Curly hair has resurfaced.
Curgly ugly hair has come back to haunt me.
*shouts* I LOVE J.CO doughnuts!!! =)
There's a child in every adult. That's the reason why we never grow up. =)
Eh...what kind of animal is that???
The cute puppy wanna get out! Any keepers??
It's so freezing at IKEA. Not.
For our Phonetics lecturer, Ludwig...
A super duper huge giant clock! So cool...
Which means it's time to go for rebonding. *tsk tsk*
Had super duper yummy J.CO doughnuts to fill my growling stomach. Eleanor's were from Donut Factory cos she thinks their doughnuts taste better, which I beg desperately to differ.
J. CO IS STILL THE BEST! Their doughnuts literally melt in your mouth cos it's so light and not as 'doughy' as DF...
But well, to each of her own. =)
We went to Art Friend to search for some materials to decorate something, but too bad they didnt have what I want, so ended up buying nothing.
Rushed down to Queenstown to meet up with dear lustylester.
He's still the same - tall, skinny and as crazy as ever. Plus he still have his wrist sling on.
My 'poor' friend...wonder when he's going to 'get well'. Perhaps in another five months' time. *winkz*
Why is it so difficult to find a nice and cool Eastpac backpack?!?!
I've been searching high and low everywhere, but can't find one that will catch my eye to let love blossom at first sight. *sigh*
Shall keep on trying then...
Next up is IKEA!!!!
Because I die die refused to give up on my backpack, my two lovely friends accompanied me to mustafa to continue the search. *hah!* Love them!
And then guess what?
Mustafa doesnt have any too. *grrrrrr*
Oh wells. *resigned to fate*
While outside the fitting room waiting for Eleanor...
Lester was so exhausted after a day of 'avoiding arrows' at work that he collapsed on a bed of, erm, jeans.
My skinny-but-dreams-of-becoming-Mr.-Muscle friend bought a 10KG weight from Mustafa. I'm so proud of him. *hahaha*
Because of the long day and the heavy weights, we decided to take cab.
Waited damn damn long at the taxi stand, but all the cabs were on call.
And being thrifty, we didnt want to pay the booking surchage, so we walked all the way out to the main road, where we find other thrifty people like us. *hehs*
The tak-glamness, plus Lester's shouting "Wa lang si deng lang, going Bedok!" when one taxi uncle drove past with his windows rolled down suddenly braked and beckoned us over.
And we got in!
The other thrifty people were still waiting can!
Turned out the uncle is going back to he could afford to pick us up.
What a coincidence huh??
But I think if Lester didnt shout that out, we'd probably be stuck there for hours.
Well done, lustylester!!!
*** *** ***
Went to rebond my hair the first thing in the morning. *woo-hoo!*
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