Our museum is so cool!
Today's trip to the National Museum was sooooo much fun!
I was utterly amazed by the whole visit.
Please make some time and go have a look around the place, and then you'll feel proud for Singapore (at least I hope).
I really enjoyed myself walking around the museum with my COMPANION.
Just in case you're clueless...my COMPANION is a small device which functions as a talking/walking encyclopaedia of Singapore history.
It's hard to describe everything here.
You have to go and experience it yourself. *hehs*
My classmates and I were there from 10+am till almost 4pm, after which we had to rush down to school for a pathetic one-hour tutorial, which turned out to be quite enjoyable too. *hehs*
Oh btw, we cabbed down cos we found out that we could claim for our transport if we have to rush to school for lessons. *double hehs* Didnt have to squeeze with the ever-growing population on trains. So shiok.
Go check out the exhibitions if you've got the time/mood and money cos entrance is not FOC (but we went in for free cos of our 'special' status)...*hehs*
It's a huge pity they do not allow photo-taking in the museum.
My GOSSIPERS, I saw lots of potential setting/background/props for us to put our modelling skills to use, but there are guards around the place prowling on unsuspicious people who tried to press the 'ON' button on their cameras. So I dunno if it still interest YOU.
BUT! There are some places to take pics, either openly or discreetly.
I love this huge board which sucks things up...

My history classmates and I...

Ubrina, me, and our COMPANIONS...

With some time left, we visited the Greek Masterpiece from The Lourve, another exhibition that has nothing to do with Singapore.

And this one was B.O.R.I.N.G.
Saw all the broken/naked statues of ancient Greek people and artefacts, and that was it.
Think it's hard for me to be appreciative when I'm not at all interested. *hehs*
But one good thing of this particular exhibition is that we are allowed to take pictures inside the hall!!!
Which means we can't take pics inside cos the place is very dim. *rolls eyes*
Then what's the use of allowing photo-taking when flash is forbidden and yet the place is so dark?
In the end, we took pics with the most boring piece where the lighting is the brightest.

All in all, I think the museum is great, and I predict the place shall and will be my next hangout until my Singapore History essay is done. *hehs*
*** *** ***
I got home just now to find out that our family TV has broken down!!!
*gasps horribly*
This can't be happening. I wanna watch Huang Jin Lu (the Golden Path or sth) lor!
Luckily, after me hammering on the remote control and pressing ferociously on the buttons, the TV came to life, but it looks like it's in the last stage of its life.
Then Dad gave up and drove to TM to get a new set.
Picked bro up during his dinnertime so he could join us.
And then viola!
We bought a 42" Sharp Aquos LCD TV. *hehheh*
Everyone's so happie, but I felt a pinch of xing tong for my parents cos recently, they have spent a lot on the house.
We got a new altar table plus a new set of sofa that are made of gold.
Never see a gold table and sofa before?
Well, me too. Cos I'm only kidding.
But you know old people.
They like antiques that were made of wood.
Now my house is so...antique-looking.
I miss the leather sofa.
And BeBe misses the leather sofa too.
Now she is strictly forbidden by momsie to jump onto the new sofa, needless to say to sleep on them.
But she still tries her luck at night when everyone else went to bed, thinking that we wouldnt know.
But momsie caught her because she doesnt trust BeBe.
And BeBe got a huge scolding from her.
Poor thing.
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