Momsie woke me up super early today, which made me so pek chek.
The weather's soooo nice to sleep in lah!
*brrrr* So xin fu to juz stay in bed and do nth but sleep.
All thanks to her nagging - spoil my chance of going back to lallaland.
She wanna me to pei her go the super big Giant @ (juz found out the name of the place) Tampines Retail Park (heard of it b4?) to buy some groceries.
*roll eyes*(Btw, nx time when you wanna cab to Ikea or Giant -
DUN GO TO COURTS MEGASTORE!!! - say Tampines Retail Park. See if the driver knows.)
I was like, " go yourself lahhhhhh....."
"But you need to buy toothpaste for your camp, right?!" She said in tat kind of I-will-not-buy-for-you-unless-you-go-with-me tone.
Not becoz of the toothpaste. But going to Giant means I could go to IKEA as well!!!
I need to get big and beautiful boxes to pack my stuff.
IKEA IS HAVING AN ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE!!! Gosh, there's sooooooo many nice things tat are waaayyyy cheaper than normal.
It's juz too bad tat I'm currently, miserably, terribly, horribly, unbelievably BROKE. If not I'd surely buy tat shiny red carpet, tat pinkie chair, tat wall mirror, tat newly-arrived sweet-designed cabinet, and those wad's-not.
Aniwae, I was contented with the four LINGO FLORA cardboard boxes tat Momsie paid for me.
*hahahz*And they cost
HALF their usual price! Tan dio ar~! So XY, if you are reading this, pls dun dui yourself. Juz head down and buy somemore!!! They're reallii fricking cheap now.
*** *** ***
After a quick lunch, I can't wait to get started on those boxes.
I thought it would be juz filling in the boxes with my clothes and stuff, but man!
I spent nearly
THREE HOURS doing it lor!
It occurred to me suddenly tat I own soooo many things. Sigh.
Therefore I felt tat it was high time to do some spring cleaning of my room. Didnt expect to spend my Monday

Messy messy, isnt it?
My dad was shocked when he saw the state of the room. He thought I was moving into hostel when school starts becoz he seldom gets to witness such a large-scale area cleaning. *hahaz*

There wasnt enuff space on the floor, so the bed came to help. Pardon me for the messiness. I'm deeply ashamed already.
*whew!* Finally, after throwing away tons of old stuff (I have no idea why I kept some of them until now), wiping my wardrobe, and filling the boxes to its maximum storage, I was done.
So proud of myself can.
*throws out chest in a champion way*

3 nicely fill-to-the-max bags of old clothes tat are to be given away.
Boxes of forsaken bags and clothes.

My CDs collection. *tsk tsk* I dint know I've got soooo many albums until now. Should start downloading more often. *keekeez*

My prized possessions: CLEO mags, Harry Potter novels, and some other books.
How come I get to own sooo many, erm, useless things when they seemed useful to me at the time I bought them? I mean, why? If I dint buy half of those things tat I had, I'd probably be 10x richer.
My mum was like saying, "See lah? There won't be so many things if you dint 'want' them at first."
But shopping and buying things are natural abilities given to us, or me. So you couldnt blame me for 'wanting' and eventually buying those stuff.
I guess it's a part and parcel of life.
*** *** ***
p/s: Giant and Cheers are selling The Deadly Hallows. Can you believe it?
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