A New Me.
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Now that I've totally regained my F-R-E-E-D-O-M and life of no-more-mugging-until-2009, I have the time to do all sorts of things.
Let's see...
I'm gonna watch my LHXX vcd which has accumulated a certain thickness of dust (it's still nicely wrapped up okie! which shows that I DID NOT watch it during exams. *ahem*).
I'm gonna workout at gym (if I'm diligent enough).
I'm gonna shop till I drop (or till my acct burst).
I'm gonna play Facebook nonstop (exaggerating lah).
I'm gonna take lots of pictures (silly, sexy, crazy, pretty - you name it, i'll deliver it!).
I'm gonna meet up with my friends (people, pls jio me out okie! It's time to party!).
I'm gonna clean my room (or maybe not - see my mood first).
I'm gonna bring my parents to the Sg Flyer (that's for sure).
I'm gonna suntan, suntan, suntan (provided that it doesnt rain. Like, duh!).
I'm gonna prepare myself for the Chiang Mai trip (which means shopping).
But the most important 'gonna' here is...
I'm gonna start anew (no more MMY, no more silly i-know-what).
So many things to do within 11 days before I fly off to CM. *tsk tsk*
*** *** ***
Poor little birdie outside my room's window for a long long time, sheltering itself from the drizzle.
Can you see that its entirely wet?
Poor thing.

I still remembered I wrote a composition (not essay yet) in primary school (forgot which year), which was about "If I were an animal, what would I be and why?"
Seriously dunno what my English teacher was thinking.
Anyway, that's not the main point.
The main point is, I actually remembered what the topic was. Li hai hor.
So after pondering among rabbit, bird and fish, I chose to be a little bird so I can fly around and be free in the sky (this implies that I crave for freedom, not the desire to become an SIA flight attendant).
Eh...I forgot what other reasons I gave, but that's not very important.
Actually this whole thing is not very important. Just have the tendency to think back of the past, be it primary or secondary school or poly life...
Must be FB lah...suddenly so many people reliving old school days... *shakes head*
So. The bird rested for quite a while, so I called for BeBe to take a look.
And my lovely dog dashed over and jumped at the wall, attempting to say hi to the bird. But the little birdie ignored her because the window was closed and so it couldnt receive BeBe's greetings. BeBe was pai seh that her passionate 'hellos' were not reciprocated, and she skulked away sulkily.
*** *** ***
I hate rainy days.
They are trouble and they disrupt my plans.
Granted, rainy days are the best time to snuggle in bed, but when you've got errands to run, rainy days are so not welcome.
I planned to go PP to develop photos, so I alighted at Eunos station and planned to take 15.
But it was raining super-duper heavily and there was no covered overhead bridge to the bus stop. Hello??? Time to build one can!
So I walked back and forth trying to find a taxi stand. But hello!!! There's none.
Bo bian. So I walked out to the main road, where cars zoomed past and splashed water onto the roadside where I was standing.
Is there a need to go so fast during rainy days??? Huh huh huh????
But alert and smart me managed to duck the waves of water.
I siam and siam until I got on a cab.
Did my errands, which mostly constituted of shopping and more shopping. *hah!*
Okie. My life is beginning to sound boring.
So I shall stop here.
A lovely picture to last you until the next post. *so shy*

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