I will make it!
Three more weeks to commence The Doom Days (i.e. start of the exams~)
Two more weeks to end the semester officially.
One more week to submit all my hectic assignments.
Zero week to sleep peacefully.
You know, I slept for only two hours just two days ago (poor me!) before the horrible cycle of schooling repeats itself. *tsk tsk*
That explains why I havent been blogging recently. No time to sleep alrdy lor!
And if you think I'm having some free time to blog now, you are so wrong.
I'm just trying to prove to some people that I'm still alive and kicking (in case they think that I've dropped dead suddenly), so I squeezed in a few minutes of my precious time to announce my existence.
Can't wait for holiday to start. *looks dreamily*
Time to get back to work.
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
p.s: I'm getting a car soon!!! *hehs*
Heart pain ar~!
Woke up at 7am this morning in shock.
Cos my tutorial was at 8.30am.
Took cab in the end.
Bloody hell.
Damn ex la!
Cost me $36 can! *grrrr*
Super sianz lor!
And then I was the earliest to reach the class lor.
That's one of those days when I wish I'm staying in hall.
Or even better, I wish I own a car. *looks dreamily*
Anyway, when I woke up this morning, bro just came back from work and was hogging the bathroom.
As I looked panicky, momsie helped me chase him out (he was in the middle of doing a big business, I think)...
Felt so sorrie towards him la! Can't even shit in peace. *heehee*
After today's incident, momsie kept telling me to go stay hall.
The halls at NTU might become TRIPLE-sharing leh!!!!
Heard too many stories abt them le. *shudders*
Anyway, staying in hostel is out of the question now.
I need a car.
Look on the BRIGHT side...
The workload is piling unbelievably higher and higher as the day goes by...
I feel suffocated. I feel so tired cos I sleep for an average of 4-5 hours every day.
3 of my assignments are due in 3 weeks' time, and they are all on the same day can!!
*gasps breathlessly*
If I look on the bright side...
After submitting all these horrible essays, my long long vacation will be closer to me than ever.
But of course there's still this yucky thing called EXAMINATION. Once we get past that... woo-hoo~!! 3 months of solid holidays. *tsk dreamily*
Can't believe this sem is about to end le.
Anyway, with all these stress and pressure, I'm trying my best to counter them...
By looking on the BRIGHT side:
At least I'm not the only one suffering.
At least I still get paid for suffering.
At least I still get some sleep to ease the suffering.
At least I still get to find some time to go shopping and temporarily forget the suffering.
At least my lappie is working fine for now.
At least I have my family and friends.
At least I'm still healthy to take all of this.
At least I have my GUCCI bag to accompany me.
The list can go on... It all depends on how optimistic I am.
OK enough. I need to rehearse for my tutorial presentation tmr. Going to lead the tutorial on Singapore's road to merger, 1959-63.
Sounds fun, right???
But if I look on the bright side...
At least that gives me some experience of conducting a lesson proper.
Oh, how cheerful can I get????
Horrible blisters!!!
Have you ever seen a HUMONGOUS blister before in your entire life?
Well, grab your chance now!

That's a bloody huge piece of pus-filled blister there on my right heel.
Guess Birkies is still the most comfy footwear ever. Stpd C&K pumps.
I'll be limping for the next few days.
Pls dun mistake me for MAS hor.
Coldness always make me hungry.
It's *brrrrrrr* cold today lor!
Wonder what's up with the weather nowadays?
Global warming???
Aniwae, do you always feel hungry when the weather is *brrr brrr* cold?
Well, I do.
And this is what I had for dessert after lunch + tutorials:

Butter waffle with honey syrup. *slurpz~*
Although you'd feel bloody sinful after gobbling this down, but I tell you, you'd feel bloody blissful as well.
So there's a balance somewhere there, right?
Oops, I've spent too much!
Just realised that I bought quite alot of stuff for these two days...
Got ink cartridges and a pair of headset with a built-in mic @ Challenger ytd...
Went shopping at Bugis today, and bought a pair of C&K flats (they're having SALES!!)... *hahs*
Didnt find any nice clothes though...so sad.
Over at WS Sportslink, I managed to get the NIKE sports bra and running shorts.
I've decided to lead a healthy lifestyle by incorporating exercises into my mundane life. I'm so going to make my life as active as it should be. I'm even taking the stairs rather than the lift okie! *tsk tsk*
And I'm checking out yoga classes at the CC. If everything goes smoothly, heh heh, you'll see me stretching my body into all sorts of yoga poses in no time.
Other than exercising, I've decided (dunno where I got this crazy idea, must be from reading SHAPE the magazine) to go through a-weekend detox programme.
Basically, for the next two days, I'll TRY MY BEST to eat fruits and veggie, and drown myself with plain water all day.
Feeling extremely excited about this idea, I went to NTUC and bought some strawberries and low-fat yoghurts. They're going to be my rations for the next two days. *hee*
And later in the day, went down to NTUC again with momsie cos she wanna buy ducks.
(Digression: Oh XY, I saw Kim and family. She asked me to give tuition to the elder son. Maths and English. I'm still contemplating leh. You know the problems. HOW???)
Anyway, DUCKS at NTUC?!?! I thought they are cheaper and fresher in the wet market???
Apparently, not really.
Turned out that ALL the duckies were sold out. Didnt know they're so popular than the chicks. *tsk*
Anyway, momsie was really nice. She bought me a bottle of gingko supplements from GNC to nourish my brain. Apparently she knew that one day at school can kill ten millions of my brain cells.
Dun belittle the small tiny bottle. It costs over a hundred bucks can!
OMG I'm so xin tong. I was like, "Huh~so ex! Dun wan alrdy..."
And she was like, "Nvm, this is good for you..." And she got another dunno-wad supplements for dad cos his heart is quite weak nowadays.
To think that they were on such bad terms just last week. And now she's so concerned abt him. Haiz. Women.
So that goes to show how much things can change in a relatively small span of time.
But I hope it'll last. *hehs*
I'm beat. But I can't sleep yet.
Had dinner very late just now (tks to bro!) so i'm now waiting for the food to be digested....
OK, I'm losing the battle.
Nitez ppl.
Let's learn to speak better!
Check out my ...DarLinks... and you'll see The Grammar Terrorist.
If possible go stalk this blog.
I think it's pretty entertaining and educating at the same time.
Let's all learn to speak good English!
The worst 21st ever...
My condolences to Tiong, who had to spend his 21st being confined in camp due to the stupid and ridiculous breakout of terrorist MSK.
How sucky can this be?
Imagine when you're happily awaiting for one of ur biggest day (21st leh!) to arrive so you can spend it with your loved ones at some posh restaurant eating fine cuisine and drinking red wine, when somebody broke the most frustrating news ever in the universe that you, as the main lead, can't be physicaly present when the day comes becos some guy who could bring terror to the country decided to break out of a toilet.
Looks like tai sui is not blessing him at all...
He was doubly sianz when we met for dinner just now...
Hopefully the food had cheered him up abit, but I doubt so.
Dinner was nice, dun get me wrong. We had Hot Pot Culture at MS, strongly recommended by Hui.
You have your own mini steamboat to cook your own food, and it's buffet style. The price is affordable too. Worth a try.
So we ordered lots of food, thinking we could finish them all.
We were lucky they didn't charge us extra for wastage. So much food was left over untouched!
So BMQ, I think you'd love that place cos their tom yam soup is two thumbs-up! And they have chocolate fondue for dessert too!
Aniwae, it's bloody 12.40am now and I'm beat.
Spent quite some time killing a cockroach just now. Stupid lah. Was throwing something down the chute when the pest came creeping out of the corner. Scared the hell out of me. Determined to dispose it at all costs, I sprayed the pesticide until the whole kitchen was full of that pungent smell.
But I think the cockroach was quite smart. He struggled onto the dustpan and RIP there.
That greatly saved me the trouble of devising ways to pick it up from the floor.
So I took the dustpan, with the overturned body lying oh-so-peacefully on it, and flung it out of the window.
I did it all this just for BeBe leh. She can't take it when she sees cockroachs, lizards or flies. I'm afraid she'll be scared when she bumps into the ugly pest.
Love is so powerful and noble, dun you think??
I'm fine le...
Many thanks to GOSSIPYS and XY for their concern, support and love.
I'm alright le...
Everything looks okie now, or so I hope dearly.
Aniwae...met up with GOSSIPYS yesterday, and we had a great time.
Went to visit GYM...
Rest a bit at MOS, while waiting for Super Gary to come...
Manage to catch a glimpse of the ever talented songwriter/singer...
He's fricking suave! (though he's a bit on the short side.)
But his talents have overcome the height issue, so it's fine with me. Hehs.
"OH, OH, OH!! I saw him! He's there! Right there!"

"Eh stop walkin here and there leh! Stand still and lemme take ur suave face!"

"OK, good boy, sit still... Shucks, I forgot to off the flash..."

"Now that's better..."

His recent and 3rd album, Super Sunshine, is fricking nice.
FYI, I bought the original album, not the cheena version. *hehs*
Okie, now my lust has been satisfied, and so we moved on to siglap for dinner!
Thanks to Lester, who wanna save $$$ on cab fare, we spent some time travelling to our destination via train and then bus. Not that I have anything against that.
Everything is on the rise now! So it's comforting to know that we had just saved some bucks so we can spend more on food ltr!

Looking at Jay...I just realised that I've not been to any movies since Atonement, which I fell asleep in the cinema... *rolls eyes*
At WEE YU HUA (hua you yuan, in mandarin), a Hainanese restaurant...
Let the food (and our xing fu faces) do the talking...just make sure you dun drool all over the place!

Thai Dou Fu... *yummz*

The whole dinner cost ard $86, so I think it's fairly reasonable, considering that we had prawns and crabs.
The place has a kind of vintage atmosphere attached to it, and being Gossipys, we will never rest until we can do some poses.
A birdie in a cage...it looked so lonely and cooped up. Just like me in the past few days. Ha.

Lester accidentally slammed the door, which created a huge closing BANG! And a woman (I suppose she lives in the house) came over and warned him, but gently. She's nice.

Before we left the place...

But we returned at once cos we forgot sth veri important.

Hydi, these are for you.
I know they're a bit blurry, cos Lester, whose wrist is not 'functioning properly', can't take clear pics without his hands trembling. Tsk tsk.

In case you really can't figure out why we wanna take pics of aunties...
Go ask Lester, and you'll be enlightened.
After dinner, we cabbed down to Orchard cos I'm in desperate needs of new clothes.
Still waiting for my F21 orders to be confirmed... *haiz*
Online sprees are so slow!
Managed to buy 2 polos at Cotton On. Cheap cheap!
And so, our day ended just like that.
Big thanks to YOU and YOU, for making me feel happier and more energised.
*wide grinz*