun understand the freshies. And the leader.
I have more things to say, but I've decided to let it go cos mummy calling me for dinner and I'm too bloody tired to go on.
So, till then.
Take care and enjoy some of the pictures at the Sharity event, which you'll probably not get to see from here ever again.
PS: I saw a rainbow outside the library, and it brightened me up for that day. =)
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
I tell you, since poly days, I did not get any scoldings or yelled at (privately or in public!) by any lecturers/tutors/professors/whatsnot. That is, if you dun include my parents lah.
Therefore, all the more I wouldnt get yelled at since i'm in uni now cos uni students WON'T and DON'T get yelled at anymore cos we're practically adults.
Unless you suay suay kenna those lecturers/tutors who get agitated over the most minor thing, like if you're late for one minute or something like that along the line. Then I've nothing to say.
Even if you didnt do tutorials, I think at most uni lecturers will just shake their head and life goes on.
But after spending one and a half years in NIE, I finally broke the record. Someone yelled at me (and my friend, thank goodness! *haha*) today, IN PUBLIC. And he's not even some professor okie!
What happened was E and me were taking photos at a stall selling some interesting T-shirts designs.
Our starting point is very pure and innocent: to do something for our favourite English lecturer for Teacher's Day by taking interesting English-related phrases/words (cos we know he likes this kinda stuff).
And when we saw the designs, they totally fit the bill!
But after a few shots, the uncle (owner of the stall) sort of yelled at us, asking us why we were taking photos of his shirts and blah blah blah.
Our very first reaction was to drop everything and leave the scene quickly (HAHH!).
He continued yelling at us, saying that we're rude, never ask permission and things like that. (Okie lah. I admit it's our fault that we didnt ask, but dunno why it didnt occur to us that we should ask in the first place. I guess we're too excited to think that much!)
And then after some more scoldings, E went up to him and explained that we're doing an 'English project', and she asked for his permission.
Then I sort of heard the uncle saying something like he thought we're some spies from a competitor or whatever shite he's talking about.
As if he is the great designer who created the shirts. PLEASE LOH~~~
And there were other people around also loh!
So pai seh can!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Too long never get scolded, so abit unused to it.
But, whatever. *shruggs*
Let's talk about something happier or more cheerful.
During our five-hour break today, Ele, Mal and I took the shuttle bus and went to Can 2 at NTU for some SHAVED ICE-CREAM!!!
Am I mountain-turtle, or you guys have heard about shaved ice-cream already?
For the benefit of those who have not, well, shaved ice-cream, like its name suggests, that are.......shaved.
Dunno how to explain lah, hopefully the pictures will help.
I ordered the Chocoreo, which was so-so only. Didnt like the colourful thingy though...tasted abit weird. But the oreo cookies were really crunchy and fresh!

Mal chose Grape Rape, which in my opinion, tasted the worst of all three. But the grapes were fresh too!

The BEST OF ALL...Ele's pick. Mangoes at their freshest and sweetest.

As you can see, hopefully, that shaved ice-cream is in shreds, not as a whole thing stuck together. Apparently, that's their selling point.
So after ice-cream, we visited ADM's library, which somebody described as looking like the library at Esplanade.
Nothing special. Still prefer NIE's library. *hehs*
Had lesson till 7PM, and Ele and I went for the BA/BSC investiture ceremony. We stayed for a while, and ard 8PM, we drove to Can 2 (again!) for dinner, which was yummylicious! *smacks lips satisfactorily*
On our way home, I missed a turn at the roundabout and ended up going the long long way to the exit. I'm so blur lah! But seriously...I can't recognise roads/streets at night. Is that night blindness????
Anyway, tks to Ele, I finally know how to send her back and then U-turn to PIE(Changi Airport).
Cos sometimes I wanna give her a lift home since it's on the way, but I dun have confidence in the traffic conditions in Jurong/Boonlay areas (seen so many accidents before!), so I didnt offer her a ride.
But today, since it's just the two of us, I couldnt possibly drive off and let her walk to take bus right?!?
I'm such a nice friend can!!! *tsk tsk*
Speaking of traffic, I saw an accident at PIE on the way to school this morning. Happened on the lane I was at again.
But this time round is scarier cos it involved motorbikes. *shudders*
I saw the bike was already on the floor, with the side abit smashed, and the cyclist was out there, standing on the road, IN THE MIDDLE OF PIE, AT THE SECOND LANE FROM THE RIGHT!!!
Like, so scary lah!
I'm not sure if the guy was injured, but he seemed okie to me cos I saw him try to get his bike to stand upright again. But it was a fruitless attempt.
That's the dangerous bit about riding bikes.
Motorbikes are a haphazard on the road. They stressed me out. Especially uncles on lousy bikes/scooters, trying to hog the faster-moving lane while going at 60km/h when cars are flying at 100km/h???
Which is why one must be extremely alert and careful when driving.
You are not only responsible for you and your passengers' safety, but also the safety of other road users.
Drive safely.
PS: Can't wait for tomorrow! *anticipating the welcome tea!*
Saturday, August 16, 2008
My Life in NIE...
My Life in NIE
I've been taking photos lately, of friends and the funny/weird/question-mark stuff we do in school.
It's going to be interesting!!!
Only if you're interested lah.
First of all, let me introduce my two best kakis in school:
We were slacking, or killing time, at the NIE library cafe after 'shopping' at NTU's cca fair the other day.
Chewy Junior opened a booth over there, so we bought their puffs, and they are not too bad! But can be sinful to those health-conscious ones.
And then during the break in our history lecture (late afternoon somemore! *yawns*), me and Mal started playing. With our handphones.
She took a portrait of me acting cute (*ahem* I'm already am!) in her handphone, but dunno why, she can't bluetooth to mine cos the file is too big for my phone to open. *rolls eyes* Stupid motorola phones. I can forgive you if you peel, but you cannot spare some spaces for big files? Totally pathetic. I'm so going to change phone liao. If I have the money. *hehs*
Besides E and M, I would also like to intro another two of my retarded, erm, happy mates from my history class.
We call him Uncle cos look at him and you'll know what I mean. *HAHAH!*
Okie lah, Uncle. Just in case you happen to my blog's stalker, I shall announce both your old and new names to my readers.
But then again, I don't want to bore people cos they might not be interested in knowing your names, so let's just forget it, ya? *heehee*
Btw, my dear friend above was trying to piece back the receipt he has torn apart earlier. I think he's too stressed over studying US history that he's reduced into that state. *tsk tsk*
And a while later, he managed to complete the 'puzzle'!
Look how happy he was.
And then there is Erjin.
My partner in one of the modules we took last semester.
And because of him, I have a 'bad' reputation in our history class, especially among our clique. Thanks arh!And also because of him, I scored an A- for that module. *HAHAH* So, thanks again!
Btw, he's not being diligent or what by reading big and thick historical books. That book is all about the mysteries of the unexplained.
So I ask him why is he reading about himself???*LOLZ*
The difference between an elderly and a youth: One is hardworking at work, while the other one is hardworking at sms-ing.
Later on at our southeast asia lecture, when things get really boring and when I was practically drifting off to dreamland.Luckily our beloved lecturer/tutor was kind enough to give us all a break.
That's not me. It's Amelia.
See how exhausting two hours of history lectures can be??? I had to pinch myself and Mal had to poke my ribs so I could stay awake for like, 1 minute or so. *sigh*
Digression: I was supposed to have a make-up English lecture yesterday but I didnt go cos ah ma was hospitalised and I want to visit her. Felt a little guilty for skipping lecture. But my ah ma is more important to me. Plus the lecture was held at 6.30pm to 7.30pm can! So the decision is pretty obvious. Anyway, I just want to wish my ah ma to GET WELL SOON!!! =)
Okie back to today's topic.Guess what time I reached school today? (Yes, I went school on SATURDAY)
Bloody 7.20AM can???!!!I was supposed to meet Mal and Ivan at 8.30am for breakfast at school, but I thought we are meeting at 8am.
I was so used to reaching school by 8 in the morning lately just to have breakfast with Eleanor.
Plus I drove today, and traffic was superb! I was cruising all the way so I reached school even earlier! *shakes head*
But it's okie... I brought work to do, and so I sat (all alone!) at NIE canteen while I waited for them.
NIE canteen is bloodily deserted on Saturday morning lah! Not a single soul in the normally human-infested area.
This is just half of the canteen only. Looks big when there's no one, right?
I'm not suffering from narcissism okie. I'm just bored.
Must be wondering why on earth did I sacrifice my beauty sleep to go school so early on a Saturday, right?
Well, I signed up a cca in NIE called Service-Learning Club (SLC), and I was down for an interview today.
Basically, they need to interview me to see if I'm a suitable candidate for overseas expedition projects.
Right now, they're offering 4 youth expedition projects (YEP) to Chiang Mai (Thailand), Cambodia, Myanmar and Yuksam (India).
I chose to go Chiang Mai because...I prefer Thailand. *haha!*
Anyway before we can do YEP, we need to complete some local projects as well.
I'm so excited about it!
I realised that after secondary school, I wasn't very involved or active in school activities, and now I feel like I have wasted my poly years of not doing something fulfilling or meaningful, like helping the unfortunate ones.
Therefore this SLC thing provides me with the platform to do something for the society, and to gain experience and exposure so I can share with my students and friends and so on.
Anyway, my interviewers are all my friends, so it was a bit weird being interrogated by them. *haha*
And one of them happened to be the ever-impartial Eleanor.
She's so damn serious and firm and scary that I was stumped by some of her questions.
But overall it went well, and Gary (the most relaxed and funny interviewer ever!) later told me I'm chosen for the Thailand trip plus their exco committee. *hehheh*
(Just in case you have doubts, I got in through pure talents okie!!! Not because I know them or they know me! Think I turned on my charm and they were mesmerised by me. *WAHAHAHAH*)
Mal and Ivan being, eh, funny. They also came for the interview! Ivan also chose Thailand, but Mal opted to go Cambodia, so I guess we'll be in different teams.
Our Longchamp bags.
Behind the wheel.
That's all for now, and I'm super tired... still have lots of work to do later. But gotta take a nap first.Enjoy your weekend, peeps! =)