Mahjong and some random stuff...
Went shopping with momsie at TM ytd.
Bought lots of makeups for ourselves, and I dint have to pay for it! *hahahz*
Hush Puppies shirts on sale, and I bought two polo tees for my old dad.
Had my fave yong tau fu at CS.
Shopped at Baleno, and saw an angry auntie scolding the poor cashier. And mind you, her words were pretty harsh. Pity the young man.
Oh, this is getting so random cos I dunno wad else to write.
Anyhow, I received a call from Miss Hydi-the-SIA-gal.
And I've got a feeling mahjong is the reason why she called.
So I went to her house for a supposedly 'fast' one-round game, but in the end, it lasted for 3 whole hours.
And I lost 36 bucks in the process... *tsk tsk*
But I still had fun, and it's so nice to see her after so long...and zhiqiang and kenneth as well.
All I can say is, they have certainly changed (appearance-wise, of course) alot from the last time I saw them. But it's all for the better. =)
I dint know they are blog stalkers too, so I must say a few good things to them. *hehz*
Hydi, enjoy all your flights, especially today's, cos you'll be counting down with lots of ah-nehs. It's a one-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so do hold on tightly to it!
Kenneth & ZQ, although you two had won all my money, I still wish both of you all the best in your army days and dun be like lustylester who tries all means to escape his duties. Our country counts on the two of you. Good luck.
Speaking about countdown, I guess I'll be spending with my momsie cos she has officially asked me out and she's been extraordinary sweet and nice to me these few weeks too.
So, why not?
Before I go, lemme intro my new-found-love-cum-old-flame:郭品超 a.k.a Dylan.
Isn't he a cutie??????

Recently I've watched and re-watched 斗鱼(1) a.k.a The Outsiders(1). It's a fricking nice taiwan drama series about gangs, secret society, and romance. But one sucky thing is the ending: his character died in the end. *sobz*
But still, it's an excellent show.
And he's so suave!!!!
My type.
I heart Gossipy's Gossipers
Today was a fruitful day.
Had my first ever session at New York Skin Solution, and the facial was full of squeezes. It wasn't FRICKING painful to me cos I have a high level of tolerance, but for the faint-hearted, beware.
Didnt sign the package on the spot cos momsie said no. And since she's paying for it, she has the last say. But in the end, when I got home and told her all about it, she changed her mind and decided to let me sign for the package.
I love her to hell can!
Aniwae, I'm uber touched that lustylester and shaz came to WS and waited 2 hours for me to finish my facial (dunno if they REALLY waited that long, but I chose to believe them... *winkz*).
When I walked out of the room, I was very shocked to see the two of them at the counter, asking the lady for Neo Wan Wan.
Typical lester, trying to be funny. *tsk tsk*
Anyhow, I really appreciated them coming to find me.
And they came to my house to visit Neo BeBe and Neo PaPa and Neo Mama as well.
Then we cabbed down to Haji Lane, and the fun begins...

Our painted toe nails. The middle and ugliest yellow nails belong to Mr. Yong. *shudders*

Took many funny but artistic pics at Haji Lane. This is why I love to go out with them. They have no image and thus not image-conscious at all, and they love to act like models. And I was greatly influenced by their enthusiasm. *heez*

Don't we look like the two sisters from a Korean horror flick???

I adore this one because it's simply gorgeous.

Shopped around Bugis Street for lustylester's suspenders, but to no avail. However, I managed to buy a bag that costs me only $16. Cheap cheap.

A long wait for the bus to Parkway Parade...Took some interesting pics to kill time...

Now you see it...

Now you don't...

I almost lost my HP on the bus when it slipped out of my pockets without me realising. Luckily, Shaz turned her big head around and saw it. Therefore, I shall now proclaim that Shalyn Phua Shi Peng is my xin yun xiao xin xin (Lucky Little Star).
Aston's Specialities for dinner. Thank GYM it's not a long wait, unlike the previous time I went. But we still had to wait...

The food was lovely. Simply superb. No wonder it's packed every weekend.
Lustylester's steak:

Shalyn's crispy fried fish:

And my grilled fish with herbs:

Food was great, night was beautiful, and the company was brilliant.
What more can I say?
This is life.
And such life is going to end soon in a few days' time.
Dreading 7th Jan.
Just saw my next sem timetable.
It's ultimate retarded.
All the more I'll treasure my 'remaining' days slacking away, and hopefully, with GYM's blessing, I can sail through nx year smoothly.
And Mr. Yong Junior, hope your wrist 'heals' faster and quickly get urself a BF who is as macho as the guy we saw at Aston's so he can well protect you from falling down and breaking ur wrists.
As for you, Shalyn, hope you can also find ur BF who can tolerate your no-sharing-of-spoons-habits and bad-mood-periods.
Looking forward to our nx fri.
And school's starting.
GOSSIPY reunites with GUCCI's help.
Finally got to meet up with my dear Gossipers.
Thaya and namnoinoi didn't join us due to some unforeseen circumstances. *tsk*
Anyhow, met up with lustylester first (that shaz is late again!) and I was shocked to see him STILL in his hand sling.
Mediacorp can give him a Best Male/Female Award le.
This guy can really smoke his way through... *hahahz*
While waiting for the bad-mood queen, we went to eat at the hawker near GYM. And an angmoh shared seats with us leh. *hahaz* He used chopsticks to eat his laksa. Oh, whatever.
After paying our respects to GYM, we headed straight to town for my GUCCI hunting.
Bloody hell.
It's a Thursday, but it's like people do not have to work; the streets were so bloody crowded can!! *haiz*
Even Gucci Paragon was full of peeps. Everyone was in a madness rush for Gucci products. As though the price tags dun matter to them anymore. Crazy.
We then left the boutique for Far East.
Shaz and I bought the same black cardigan each. Pretty pretty. =)
Wasting no time, we headed straight for the DFS.
And I've finally got my bag.
*wide grinz*
There's not much painstaking decision for me to make. I just knew: "THIS IS IT." And I bought it.
Superduper happie.
But felt abit unbelievable, breathless, amazed and still amazed after I left the boutique.
But still happie. *heeheez*

Oh, did I mention lustylester bought himself a LV broadway messenger bag that costs him $1700??? My bag isn't even that ex la!
I've finally got the opportunity to sling his bag on me. We are oh-so-hiao!!

Shopped somemore at Orchard, and went to Golden Mile for thai food.
Lovely dinner. Two thumbs-up!
A fricking hot meal for the hotties. *hehs*

Thai Mango Salad:

Pineapple Rice:

Shaz acting cute with Pineapple Rice:

Steam Chicken Wrapped in Pandan Leaves (fricking nice!):

Kangkong Sambal & Tom Yam Seafood Soup (fricking spicy but shiok!!!):

Lingered around at the complex cos it reminds us of BKK. I soooo miss bangkok!!!
Cabbed down to Bedok Princess for 'I AM LEGEND'.
Princess is dirt cheap. And the seats aren't like what others have been saying. They are completely dry and clean.
As for the movie, damn nice.
I cried abit when Samantha (Will Smith's loyal dog) died as she got the virus. So sad can!!!
Other than it's vulgarity-inducing, the movie's still worth a catch. Even Shaz the bad-mood-queen-who-doesn't-watch-movies-for-years agreed it's nice. So it's definitely nice. Oh, whatever. Go watch it if you haven't.
If you're worried to spend $9.50 on it and wondering if it's nice, then go catch it at Princess. At least you won't feel the pinch if you think the movie's lousy (which you shouldn't be thinking at all) cos tickets are damn cheap there.
Check out the empty cinema. Not bad right??

Outside Mac with Mr. Ronald McDonald.

And last but not 4-digit GUCCI love:

Thankfully, momsie hearts it as well.
She thinks it's gorgeous, and the money's worth it.
I was so scared she doesn't like it.
Proves that I've got good taste. *hehs*
Alritey, it's time to say goodnite.