Slacked the whole day.
Until dinnertime.
Had sushi at SAKAE with my parents.
Wanted to make up to them for the shitty attitude I've been giving them for the past week.
But in the end dad insisted on paying, cos he knew my shitty attitude was a result of his actions. *ahem*
Headed to tm and finally met up with tiong and all. Lovely.
Bought adidas running shorts and shirt as my motivation to get my ass up and running every morning. *tsk tsk*
Overall, Sunday was Sweet. =)
BeBe acting dao and ignoring me when I'm talking to her. Or is she just staring at some unknown 'substance' on the ceiling? *shudders*

We were oh-so-flamboyant!
First thing first.
I adore tt latest skin I've gotten from
But I found out that I can't upload all my fab and sexy pics with that template.
Wonder why...hmm...
Anyway, decided that blogger templates are the best (and user-friendly too! esp for computer idiots like me.)
So this is it!
So pinky, isnt it? *hehs*
Can't believe Friday has already past.
Met up with Lester to go town. This time round, Gossipy was distorted cos shaz couldnt make it.
Shaz, we really miss you and hoped you could join us, but I guess exams are more important! I shall pray to GYM for you to get all the HIGH DISTINCTIONS or whatever you call it that is the best of the best grades you can get in school. :)
And without you around, we didnt have the mood to take ridiculous pics, well, except for one pic, which you shall see later.
It's been looooonnnnnggggggggg time since we've met up.
I'm so grateful to lustylester for going with me (but I assumed he had more fun than I had...hehs).
First stop: DFS.
Flamboyant us stepped into almost every atas boutiques the building contains, although my love was already given to Gucci. Oh wells.
We were served by this extremely friendly staff at Gucci. You see, there's really a HUGE difference between normal shopping malls staff, and staff from DFS. They seriously made you feel respected.
And I saw the wallet. It's totally perfect. The size and everything.
And I bought IT. Not on the spot, though, cos we went to taka and paragon to check out the various designs and all.
We then went back to DFS cos I really like that lady. I dunno how much commission she's going to get, but she sure deserved it.
And yes, I GOT IT!!!!
After so long. It's a 21st birthday present from myself for myself. I know, it's a tad early, but who cares! I'm an impatient girl!!! *hehs*
A good thing to shop at DFS: you get rebates. But I think it's a promotion or sth. $40 rebate as voucher. Gave it to lustylester cos he wanted to get perfume.
He's so hiao rite! Wants to get a ladies perfume for himself somemore! But Beyond Paradise from Estee Lauder for ladies is definitely nicer than the guys. Oh wells. But the price at DFS is abit steep for him.
So we went on to Lucky Plaza and walked all over the place to check out the ideal price, but to no avail.
Poor lester... He was planning to get the perfume de, but he ended up getting a sexy-cos-it's-tight-fitting FBT shirt at Carrefour.
Yes, we travelled all the way dere for sushi, cos it's damn cheap after like, 6.30pm? Didnt know there's such a good deal. And I must say here, Lester is such a nice, doting little brother to his sister (his sister likes to eat sushi). *sigh* Guys, you can't find anyone like Lester now: he does housework, he works out at gyms, he's rich cos he has a ROLEX watch & a LV bag and going to get LASIK soon, and...he took part in The Most Kissable Guy competition at Channel U. What more can you ask from a man? So guys, and strictly guys only, please. Go hit on him NOW!!!!
Ahem. Back to the topic.
We taxied to Golden Mile after that cos I wanted to get the Thai dessert for dad. I dunno wad it's called, but it's super nice. I miss bangkok already!
Then we taxied again to Bedok 85 for dinner.
Ahhh~ Miss that place can! Zhu rou zou, bah chok mee, bbq stingray, satay... HEAVENLY lah~
Tks for the treat, lester... you made me feel so pei seh la...! Look guys, another good trait of him! I'm referring to the 'treat' part, not the 'pai seh' part, okie. *hee*
So that's how our Friday came to be an end.
And now...introducing my new collection:
The ever goldy little carrier...

And its content...

He's definitely happy for me... =)

Once again, thanks for everything, Lester~!
Patience, patience!
This faithful blog of mine is currently undergoing a makeover. Please be patient.
p/s: EXAMS ARE OVER!!!!!!!!!!
The man who has the same type of blood flowing in his veins as me, the man who has the same surname as me, the man who is...
Eh...I think tt's abt it... That's all we have in common.
Oh wait...I forgot. There's one more...
The man who has the same parents as me.
That's him.
He got thefather to buy a car for him.
Yes. He forestalled me.
And frankly speaking, I'm sibeh bu shuang now, cos my lovely little Jazz bubbles are *pop! pop! pop!* into nothingness.
I know I shouldnt be feeling this way, but why cant I be feeling this way???
So my next move now is to:
Apply for hostel and pray extremely hard tt NTU'll approve my application.
I dun care if thefather doesnt allow (and I dun think themother will care as well).
Feeling sooooo bummed now.
Can't wait for the horrible ordeal to be over on the 23rd.
The retail therapy session at GUCCI boutique is booked by NEOWANTING on the 24th.
*** *** ***
Digress #1:
The first english exam paper was a killer. It's highly possible that I might flunk it. Oh wells. *shrugs*
Digress #2:
I'm totally hopeless at analysing historical facts about the dead and the living, whether their actions reflected their behaviour and blah blah blah. Who cares about it anyway?!?!? The dead is already dead, let them rest in peace! And the living is doing whatever they can for their own survival, now wad's wrong with that?!?! (This hopelessness is not helping me in my Singapore history and Asian Civilisation papers at all.)
Digress #3:
Saw Darren Lim and Evelyn Tan and their lovely girls at WS library. Amazing right. They were casually dressed, but Evelyn is so pretty! Her hubby's not bad looking as well. *hehs*
Digress #4:
Went running yesterday. And I vomitted. *tsk tsk*
Digress #5:
One of BeBe's ears hasnt been upright ever since...dunno when. Turned out she has infection inside the ear. Poor thing. But after a visit to the vet, her ear has miraculously stands up straight. Good gal.

Digress #6:
I wish the list can go on and on, so I wouldnt have to return to the horrible stacks of bound notes:

But I guess all fun things will come to an end no matter wad.
Miss me!
Start missing me now cos I'll be 'disappearing' from now til 23rd April 2008.
This is not a joke.
Went to SGH to visit a relative today...
He's admitted to the burns centre due to a terrible and horrific accident at his workplace.
Hot boiling oil was splashed onto his whole body, including his face, all the way down to his legs. *shudders*
My parents rushed to see him on the first day when the tragedy happened, and momsie's description of his current state had made me sick.
Today they were at the hospital again, so I decided to drop by after school and meet them.
Gosh, it's so scary lar...
Some parts of his body are really chao-tar lor~
Skin is peeling off on the affected areas (can even see the raw skin), and his face...oh man, I dunno how to describe it. Just...OUCH.
But apparently, everyone's saying he looks much better than the first day...
I really can't imagine the kind of pain he must have felt when large amounts of BOILING OIL landed onto his skin, which literally cooked it. *Shudders again*
I guess most of us can't even take it when we are splashed with a tiny speck of hot oil.
Incidents like these made me treasure life and the people around me even more...
So I'm learning to live life for the moment, because what's the use of working so hard towards my goals when maybe the next minute or hour some freak accidents happen to me?
And maybe I should start telling my loved ones I love them cos who knows, that might be my last words on earth.
So pessimistic, huh?
But life's like that.
Harlow my frenzzzzzzzz!!!!
I'm officially done with my horrendous India's essay, and that's a fricking piece of good news cos that's my LAST and FINAL assignment for the unbelievable sem!!!! *woo~hoo~!!*
But I have no confidence in this particular piece of work. Not even after I went to consult my lecturer with my "outline" last Friday...
Neh: "This is not an outline. This is an essay. And I dun discuss essays with my students in consultations."
Me: "Oh!?!? I thot it's an outline... erm...okie...why not I just briefly tell you the main points of my essay..."
And in less than 10 minutes, I was out of the room.
That's like the shortest consultaton I've ever had lah!!! Cos he just kept nodding his head and smiling at me...
(FYI, an outline to Neh is a one-pg thing.)
*rolls eyes*
So when I stepped out of the room, I decided to heck care and just write whatever I had in mind. But to give him credits, he did told me the main points I should include, but he forbade me to write them down.
And since my head is not that big to contain a huge brain, I couldn't remember some of the stuff he said. Especially after the 2hr journey back home.
*tsk tsk*
So it all boils down to nothing. And I stayed til 3AM to work on it can! Slept for TWO pathetic hours AGAIN! *grrrrr*
Anyway, my stress was relieved by a mere 30% later that night cos I finally received my F21 clothes, and I crazily bought another 3 blouses + 1 pair of socks at Espirit for a whooping $105.sth cents...
I'm mad, huh...
But my madness can be justified lor...cos I left only 20cents to become their member, so might as well get one more item to hit that amount rite???!?!?! So that explains the socks.
But my stress was most relieved by the accompany of the GOSSIPYS.
Met up with dear shaz and lustylester for dinner at V8.
My maiden visit to that restaurant.
It's fricking affordable lah! Food's nice, ambience's great (can watch Harry Potter movies somemore!!!), and service's excellent.
After dinner, we went to take NEO-prints.
Neo-prints leh. I've totally forgotten about their existence.
Had a crazy time making funny poses.
I'm waiting for the pics to be mailed to me, so I can upload here.
Tks lester for taking all the trouble to develop them and even mail them to us. But I seriously think this is what you should do cos U always dint blog abt our outings, so this little trouble is not that troublesome at all, huh??? *hehs* But i'll still love u, my hao jie mei. May u master Thai soon enuf and fly to BKK and get urself a Meng Nan. *hee*
So that's my Friday.
Not worth mentioning Saturday AT ALL cos I spent the whole day chionging Neh's essay. The most exciting thing that happened that day was that I bathed BeBe.
Now for Sunday...tsk tsk...Quite an "enlightening" day.
Afternoon went out wif my parents to meet the agent and the tenant who wishes to rent our shop at Tamp.
During the entire process, while I sat there listening to them talk about the terms and conditions of the contract, and how my dad fight for his own benefits, I was utterly amazed and full of respect for him. He sure knows his stuff, man.
But luckily, everything was settled and both parties are happy. That's what's important.
After which, we went to Ubi to check out Honda cars... So exciting!!!
The place was crowded with interested and potential buyers lah~
Singaporeans are really getting richer and richer. *tsk tsk*
Anyway, I finally got upfront and personal with Jazz. So pretty lah~!! Love it love it love it!
Dad's friend, who was working there and helping us out, wanted to get a Jazz so I can test drive it.
I was too shy lah, so I declined his offer politely. *hehs*
We discussed the prices for it, and man, was it steep.
So we're now still in the considering stage...
But I'm keeping my fingers crossed!!!!! *heehee*
P.S: Spent two hours today watching Discovery Channel. Learnt how Ronald Reagan, the ?th President of USA managed to survive after he was assassinated. This is amazing cos no president actually survived after being shot. He was the first. And he was 70 years old back then. Tsk tsk.
Honesty or Stupidity?
I almost got into a heated argument with my friend just now over this topic:
If you see a piece of $10 note lying on the floor with the come-pick-me-up! look, would you
a) pick it up and keep it cos finder's keeper, or
b) pick it up and hand it over to the police station because it's the 'right' thing to do, or
c) walk away and pretend to ignore it?
Obviously Option C is the stupidest of all. Unless you're Bill Gates, or someone who has half his fortune, you'd probably wouldnt care less.
I seriously dun think anyone in their right state of mind would ignore money that is lying stark naked in front of you.
So Option A is my pick.
And u clever readers out there would have guess my dear friend's choice is Option B, tt's why the almost-heated argument.
What happened was... I told her I saw a nobody's $10 note on the ez-link card top-up machine when I was abt to top up my card...(Some forgetful person must have left it hanging there when the machine refuse to accept the note, and left without the money)
My first natural reaction was to kope it. And I did. *hehs*
But of course...crazy thoughts started to form in my head...
"What if it's a prank, like those GOTCHA! shows whereby they put the cash there to lure innocent people like me to take it, and then they burst out in surprise?"
"What if the owner decided to come back and look for it, but couldnt find it cos no idiot would NOT want to keep the money for himself, and made a scene at the control station, so much so that the station crew can't stand it and decided to view the CCTV and saw ME taking the money????"
You know, thoughts like that.
Anyway, what's done was done. So end of story. I found a $10 note today. Yay.
But then, my friend, being an extremely righteous person, said she would return the money either to the station crew or to the police station.
*raises eyebrows*
Okie. She's darn right honest.
But come on lah! How sure can you be that when you return the money to the 'authority', they won't use that money to add to their own funds and ultimately spend on themselves??? (I'm not pinpointing anything here aye, dun get me wrong.)
Then she defended by saying at least she dint keep the money and so no bad things will happen to her.
*rolls eyes*
Anyway, I'll stand by the saying "what's yours is yours".
But I guess it depends on how much the money totals up to. If it's like hundreds or thousands or more, I'll most definitely wont keep it. Really.
Okie. Nid to get back to ah neh's essay.
Sooooo fun.