Minmin's 21st!!!
Yesterday was Minmin's 21st birthday celebration at Island Resort, East Coast Park.
Among all my friends, she was the first to kick start all the 21st celebrations... *hahahz*
It was quite fun...lots of chit-chatting and laughter, and of course, cam-whoring... *grinz*
The buffet was nice, and the company was needless to say. =)
Happie 21st, Min-chan! =)
Pictorial time!!!
Slacking outside and enjoying the breeze...

With the birthday gal...

Decorations... Simplicity is the theme... *hahahz*

Hui, Xiang and I decided to go for a stroll after dinner, and we saw a mini pirate ship!!!
No-childhood us got spontaneous and excited and we bought tix for the ride... =)

Hui was like screaming away cos she's so scared... And I was laughing away at her. So fun. =)

It's time to sing the birthday song!!!
Minmin & her bf:

Cam-whoring time!!!

Our present for Min-chan:

I had to pose with it cos it's not everyday one can get to hold on to Tiffany & Co. carrier.

Minmin was touched to the max (I hope she was!) when she saw the present.

Of course. How can you not smile so brilliantly when you received sth from Tiffany? =)

Unwrapping her present delicately...

A simple but full of warmth occasion...
Minmin, I wish you all the best (I know it sounds cliche, but vintage is in the rave now, isnt it?) and keep that dimpled and bright smile on your face always!!!
Love ya.
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