Mahjong and some random stuff...
Went shopping with momsie at TM ytd.
Bought lots of makeups for ourselves, and I dint have to pay for it! *hahahz*
Hush Puppies shirts on sale, and I bought two polo tees for my old dad.
Had my fave yong tau fu at CS.
Shopped at Baleno, and saw an angry auntie scolding the poor cashier. And mind you, her words were pretty harsh. Pity the young man.
Oh, this is getting so random cos I dunno wad else to write.
Anyhow, I received a call from Miss Hydi-the-SIA-gal.
And I've got a feeling mahjong is the reason why she called.
So I went to her house for a supposedly 'fast' one-round game, but in the end, it lasted for 3 whole hours.
And I lost 36 bucks in the process... *tsk tsk*
But I still had fun, and it's so nice to see her after so long...and zhiqiang and kenneth as well.
All I can say is, they have certainly changed (appearance-wise, of course) alot from the last time I saw them. But it's all for the better. =)
I dint know they are blog stalkers too, so I must say a few good things to them. *hehz*
Hydi, enjoy all your flights, especially today's, cos you'll be counting down with lots of ah-nehs. It's a one-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so do hold on tightly to it!
Kenneth & ZQ, although you two had won all my money, I still wish both of you all the best in your army days and dun be like lustylester who tries all means to escape his duties. Our country counts on the two of you. Good luck.
Speaking about countdown, I guess I'll be spending with my momsie cos she has officially asked me out and she's been extraordinary sweet and nice to me these few weeks too.
So, why not?
Before I go, lemme intro my new-found-love-cum-old-flame:郭品超 a.k.a Dylan.
Isn't he a cutie??????

Recently I've watched and re-watched 斗鱼(1) a.k.a The Outsiders(1). It's a fricking nice taiwan drama series about gangs, secret society, and romance. But one sucky thing is the ending: his character died in the end. *sobz*
But still, it's an excellent show.
And he's so suave!!!!
My type.
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