Miss me?
Haven't been updating, have I?
That's because I'm an extremely busy woman! *hehs*
Busy socialising and also working hard to pull through this sem.
These photos are seriously overdue...taken dunno how many donkey weeks ago at Suntec City (kudos to Eleanor for them)...
I wanted to go MS to search for Moley Phua's 21st present tt day, and Eleanor was nice to pei me eat dinner and Gary joined us as well. But I ended up letting them wait for me cos I was rushing my podcast assignment in school. In the end I took cab down and the taxi uncle was super nice. Can't believe there are so many nice people around me! =)
*** *** ***
Fast forward to last Saturday morning.
My dear old momsie suddenly had the urge to handmade popiah. She prepared all the ingredients (with my help of course!) and as usual, it was superduper tastylicious, and it was fun wrapping the popiah too! I can put as much toppings as I like! =)
Lester and Shalyn, if you still remember cos I do, James asked us during our first session at Kelly Services what is our favourite food, and I answered him "Anything that is edible", and he thought I was childish because to his overly matured mind, that was a primary 6 level kind of answer. Of course I was abit pissed at that, but being kind and forgiving, I decided to let it go.
Anyway, the main point is, if you ask me that question again, I'd definitely say that whatever my mom cooks is my favourite food. Nothing in the world can beat that. If ever next time MOE sacks me or it's the other way around, I'd force, erm, persuade my mother to set up a restaurant that will serve all her trademark dishes. And if you, Moley Phua and lustylester are jobless still, I'll consider to hire the both of you as my HR manager and Marketing manager respectively... *hehs*

*** *** ***
I think we ate more than that...

That's my teammates for Project Huh? 2008 (Help Us Hear). Luckily we made a reservation beforehand, if not we won't get a table, given the huge crowd of seafood-eaters patronising the restaurant. In total I think we ate over $300 worth of delicacies. =) After dinner we went for coffee at TCC, where we chatted, joked, suan-ed and nua-ed the night away.
*** *** ***
Fast forward again to today.
Had comm skills earlier, and we got to pick our individual oral presentation topic for next week.
My topic is neither difficult nor easy, cos my audience is angry/upset parents, and I have to convince/persuade them of letting their children to participate in the school's fund-raising activities...
So I have to pretend my classmates were boiling mad parents and I have to make a 3-min presentation. Just great.
Train-ed down to orchard to collect my agnes b bag. Love it. *wide grinz*
Train-ed home and had to tolerate a lovey-dovey young couple still in their honeymoon period beside me. Not that I mind. I'm happy they've found their love, but making kissing noises that loudly and saying goosebumps-raising honeyed words? WHERE'S MY IPOD??? *rolls eyes*
Met up with my Gossipy for dinner at Aston Express, Tampines.
I can't believe Aston has opened so many branches around the heartlands. There's two at Tampines can! When's one going to open at Pasir Ris?!?!
The one we went to is just opposite TP, at blk 829.
The food was nice and relatively cheap, but it was the company I have that mattered. =)
We ate, gossiped, ate and gossiped even more. We gossiped so much that we downed two glasses of homemade ice lemon tea each. Actually, not very true lah, I'm just exaggerating. Think Aston added a tad too much of MSG so we got pretty thirsty.
Is it a trend to have a cuppa of coffee after dinner because there's nothing else to do?
Apparently it is so, cos we bus-ed to Starbucks and chilled out there.
Turned out that the manager of Starbucks was our poly mate, and she gave us discount for our drinks and even offered to give us cakes for free (but we only accepted the discount but not the cakes cos that'd be too much of us)! And to think we were not very close with her... That's bloody nice of her hor...
Muahahahah...we are so bloodily silly but cute. Nothing beats the Gossipy.

Our next outing/gathering shall be at the cinema cos Moley has free tix to MIRRORS. *hooray!*
My lovely lovelies...请保持通话!!!
Sort of bumped into XY after that, so I went home with her...
Some uncomfortable silences, I feel...
Suddenly can't think of anything to strike a conversation...
So unlike the past, which I miss dearly.
Face it, wanwan.
Things have changed. That's how memories came about.
*** *** ***
I can feel the stress increasing daily. Lots of assignments to be due soon but still not done yet:
- Southeast Asia essay
- Early Modern Asia essay
- Benny's group assignment
- Rani's group assignment
- Comm. skills oral presentation prepared speech
I'm so dead.
ps: Went TS to search for my lei huo xiong xin vcd part 2. I'm not going to give up until I own one. And hopefully, Ivan the sales rep from TS can help me with it. I remember you and your promise, IVAN! Shall wait impatiently for your good news.
pps: Xiao Hei (my new laptop) is giving me problems again, even after a major operation. I've asked another top surgeon to examine it, and hopefully, Xiao Hei can 起死回生 and serve me faithfully again.
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