What can we do without Internet!?!?! - Updated with Pictures!! =)
The Internet connection at my hse is DOWN AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!! *grrrr*
It's the beginning of my recess week, and this kind of thing has to happen.
In case you're wondering...
"I thought recess week means a break from studying?"
Oh you are soooooo wrong!
That's the week the school has set aside for us the pathetic souls to chiong our assignments, which (surprise, surprise!) are all due at around the same time.
Anyway...as I was saying... There's no Internet for me to use at home.
So the best alternative is to go Whitesands and use their wireless.
Which I tell you, is soooo damn INCONVENIENT!
FYI, as I'm blogging this, I'm sitting OUTSIDE the library (cos it hasnt open yet) and it's sooooooo tak-glam lar!!!!!
People walking past me kept staring.
What?! Never see a hot babe using lappie on a Sunday morning at WHITESANDS before?!?
Luckily, momsie was with me... Gosh she's so sweet... came to pei me so I won't feel lonely.
But then! She decided to go NTUC to buy shampoo and left me sitting here beside an uncle!
*tsk tsk*
I wish bro would hurry up and fix that stupid router or sth.
(Oh btw, it was his birthday two days ago, and he left a huge piece of cheesecake from Secret Recipe just for me! Wow.)

It's only a fraction of the cake and it's so huge alrdy. Now imagine the WHOLE cake. *tsk tsk*
I can't do without the Net.
OK. Apart from going around frantically looking for seats at Yakun, Mac, KFC and BK, I've got some good news!
But then it's no big deal lar...
My GESL group (the one that I went to Northlight School to conduct a leadership camp) was selected as the most outstanding Degree group in my cohort! YAY!!!!

Our professionally done-up poster for the exhibition. Nice! =)
Our efforts are finally paid off.
Those ppl who chose us have good insights man! *hehs*
And this is like what, the most exciting piece of news this week?
*rolls eyes*
OK lar...
The library is open.
End of my tak glam moment. Going to sit at Cafe Galilee and look high class there.
Like finally.
Picture of the day:

BeBe and her sofa. She sleeps there at night while waiting for my bro to come home from work! What a cutie.
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