I tell you, since poly days, I did not get any scoldings or yelled at (privately or in public!) by any lecturers/tutors/professors/whatsnot. That is, if you dun include my parents lah.
Therefore, all the more I wouldnt get yelled at since i'm in uni now cos uni students WON'T and DON'T get yelled at anymore cos we're practically adults.
Unless you suay suay kenna those lecturers/tutors who get agitated over the most minor thing, like if you're late for one minute or something like that along the line. Then I've nothing to say.
Even if you didnt do tutorials, I think at most uni lecturers will just shake their head and life goes on.
But after spending one and a half years in NIE, I finally broke the record. Someone yelled at me (and my friend, thank goodness! *haha*) today, IN PUBLIC. And he's not even some professor okie!
What happened was E and me were taking photos at a stall selling some interesting T-shirts designs.
Our starting point is very pure and innocent: to do something for our favourite English lecturer for Teacher's Day by taking interesting English-related phrases/words (cos we know he likes this kinda stuff).
And when we saw the designs, they totally fit the bill!
But after a few shots, the uncle (owner of the stall) sort of yelled at us, asking us why we were taking photos of his shirts and blah blah blah.
Our very first reaction was to drop everything and leave the scene quickly (HAHH!).
He continued yelling at us, saying that we're rude, never ask permission and things like that. (Okie lah. I admit it's our fault that we didnt ask, but dunno why it didnt occur to us that we should ask in the first place. I guess we're too excited to think that much!)
And then after some more scoldings, E went up to him and explained that we're doing an 'English project', and she asked for his permission.
Then I sort of heard the uncle saying something like he thought we're some spies from a competitor or whatever shite he's talking about.
As if he is the great designer who created the shirts. PLEASE LOH~~~
And there were other people around also loh!
So pai seh can!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Too long never get scolded, so abit unused to it.
But, whatever. *shruggs*
Let's talk about something happier or more cheerful.
During our five-hour break today, Ele, Mal and I took the shuttle bus and went to Can 2 at NTU for some SHAVED ICE-CREAM!!!
Am I mountain-turtle, or you guys have heard about shaved ice-cream already?
For the benefit of those who have not, well, shaved ice-cream, like its name suggests, that are.......shaved.
Dunno how to explain lah, hopefully the pictures will help.
I ordered the Chocoreo, which was so-so only. Didnt like the colourful thingy though...tasted abit weird. But the oreo cookies were really crunchy and fresh!

Mal chose Grape Rape, which in my opinion, tasted the worst of all three. But the grapes were fresh too!

The BEST OF ALL...Ele's pick. Mangoes at their freshest and sweetest.

As you can see, hopefully, that shaved ice-cream is in shreds, not as a whole thing stuck together. Apparently, that's their selling point.
So after ice-cream, we visited ADM's library, which somebody described as looking like the library at Esplanade.
Nothing special. Still prefer NIE's library. *hehs*
Had lesson till 7PM, and Ele and I went for the BA/BSC investiture ceremony. We stayed for a while, and ard 8PM, we drove to Can 2 (again!) for dinner, which was yummylicious! *smacks lips satisfactorily*
On our way home, I missed a turn at the roundabout and ended up going the long long way to the exit. I'm so blur lah! But seriously...I can't recognise roads/streets at night. Is that night blindness????
Anyway, tks to Ele, I finally know how to send her back and then U-turn to PIE(Changi Airport).
Cos sometimes I wanna give her a lift home since it's on the way, but I dun have confidence in the traffic conditions in Jurong/Boonlay areas (seen so many accidents before!), so I didnt offer her a ride.
But today, since it's just the two of us, I couldnt possibly drive off and let her walk to take bus right?!?
I'm such a nice friend can!!! *tsk tsk*
Speaking of traffic, I saw an accident at PIE on the way to school this morning. Happened on the lane I was at again.
But this time round is scarier cos it involved motorbikes. *shudders*
I saw the bike was already on the floor, with the side abit smashed, and the cyclist was out there, standing on the road, IN THE MIDDLE OF PIE, AT THE SECOND LANE FROM THE RIGHT!!!
Like, so scary lah!
I'm not sure if the guy was injured, but he seemed okie to me cos I saw him try to get his bike to stand upright again. But it was a fruitless attempt.
That's the dangerous bit about riding bikes.
Motorbikes are a haphazard on the road. They stressed me out. Especially uncles on lousy bikes/scooters, trying to hog the faster-moving lane while going at 60km/h when cars are flying at 100km/h???
Which is why one must be extremely alert and careful when driving.
You are not only responsible for you and your passengers' safety, but also the safety of other road users.
Drive safely.
PS: Can't wait for tomorrow! *anticipating the welcome tea!*
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