Yo, yo, yo!!! How's everybody's weekend???
Busy celebrating Mother's Day, I suppose??
Well, for me, I've been nua-ing at home... dint go out AT ALL! So amazing rite...
And I dint celebrate my mother's Mother's DAy...
*boo*It's not tat I'm unfilial or sth, but it's juz tat we dint have the practice to celebrate such occasions coz to my mam, everyday's Mother's Day simply becoz I exist...
*hahahz* Honestly, why muz we mark the 2nd Sunday of every May to realli pamper our mothers when we can jolly well do tat at any day/time of the year??? It's not like birthdays, which I think it MUZ be celebrated no matter wad...
*hahz*BUT my mam will get her Mother's Day celebrated in the near future, when I have the capability and ability to give her the best... now it's juz not the moment becoz i'm barely surviving wif my pathetic POSB account...
*wahahahz*Oh, and my mam was dropping hints on tat particular day... Blame it all on my bro's gf, who came to our hse ard noon... She brought along a super-duper humongous BONIA carrier, which I thought initially she had bought another bag for herself... As usually, she'll stay til the early morning b4 me bro will drive her back, but tat day, she left super-duper early... Later on I found out (from mam) tat she's treating her own mother for dinner to celebrate MD, and tat BONIA bag is a present for her...
When your mum 'informs' u such things, especially on such occasions, it's obvious tat she's being envious (another word is of course, jealous) of other mothers who receive annual presents/gifts/tokens of appreciation for being a no-salary housewife, right?
Yeah. So damn right.
So my answer to her was: "Oh, you'll get it. Juz wait til next year." and I shut the toilet door in front of her...
*muahahaz*Tat's her mother's day... Pathetic? Nahz, I think she's used to it... But juz wait lahz hor... Time will tell... I'll get her a LV bag some day coz tat's wad she always wanted...
*grinz*So! I juz got home from a late nite out (well, not exactly lahz...) wif xiang, tiong n minmin!!!
Initally, we planned to watch 28 Weeks Later, some horror movie I think... But as usual, we can't make it for the 7.30 show coz we were late...
We ended up getting stuck on a spot, deciding wad to eat...
After like, an hour? Minmin felt like eating western food, so after much suggestions, we went to Han's...
They ate, and I juz drank a cup of Iced Chocolate coz I wasnt realli hungry... Had yong tau fu for lunch during work, which was damn superlicious...
*slurpz* So during their eating time, I took pictures to kill my boredom and temptation...

My Iced Chocolate... nice nice!! 
Tat's Xiang, wif his lamer trademark smile...

Tat's tiong, trying to be candid but indeed, he's a poser.

Tat's minmin... It might look like a snap shot, but actually, she's posing for me wif her cream-of-carrot-soup spoon halfway to her mouth...

Dunno wad Xiang's so engrossed wif...

BBQ Chicken Chop... Looks veri tempting, isnt it? But it turns me off... It has got GREEN PEAS as the side dish!! *YUCKS* I HATE GREEN PEAS!!!! And the fries are pathetically little...

He kept looking at Tiong... Oh oh... Is he having a, erm, crush on him or sth??? Look at his shy smile... *hee*

Xiang's Grilled Fish wif dunno-wad sauce... Not as tempting as the chicken chop, I think... BUT at least there wasnt any GREEN PEAS...
After eating, we walked ard aimlessly coz it's TM lehz, there's realli nth much to shop... Went to Levi's to check out my potential jeans... Fell in love at first sight with a $139.90 pair... *hee hee* Saw a pair of MNG jeans oso veri nice, and it's only 80 bucks! *hmmz*
Walked ard somemore... went to drop my cheque (finally it has arrived! I've been pinning for it for weeks!)... bought some hairclips (my hair's getting messier...think it's time to visit Kimage...) and in the end, we ended up at Ya Kun... *hahahz*
Tat minmin realli can afford to eat... the rest of us drank coffee/tea, and she ate a meal... *hahaz*

Minmin's enjoying her toasts, eggs, and kopi-o...

Xiang's been 'attacking' Tiong all nite long becoz there's some peanut misunderstanding between them, and they can't reach a consensus abt it... Guys. *rolled eyes*

Dont get fooled by Tiong and his innocent face... He deserved wad he deserves: Xiang's middle finger...
We chatted and chatted, slacked and slacked until the shop closed, and we were practically chased out by the staff... *hahaz*
Finally, it was time to go home and get a good rest to welcome the next day... and tat tiong, wif no fear of ugly tummies, went to meet his colleagues for steamboat, and it was already, like, 10+pm... *hahaz*
BUT i guess it's okie... he's only left a month before he has to leave for tekong island... so let him enjoy himself while he can... *hahaz* I'd juz hoped tat he'd still be able to run after all the late nights' binges accumulated in his body...
Tat's all folks!
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