Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas!!!!
Wa...dis yr's christmas was so fun! A sudden thought came to my mind... "How did I spend my christmas last year??" No idea. Memory's v v vague. Think I was working... *rolled eyes*
Aniwae, I dunno why but I realli got into dis whole christmas spirit thingy dis year... Bought lots and lots of prezzie for my frenz... altho they dun cost much, but hey, it's the thought that counts rite?? *hahahz* Right.
So let's talk abt my christmas eve...
Woke up super early on the 24th coz I wanna spend the mornin baking my speciality: Wan.Wan's Famous Amour Cookies for darren's christmas dinner later...
But lacking of baking ingredients, my mam n i went to WS NTUC... had MaC for breakfast... saw MX from pop... oso having MaC for breakfast... *sianz*
Then i started to gossip abt her to me mam coz i find her a horrible person to work wif... She's someone who's doing small actions behind ppl's back to get them into trouble... WTH... Mam was a great listener...she "huh, hah, si mehz, aiyo ze me huai ar..." at appropriate timings. *grinz*
So after getting my stuff, we decided to go home n we passed dis hp shop...went to check out the prices for Nokia 7390...nice n cute fone...Powder pink folded fone... *Nicezzz* But the price is abit steep...but think we'll still be getting it...Mam's fone can go to the museum le... so she's taking my 7610 n i get to haf the new one... *hahahz* wad a nice deal...
Thought I'd spent a lot of time baking n baking in the kitchen, but i merely took 2 hours to finish baking two big packetfuls of cookies... I even drove out to Tampines to look for nice nice plastic bags to wrap the cookies... So looking forward to the x'mas dinner later... *licked tongue*
We planned to meet at 7.30pm at the bus stop at Loyang Rise...but celes and lin were stuck at orchard...so we meet at 8pm...but dey still cant make it by then...so i waited for xiang alone when these two guys approached me...asked me to buy lightsticks from them...WTF...I'm damn damn pissed off n angry at this coz I'M CONNED by a group of, well, ah bengs *rolled eyes severely*
At first it was only 2 guys asking me to buy their lightsticks, which costs $12 for 10...pathetic...i kept saying no...dey kept pestering me...dere's no one at the busstop...den suddenly another 5 or 6 guys came from behind n sort of surrounded me...WTF...in the end had no choice but to buy it...
Oh man, I realli feel so stupid, helpless and WTF... Why i can't peservere to the end? Haiz...if xiang is not late den i could save my 12 bucks...haiz haiz haiz... so looking at the 10 mini lightsticks in my hands, i told myself repeatedly, "It's Okie, it's Christmas Eve, let's be jolly..." *rolled eyes again*
But my frenz had fun playing wif them...so nvm lorz...
The dinner was nice...wif turkey, pizza, some other dishes like fried rice, beehoon, mee goreng, fresh prawns and of course, vodka wif coke, orange n sprite...
Celes was realli good at mixing drinks...but as for Xiang, he sux.
So we took pics, played pokers (losers drink!) n eat somemore (my cookies are hot grabs!)...
I got a bit tipsy after a few sips of vodka wif coke (either Celes dint mix it well, or my drinking is bad..*hahaz*) Aniwae, we slacked for most of the night...
Darren is such a fortunate kid... Can you imagine a Samsung plasma TV in your room, accompanied wif playstation, SCV, DVD players, some savvy-looking laptop n a huge bed...*hahaz*... Dis guy has EVERYTHING...cool parents, cute little brother...a real drum set n a cute little christmas tree... Xin fu arhz!!
Ard 1 or 2am plus, celes, darren, nick n wee drove out to TM to buy some more drinks n snacks n DVDs...thot they'll be back fast...but in the end me, lin n xiang waited til 4am plus for them...it turned out they drove to geylang to look at prostitutes *rolled eyes* n they got lost...*hahahz*
I was sooooo tired...felt lyk gg home...but dun feel like paying midnite charge...so I waited till 6am...
In the meantime, we watched dis STUPID, DISGUSTING n GORE dvd called Hostel, which was full of sex scenes, f**king words, bloody human flesh wif no story line at all... Just the thought of some scenes from this show made me wanne puke... Luckily it's only 86mins...
After tt freaking show, we watched Priates of the Carribbean II, but i left halfway...
Caught a cab in a flash n home sweet home...
Thot I'll get it from my parents when i reach home...luckily they r still sleeping n when i woke up at around 10+ in the mornin, me mam dint say anything... *hahaz*
Wad can i say...wif those frenz of mine, time is just a number...
I'm thinking of Lin now...she spent the nite at darren's but i assumed she dint sleep...n she's working full-shift rite now at ViVo...wonder how's she gg to ta-han... but her pay is gd...$10.50 per hour becoz of the public holiday...
Well, this is it. I'm hungry now...gtg grab a bite... Enjoy the pics!

A good way of killing time... Zi Pai!

My buddies... luv them!

Cards n Cookies on the floor... Together wif yummy turkey on the table...

Zi lian-ing again...Can't help it...Can't resist the spongebob..haha...I waited for them till i fell asleep... *hahaz*