I'm loving every moment of it...
I'm enjoying every moment of schooling. =)
Hellllllllloooooooooooooo people!!!!
I'm back with some exciting updates/happenings for the past one week.
I'm not going to say things like , "Wah, time passes sooooo fast!" or "So much things to do, but soooo little time!" and blah blah blah.
Oops! I just said them. Pai seh.
So, yupz. Everyday I'm feeling that. Everything is in a whirl. And unconsciously, it's now the fourth week of school, and it seems that so much things have happened!
Let's see...
I just finished one of my major presentations for this semester. All I can say is, my performance was not up to my expectations, and I hate myself for that little bit of screw-up. But in terms of overall presentation, my group did pretty well, and the tutor was happy with our effort. So I'm crossing my fingers for it! =)
And last Thursday was NIE's Learning Festival, and lessons from 1030am to 230pm were cancelled. So all of us were given the chance to attend various classes (not our normal lectures/tutorials!) for four hours.
So me, ele and mal joined the Muffins Madness and Introduction to Basic German classes for that day.
Oh man, I loooovvvveeee the baking class!
Can't believe NIE actually has a Food Lab, which is just like our secondary school's Home Econs lab! With stoves and ovens and all. (Am I being sua-ku here?)
One good thing about the baking class was, everything was prepared nicely and we had personal coach to teach us how to bake! (and answer lots of our silly questions)... *hehs*
I paired up with ele, and she was responsible for the blueberry muffins and me, the chocolate chips ones. And then we exchanged two of our masterpieces at the end of class, and we both had four delicious, yummy and pretty muffins!
Making muffins was really easy, and in no time, we were more or less done. So while the muffins were being baked, we spent the time taking photos. I can only offer a few pics here, cos most of the pics are in ele's cam, and she said I'll have to wait till she has finished all her essays/assignments before she can send me. Which means I have to wait till end of sem? Most likely.
That green thingy above is actually a silicon glove. My 'teacher' called it crocodile. *hahah* Cute.
This is our 'teacher' for that day. She was from TP too! She took Consumer Sciences. And when I told her I was from TP as well, she immediately guessed that I was from the Business School. Is she a psychic or what? Do I really have the business look?!?! Cos she wasnt the first one to say that. *ahahah*
ALAS!!!! Our masterpieces. Ele's managed to rise prettily, whereas mine was like, *bleahz*. But this is because her blueberries are considered 'wet' ingredients. So when the blueberries melted under the strong heat, it actually caused the flour to rise much higher. Whereas chocolate chips are dry ingredients, so it doesnt really helped much in the rising bit. I think that's how she explained to us. But whatever it is, taste matters more to me! *hah!*

Look at the second muffin from the left hand side. I told ele that she baked the muffins until they bleed. She said they were overflowing with her love. *rolls eyes*
Our muffins not only look good, but taste extraordinarily as well! *heehee*
Right after the class, we headed to learn German.
Oh man, I wanted to speak like Hitler, but it's too tough.
It's even more complex than English can! And English can be quite a headache sometimes.
I still can manage simple vocab, but that's the limit.
I guess learning a new language takes time and practice, and two hours are simply not enough.
German is interesting, but definitely not my preferred choice of language if I want to learn one.
Then came Friday, which was just yesterday.
Let's see...
Attended SLC meeting, where we discussed about the Thailand trip we are going this december. Things are basically more or less confirmed, like airtickets and stuff.
As we're bringing some P5 students from Rivervale with us, we are flying Silk Air! Not some lousy budget airlines! Yiipppeeee!
I'm soooo looking forward to the trip, and I can't wait to meet the kids there. =)
So the meeting was quite fun, and we played one 'adult' ice-breaker, which was really simple but fun. One of our group members, or facilitator cos he's so much older than most of us, is actually a grassroot leader at Bukit Batok constituency. He has several years of experience in expedition projects and he can speak Thai! I'm impressed. This is also why I'm looking forward to this expedition because I hope to learn as much as possible from the team and gain that precious experience.
(OMGosh, I sound soooo...enthu.)
Anyway, after the meeting, we went to play ping pong before our history class. Eh, actually, the guys and ele played. I was there to cheer them on. I tried playing, but somehow, I can't seem to catch the technique. Guess the ball is too small.
Eleanor and Uncle against each other. Can you believe she was from her school team? I didnt know she can play ping pong so well lah! *tsk tsk* But Uncle was not bad too. Not bad at picking up the ping pong ball. *hehs*
Two of our history mates, WZL and shazleen, got into the finals (single & group category respectively)!
So some of us stayed behind to support them.
The event only started at 730pm, so I spent the free time at the library doing my work with Ele.
At the deserted library cafe... can you see my reflection?? *hehs* I was so bo liao.
Oh yeah, I've got one good news to share. I managed to clear my bowels in the library toilet! It's so amazing lah! Now I can truly say that the library has become my second home, cos normally I can't sh*t in public toilets, no matter how bad I want to. *hee*
Anyway, back to Starlite.
Basically, I think that all the contestants, single or group, could more or less sing well. Let's face it. The fact that they have the courage to go for auditions and make it to the finals is already commendable.
That's WZL. He sang 'Hero' by Enrique Iglesias. So sry for the very poor quality of pics. It's not me, it's my hp.
One of the MCs, Alvin. I think he made the whole show more alive and entertaining from his witty and quirky reactions, and his ability to work the crowd. Oh man, he's charming. *hahah!*
I forgot to take some pics of Shazleen and her boyfriend, because I was enjoying her singing. Being classmates with her for a whole year, I didnt know she can sing that well! No wonder she won FIRST PLACE in the group category. I'm so happy for her. Well done! =)

WZL didnt make it to top 3, but I think he tried his best. Next year man!
We stayed behind for the refreshments and the results. By the time everything was over, it was already 11PM.
My gosh.
This is the first time I stayed till so late in school ever since the freshmen orientation camp last year. I'm such a loyal friend right... *haha!*
And I didnt drive lor!
Took the train and bus and all.
Reached home at about 1230AM.
*shakes head unbelieveably*
But I think Ele is more loyal and supportive. She has this e-learning assignment to be completed by 11:59:59PM, but she still stayed behind to support WZL until so late. But then again, she lives so near school. Just a few bus stops away. *hah!*
Okie. I shall get back to my moral education essay, to be handed up next week.
Busy, busy, busy!
ps: mal got me this. Pretty!
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