6th Nov: Pauline-the-dancer-who-can't-stop-dancing's birthday.
7th Nov: Celes-the-miss-not-so-punctuality's birthday.
So the usual gang met up at The Central for a sumptuous dinner @ The Manhattan Fish Market (
ignorance, dun mistaken it for a REAL fish market. It's a restaurant okie. We are
atas ppl)...
As usual, we were all late.
*hahah* Oh just to digress a little...
I went back to school for a bloody short meeting. It lasted for less than an HOUR. Bloody hell. Made me travel
ALLLLLL da way.
Grrrrr..... Might as well dun go. Only less than 10 ppl turned up when there's 26 of us.
And I'm sick lor! (Oh another digression: I finally succumbed to Mr. Nose-Blocked and consulted the doc yesterday.
*tsk tsk*) Okie. Going back to Manhattan.
Oh ya. We went to the one at The Central, Clarke Quay. There's another one at Plaza Singapura too. Not bad a place. Can tell the business is
VERY good from the outrageous long queue during dinnertime.
But we still got our table for 8... =)
Ordered lots of seafood.
*haha* Xiang & Tiong both tried the
Manhattan Fish & Chips:

Quite nice. But the fish was a tad too salty.
We the four gals shared Manhattan Giant Fried Fish Platter, and Hui & I ordered Manhattan Caesar Salad as well (but dint take a pic of it cos it was already attacked b4 we could shoot it):

There's big crispy prawns, calamari rings, fried mushrooms, fried fish fillets. All served with fries and butter rice. *yummyz*
Food was great, and it's very affordable too! It's on my list for places-to-eat-if-you-are-feeling-rich-or-just-wanna-treat-yourself-to-a-good-meal. =)
Looks like someone's not realli enjoying himself. Or izzit I caught him at the bad moment?? *heehee*

Future sergeant. *tsk tsk*

Celes tried to portray their brotherhood in this pic. But I think she failed. Or did they fail her?? *winkz*

Pauline, Celes and me!

Someone's being retarded.

Now that's better. =)

Celes, Xiang and Darren!

Hui and Hui.

Pauline and Pauline.

Me and Hui =)
These two just won't take proper pics. *haiz* Forgive them. It's their birthday celebrations after all.

Nice one, Pauline. *rolls eyes*

Sorrie Nick. I had to put this up cos the three of us looked so nice! Oops. You looked cute too. =)
After dinner, we lazed around and just chatted. Our seats were soooo comfy tt it was hard to get our bums off them. *haha*
But Nick managed to sneak out and ordered a brownie with ice-cream as a makeshift cake for the two Scorpio girls. =)

Wonder who's the real birthday kid?

One's too tired to smile for me cos of her dancing. The other one? I guess she's being a brat.

Thanks Pauline for teaching Celes a lesson for not smiling properly and nicely for my cam! =)
Lastly, the two of them have something to offer to everyone as a token of appreciation....

Their distorted faces.
When it's time to go, it's time to go.
Pauline, Hui & I left first cos we were sooo tired. Especially the dancer and the full-time working adult. *tsk tsk*
Aniwae, I allowed myself one last moment of fun before I really shut myself in my Pasir Ris home for two whole bloody weeks, after which I'll resurface again as a new person. *fingers cross*
Realli hope that I can pull through this.
It's really sad when I won't be able to meet up with them until the end of the month. Which seems such a looooooooooooooooooong time away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =(
I'm sooooo into China now. Ugly Mao's face kept appearing in my head. Went to WS library and borrowed a book on his Long March. *shudders* You'll NEVER catch me touching books on such topics in the past lor. *tsk tsk*
But I've got no choice. It's either facing MAO or MOE.
A part of me can't wait to get everything over and done with.
But I'm really not looking forward to the exams.
I'm so in a dilemma now.
Not to mention I saw a friend 'two-timing' her bf.
But I guess such matters have to leave it to the involved parties, right?
Who am I to interfere? *shrugs*
Many realisations hit me after talking to Hui during the journeys to and forth. She's really a sensible person and a girl with her own thoughts, and she's not afraid to show them. I dunno why, but her words and way of thinking have quite some impact on me. *haha* She's really a good friend who cares for her friends, if you ask me. =)
It's late and I'm damn sleepy. In less than 8 hours later, a Battle of the Four [modules] is abt to begin.
Wish me luck.
Cos I need lots of it. =(