As always, Saturday is full of people.
And it's NDP preview, so got more people than usual.
Was at Raffles City... Ate MOS burger (yes, again!)... Tried their new item: Shrimp dunno-wad burger... yum yum!
*slurp*Before we went into MOS burger, we walked past Donut Factory, and saw the nong nong queue...
*tsk tsk*After we walked out of MOS burger, we saw the nong nong queue again, and this time, we actually joined in the 'fun' of waiting...
Darren and I wanted to try the donuts to understand why people are willing to waste 3 to 4 hours of their life just so they can buy boxes of, erm, donuts.
Once we joined the queue, the staff informed us tat we were queueing at our risk and tat we might or might not be able to buy coz they had stopped the queue le...
But tat dint stop us. Die die oso muz try!
*heeheez*So after waiting for
ONE HOUR PLUS (I felt like cursing this auntie, who was mainly responsible for most of the waiting time...she and her friend actually bought
FOUR DOZENS and somemore choosing the remaining limited flavours slowly and painfully while the rest of us waited, clenching our fists...), we finally got to order.
Not many flavours left... Only left the white strawberry heart, double chocolate and kaya.
Obviously we took the first two flavours lah... And we were quite lucky actually... We bought a dozen, almost clearing away the more popular donuts, leaving behind the not-so-popular ones like the kayas...
*hehehz*Oops! Not veri sorrie for the people behind us, though. Blame on their suayness tat they had to buy all the kayas...
*evil grinz*Darren was veri veri cheeky... He was holding onto the big box of donuts when this lady walked past him and saw the box.
"Wad's tat box huh?!?" Lady asked her friend, not realising we had heard her.
"Left kayas." Darren said after her.
I tell you, damn funnie lor! I can't stop laughing at his quirky and witty response.
*giggles uncontrollably*As it was ard 9+pm, I was veri anxious to start my shopping spree at MS...
However, the number of ppl inside Zara, lining for fitting rooms and the messiness of the store turned me off... Left MS after tat...
Decided to come back on a weekday... Just hope tat their sale is still on... I need to buy shirts!!! And lots of it coz skol is starting soon...
*heeheez*Walked all da way back to RC again... we wanted to chill at Starbucks, and of course, savour our hard-to-get donuts...

To be honest, they were not realli fantastic... Toooooo sweeeeeeet for my liking... It's like, you can get diabetics from juz eating one of them lor... *tsk tsk* Dunno why they are selling piping hot... And I dun think dentists will recommend it.
If you ask me, I'd prefer the normal sugar donuts sold at normal bakery shops... Yup, tat's defintely sooo much more nicer and healthier, I guess.

It's 2:57AM as I type, all thanks to the caffeine tat kept me perfectly awake!

Xiang, dun you know it's fugly to display vulgar hand signals in public? Behave yourself can?*tsk tsk*

Found out from Celes tat he's got PNSS (Pre-NS Syndrome). Pity him.
Darren's priceless cap.

Too candid.
Eeewww... why's only her face blur??? Muz be Xiang's amateur photography skills. *tsk tsk*
Since practice makes perfect, he tried a series of shots, with the subject (tat's me!) unnoticed tat she's the subject.

Caught you!

"Are you really taking me all this while???" *shakes head*
Pauline, being MIA for sooooo long, suddenly called Celes (amazingly!) and met up wif us after her dance practice...
As usual, she forced all of us to watch her dance recordings on her DC, and received Celes's harsh treatment in return... *roll eyes*
Headed back to WS coz Pauline wanted supper...

Pauline, tat meal's gonna cost u 10 hours of jazz + salsa + hiphop...


Juz wanna show the difference between the mixed chilli & ketcup sauces before and after eating... Looks like there's no difference at all. Both are equally disgusting.


Now tat's better... :)

Msging my Mummy, duh!
Celes fiddling with my DC...Becoz it was soooooooo fricking late (actually it's only 12am++ lah), WS was fricking deserted...
And my wish of taking pics with Hyun Bin whenever I walked past the Beauty Credit counter came true!!!!

Love him, love this, love it love it love it! *woofy grinz*
For your ignorance, he's the lead actor in My Name Is Kim Sam Soon, Millionaire's First Love, and his latest work, Xue Zhi Nu Wang (Queen of Blood, if translated literally)... *heeheez* And of course, still got many many many many more of his acts... tooooo many to list down...
Though I was pretty upset abt not getting my clothes, which was my main motive, my unhappiness vanished into the hot air after taking these two pictures...
So happie, so very happie... Can fly to the moon and never come back le... =)
p/s: It's 3:45AM now, still wide awake. How?
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