I know i haven been blogging properly becoz GOD only gives us 24hrs a day, 7 days a week, which is not realli enuf for me rite now...
But i managed to squeeze out some of my precious time to satisfy some of your needs... haha
(*BHB*)Well, where shld i start? Hmmm...okie...let's start from last week...
On thurs, I went to PP to find tt Scoopz boss for an interview abt our POE project...BUT he's not ard...so I "stab" english and slang my way wif his staff. I told her, in my best American accent, thinking i could fool her to believe tt i'm from the media, that i wish to do a short interview with her manager...in the end, without questioning my identity,
she gave me his hp no... Jus lyktt! I mean, are employees suppose to give strangers their bosses' personal contacts so easily??? Aniwae, i'm grateful to her...we called the guy and managed to get some info out of him, altho it's not realli useful in the end... -_-"
Den i went to shop ard PP to wait for XY, who came down from NUS to pei me shopping... TKS gal luv ya
muackz! Aniwae, while i was waiting for her near the escalator, dis old limping guy came up to me n started harassing me by blabbing nonsense, which i dun wanna put it down here coz it's realli disgusting... So i glared at him and walked away... if it's not out of respect for elderly, dis freak would certainly get a kick in his arse from me... but on 2nd thought, i'd rather not dirty my shoes...
Aniwae, on a happier note, we stuffed ourselves full at Sakae Sushi...man i felt
so guilty after the meal...look below...
Dun misunderstood, I din finish those 18 plates of sushi all by myself...XY ate the most i think...haha... *horrible us*
Okie...tt's the last time i went out n had fun shopping... The following days of the week are all skol, projects, skol and
more projects...
*diaoz*The most fun thing tt happened to me during the hellish week was tt i got a new HP!!!! Nokia 7390, Powder Pink, is moi's...
woo-hoo~ Compliments to mam, who took over my old hp n bought me a new one... Luv her! Dis hp can do wonders...i can edit my pics n best of all, it's a 3 megapixels cam wif a flash n it takes v v v clear pics n videos...the list can go on......
I spent so much time exploring dis phone tt i kinda ignored my projects...Oops!
And so, wif dis victory possession of mine, i took more pics of our latest favourite past time at skol: free zapping at level 8 of the library... For more details, look further down...
It requires a high level of concentration and attention to prevent others from finding out what we were doing at the little corner of level 8... so lester n shalyn had to stretch their bodies and brains to relax and be energised to commit the crime later on...

Check it out! Dis is our reward after spending an hour at the library... a Krumpler full of free white, high-quality papers... wahahaha so shiok...

We had successfully and peacefully completed our motive of getting free papers... even our feet want to join in the celebration! (Left: Mitju turqoise heels, $25. Right: Converse sneakers, $45. Legs, priceless)

But suddenly, someone found out what they were doing! Lester got the shock of his life...shalyn dint look shock here... i guess she's a bit slow to realise tt they were being caught in action... Poor thing...

However, after intensive interrogation, shalyn managed to free herself from the charges, and she managed to give a feeble smile at the camera...
As for Lester, since he's a mastermind behind the crime, he's being taken away to BubaBuba Prison for the Faint-Hearted to serve his jail term, and erm, i cant take his last shot becoz... NVM, you wouldnt want to know the reason aniwae...
How's tt for a short n witty story? I know, i'm a damn good creative writer... (i can hear applause now... muackz!) Wad a way to relieve the stress out of me...by crapping nonsense here... *wahaha* but *gaspz* LOOK AT THE TIME NOW!!! There goes my plan to do IB research coz it's time for TV... *stress arhz!!*
But stay tune...i'll be back for more!