My appreciation of Moley Phua
"You better APPRECIATE it!"
This is a show of my appreciation for Moley Phua aka Shalyn the SCB-cum-actblurqueen.
She waited patiently and faithfully last night for me to finish blogging, and before I told her I was done, she has already finished reading the latest juicy post.
What a hardcore fan I have. *hehs*
And what a creative and idle fan she is.
Look at her artistic masterpieces below, and tell me whether she has the cut to become the winner of Singapore's Next Top Fashion Designer, if they ever organise one.

Well done, Moley! =)
You see, I really appreciate your efforts, so much so that I dedicate this entire post to you.
All my guy friends out there, if you're interested, she's still single okie!
You just have to be patient (she can be quite blur at times), kind-hearted (you might have to clean and feed and play with Lana, her loyal rabbit), brave (her father, ah pui char kway tiao can be demanding, especially to his princesses' boyfriends), tolerant (her other nickname is BMQ - Bad Mood Queen) and faithful (We the Gossipy will kick ur arse if you dun!).
See, Moley?
I'm so nice to you.
Not like somebody by the name of lustylester. I dun think he'll blog about our outing last night.
*tsk tsk*
ps: This is dedicated to Eleanor. HAPPY CHILDREN'S DAY!!! Can you calculate my intended implicature? *hehs*
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