Hate to take MRT in the morning... Super-duper powerfully crowded... Can you imagine I hafta stand from PASIR RIS all the way to Tanjong Pagar?? Pasir ris lehz! It's the end of the eastwest route, and yet I can't even get a single seat??!!! Apparently residents from Tampines n Simei took the train down to MY Pasir Ris to ensure they've got seats for themselves... *rolled eyes* Wad a waste of time n space.
Finally got a chance to rest my tired feet @ Tanjong Pagar... but *boom* it's Buona Vista in a flash... Suddenly ALOT of ppl alighted, and I thought for a minute they might be gg to the same place as me, attending the same briefing... Well, some do, coz I saw them at the Edutorium later...
Aniwae, think my suay luck is flying above me and staying there temporarily for the morning...
When i reached MOE, I suddenly realised tat I dint have the important declaration form tat was to be submitted...
NO, I dint lost it or forgotten to bring...
I mailed it back to MOE, when I'm supposed to bring it down personally n hand to the personnel on the spot...
*diaoz*So can you imagine how panicky I get coz apparently EVERYONE present has his/her form wif them... Guess I'm the only one who's silly n stupid enough to mail it...
*shakez head* How blur can I get???
So I informed dis auntie, dressed in a black suit, very ugly, wif short perm hair n grumpy face...
She asked for my name, and I gave her. She searched for my folder. She can't find it. She threw her temper at me. She directed me (impatiently!) to another person who's got my folder...
DAMN her. Early in the morning mood so bad... And not to mention it's so freaking pai seh okie! Coz when i went up to the correct person who's got my folder, she told me I dint fill up my declaration form properly...
*shit* And so, there I was, standing in the middle of the place, searching for my pen (they freaking DUN haf any pens to offer) in my bag while everyone else was going into the Edutorium...
Once I'm done, I handed the form back to the lady, but I was told to go back to the end of the queue and lined up again...
*super diaoz*Wad a start in the morning, huh??
After the administrative matters were settled, I entered into the Edutorium, and the appointment briefing began...
It was rather boring lahz hor, coz it's very dry... Talk mostly abt renumeration, medical benefits, leave n blah blah blah by a super short auntie whom I can't see her face throughout the PPT presentation coz she's not tall enuf for the podium...
*hahaz*Then we were called up one by one to the stage to hand back the forms if we accepted the appointment, and to book a medical examination date...
All these took ard 2 hours...
After which, I returned back to work...
*hahaz* I'm so hardworking rite??? No choice lahz hor... I need the money to fulfil my needs...
*hehehz* So many things to buy, so little money...
HOW???My CE was soooo grateful tat I returned to work... she's realli appreciative of my effort okie... kept saying thanks lehz, jacelyn!
*hahaz*Oh ya! I forgot to mention an incident earlier... This incident left all the frontline service crew badly shaken up, and the 2nd deputy director of the clinic to call for a clinic meeting for all the staff, including us & doctors & nurses... So you can imagine how serious tat was...
Actually, wad happened can be avoided, if the patient is nice n understanding...
But the world is not always full of such wonderful ppl coz there's bound to be some who spoils everything...
On Tuesday, Mother Illness fell upon many ppl, who decided to patron our clinic n caused patients overflow, doctors overwork, clinic overcrowded, and us, overstressed... Therefore, we had to close the issuing of Q numbers @ ard 11am... Which means patients who came in after 11am gets the afternoon number for consultation... Which means they hafta wait until 1.30pm to start the afternoon registration...
Obviously, this was unacceptable to some coz they, being inflexible in the head, die die wanna see the doctor becoz our clinic's operation hours is until 12.30pm, and they argued tat they were in time for consultation... Although we explained til our throats are sore, they still dun understand...
One Indian-Muslim guy took it over-personally, and began shouting til the ppl at Level 3 can hear his shitty voice... He even barged into our office to demand for our CEs... Coz he's a hell of a tall n strong n big-built man (full of fats lahz hor, I can't see any muscles on him), we were quite frightened he might do something dangerous to us...
"WHERE'S YOUR MANAGER?! HOW COME SO EARLY CLOSE NUMBER? WHY I CAN'T SEE DOCTOR NOW? IT'S STILL SO EARLY! ARE YOU ALL SKIVING??" We tried to explain to him the situation: too many patients n doctors can't handle, so he has to wait til noon.
And he's making a hell of a big scene... Looks like he's ready to do some serious boxing or sth... We called in the Cisco security guard...
"CALL POLICE? YOU THINK I SCARE AR? SHOOT ME WIF THE GUN IF YOU DARE LAHZ!!!" Can you imagine his nerves?? How dare he?
Crazy continued to yell harsh words at the CEs for the next 15 mins or so... Poor CEs, trying to pacify him... And we were inside the office, cursing n swearing at Crazy, hoping against hope tat CEs stand firm n say no to Crazy...
But expected lahz hor, they gave in to Crazy... He was registered, and he was given his regular doctor (he's a regular patient)...
Pui. Pui. Pui.I can't believe we gave in to such ppl... If there's Once, there are bound to be Twice, Thrice n so on... Worse is when other patients follow suit... Monkey see, money do...
Hao de bu xue, huai de xue... you know???
Crazy tops my list for the Most Ugly Patient 2007... Ugly not in the sense of ugly appearance, but ugly attitude/behaviour/conduct... But he's equally ugly in terms of looks lahz hor... so it makes no difference.
Den today, I met Crazy No. 2.
I registered dis guy, who looks quite friendly... but in a moment, I realised tat looks
ARE deceiving...
"Hi, sir, here to see a doctor today?"
"Den? Come here not see doctor see who?"
Pls lahz, I know my qns sounds stupid, but it's my job to ask tat coz different ppl come clinic wif different reasons, okie dokie?
Aniwae, I faster registered him, but then his record showed an outstanding bill of $20.20, and it's MY job to inform him abt dis...
"Sir, you have an outstanding bill of..."
"NO NO! GET YOUR HEAD HERE! I'VE EXPLAINED ENOUGH! EIGHT TIMES I CAME HERE AND I HAD TO EXPLAIN EIGHT TIMES, AND YOU STILL ASK ME TO PAY? GET YOUR HEAD HERE NOW!!! I WANT TO SPEAK TO HER!!!!" (Sorrie lahz hor, my head is already looking at you.) My colleagues all got a shock... I looked at my shifu for help... She tried to explain to him it's the fees for his injections, but he refused to open his stinking ears to hear her out, and kept demanding to see CE...
Den my shifu asked me to faster register him n send him up...
Wu yuan wu gu (for no reason) get shouted at... My shifu n colleagues were all cursing n swearing after he was gone...
Tat's part n parcel of my job at the clinic... Hafta deal wif these uneducated ppl all the time... But I'd admit there's some veri veri nice ppl out dere... but the ratio of good:evil is like 1:2... Being evil is taking on a toll over Singaporeans + Gurkhas (Nepalese)...
WHY?? Why can't everyone be as nice as me? As patient as me? As friendly as me? As understanding as me? I dun think it's
tat hard, you know???
Breakfast Break activity: drink Milo n take pics! I dint manage to take lots of pics becoz there's always someone in the pantry during break time... these were taken unknowingly... So fun.