Impulse + Spontaneous = MayDay Concert Tix
On the train, XY suddenly rmb abt her fav band, MayDay having a concert in Spore dis coming June the 2nd... and she found out tix are selling fast... oni left the $88 & $108 seats...
So she panicked coz she wants to go, and even better, she's got a 10% discount on the concert tix, so all the more she shld go rite?
Den she poloso me to go wif her...
I'm okie actually... I lurve MayDay's songs too...
BUT i'm more tempted to attend Jolin's coz I heard all her concerts VERI worth the tix price...
She can dance, she can flaunt, she can sing, she's hot, and she always brings in new elements to her concerts, which make it so jing cai...
So I jokingly told XY why dont we go to both concerts... And tat, erm, craziee gal said yes...
At this, my heart beat twice as fast as its normal rate...
"You serious? Got money arhz?"
"Ya, I worked alot of usher dis month..."
Then I looked at her, disbelief on my face... I know she's on, but dint know she's TAT on...
*lolz*"Okie lorz, aniwae I'm starting work nx mon, so I think shld haf money le..."
So the both of us started contemplating on how much tix shld we buy...
Eventually, we decided the $78 for Jolin's n $88 for MD's...
*shake head in a still-unbelievable manner*Den XY took out her hp n wanted to book, like, immediately...
My heart almost stopped beating...
"Wad?! U wanna book now?! So fast?! I'm not mentally prepared leh!"
"Ya la, den? Wad if they are sold out???"
Oh man, I gotta keep up wif her pace...
In the end (i cannot rmb wad happen), we decided to go down to the SISTIC counter to purchase the tix...
At Wisma, we checked wif the counter lady... She told us tat Jolin's oni left the $78 at the sidest of the side... which is not good coz I believe those seats will be blocked by all those big big speakers n cameras n wadsoever... So we forgo Jolin and turn to MD's huai bao...
Our common sense tells us tat if we already save $$ on Jolin's tix, we might as well buy the more ex n better seats for MD...
*drumroll* Here comes the product of
impulse + spontaneity: 
Two $108 concert tickets... *yippie*!!!
It's been such a long time since I went to a concert (my last was Jay's, dunno how many donkey years ago, which was FANTASTIC! of course fantastic la...we bought the most ex tix n we sat VERI near the stage worz...

Aniwae, XY damn happie n proud tat she's gg to watch her fav band live in action... But it's still a long wait... til June lehz... who knows wad'll happen during dis period of time?
Maybe ah xing sore throat cant sing... maybe guai shou hurt his middle finger den cant play guitar... maybe guan you's baby throw temper n dun let him come Spore den less a drumer... Lots of possibilities... the list goes on...
ps: saw Jade Seah n her momma (i think!)... she's realli gorgeous and walks wif a flair...
Mr. Bean's Holiday
XY got a movie offer coupon, $16 for two tix, at we went Cineleisure to watch Mr. Bean's Holiday, which is a damn funnie n entertaining show...
Rowan Atkinson (did i spell correctly?) is a fantastic actor... He portrayed BeanBean so well...
*hahaz* I believe some of you (majority, I guess) might think Bean is silly n stupid n brainless, nth EVER goes smoothly whenever he's ard, and tat whoever crosses his path will surely end up in a messy mess...
I BEG to differ...
I think his silly-ness n stupidity are resulted from the level of focus-ness he's got in his mind, dont you think?
A focus person with a clear goal in his/her mind will work towards their aims no matter wad kind of obstacles are facing them...
For e.g. the last scene: he finally saw the beach tat he's sooo dying to go tat he disregard all living n non-living things in front of him, and juz walk towards his destination without fearing tat he might fall to his death or sth...
Tat's how i look at Bean...
BUT i'd admit lahz... sometimes he's too
*urgh* le... oni see things from a point of view, and not consider other alternatives... Dis kind of ppl? Too stubborn for anything outside their comfort zone...
Forgive Bean... he's juz too funnie to be mad wif... How can u be angry wif a person wif a face like Bean's?
I told myself I can't spend anymore $$ on clothes... my poor account is depleting like nobody's business...
BUT when i saw Forever 21, all my self-discipline gone. Vanished. Disappeared. Disapparated.
Spent an hour plus inside the shop, choosing n browsing through racks n shelves, and managed to find four blouses tat i simply ADORE...
But i can't afford FOUR blouses at Forever 21 at one go, not at dis moment, tat is...
So i haf to ren tong (bear wif the pain) n forsake two, and choose the ones tat i think i will wear more frequently...
*helpless shrugz*It's okie... when i got $$$, heh heh heh (
*evil grinz*), watch out for me, Forever 21!

The pink blouse comes wif the belt, but it costs cheaper than the simple black one... why ar??
Freedom of Speech
Wadever happens to one's freedom of speech?
Wadever happens to one's freedom of blogging her own personal views/opinions/thoughts on certain matters?
Why muz some ppl complicate simple matters? Isnt it enuf tat our lives are already so hectic n everybody's playing mind games n we haf to guard against certain ppl in our lives every single hour, minute n second??
Why can't we juz mind our own business n live quietly n peacefully ever after, and not bother about others' personal freedom???
Izzit so difficult to achieve?
If no, good for you.
If yes, my advice to you: SHUT IT! SHUT ur mouth, SHUT ur eyes, n simply juz MYOB... See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil...
TAT'S IT. Easy as ABC and 123...
If such simple logic oso dunno, den you can GTH le...
Am i being discreet enough? So I will not get into trouble, izzit?
Am I offending anyone here? If you feel u r offended, den I've hit the nail on its head... You ARE guilty to any of the above i've mentioned...
Blogging is juz a way to express one's thoughts n feelings (unless defamatory is used, which is a different matter altogether), nth to do wif other ppl...
If you can't stand my blog, den dun read it! Nobody points a gun on your head to force you to read rite? Even if you die die oso muz read becoz my blog is siiiiimply too fabulous to ignore, den i suggest you INTERPRET the message in a more matured and sensible way, NOT pass ard the message, which will only become secondary information, which means dere's not much value n truth in it, GEDDIT?
Damn it.
If i hafta consider everyone's feelings den I can blog, FUCK... tat's not a blog animore... it's juz an intangible piece of shit tat tries to please everyone who reads it, creating a false impression for others and myself AND failing to achieve the purity of truth n degree of accuracy, which I believe are the main objectives of blogging...
i have nv felt so happy le...
mayday really does wonders on me man! love them lots. Love'Ya, A-Shin. muackx!!! 2June, i'm coming!
thx. wan wan for pei-ing me to their concert. you will be as happy as me with the company of mayday.
anw, come to another issue. ur posts ain't as bitchy as xiaxue's... Y IS IT CAUSING PPLE'S ANGER?
2Jun07, lalalala~~~~
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