The weather has turned
brrrrrrr cold.
Rmb to bring a jacket when you go out, ya??
Dun wanna be a flu bird during this jammed pack December holidays!!!
*hahs* Aniwae, I finally got to catch sexy Josh in 3o Days of Night at MS.
So pissed off by the ending.
Stupid scriptwriter or director or producer or whoever's to be blamed.
Why did you have to let Josh's character die???? (Oops. Sorrie to those who have not seen the movie.)
Anybody else could have sacrificed, why him???
So not fair.
*hmrpf* Anyhow, the movie's bloody gore in a cool way, although the ending was a bit lame.
But it's still worth the money coz Josh is way tooo cute!!!
*hehs* Headed down to Bugis to hunt for my ipod case.
Can't find any nice one that fits the bill...
*tsk tsk* Bought a map of Bangkok at Kino...
Superduper excited abt the upcoming thai-thai trip.
So XY and I met up to plan our itinerary for that 4 days.
We sat at Bugis Starbucks, and the place was damn
(x10) packed with screaming teenagers.
林宥嘉 , 潘裕文,许仁杰, and 周定纬 worz!!!
林宥嘉 (my fave!!!) is soooooo cute!!!
*wahahahs* But too bad I can't get a nice shot of him.
My DC has zoomed to its max, but the pics are still very blurry.
But you can still tell it's him.
I tried my best. My cam tried his best. This is the best shot le.

Without flash. *tsk tsk*

潘裕文 (hat) is another of my favourite in 星光帮 !!! And his English name is Peter. Peter Pan. *hahs*
I seriously need to praise the four of them and their crew.
They were actually late for only 15 minutes leh!!! Unbelievable right??!?!?!?
This was considered quite punctual for such events okie...
They were still signing when we left Starbucks at 9 plus, and the queue was endless.
See how notorious they are??? *hehs*
Go watch 超级星光大道, and you'll get into the trendy frenzy and blend in with the young ones.
Like me.

I rebonded my fringe for just $30!!! Ain't that cheap or what??? =)

Successful in squeezing my hidden dimple out... *hehs*
Hmm, let's see...
I have watched the movie that I wanted to watch.
I have shopped enough for the time being (gotta save for bkk!!!).
I have even seen 星光四少 in person.
So what can I do next?
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