Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Am I stupid, or am I just plain naive?

This post is strictly about my own feelings and thoughts. I find that this is my only medium where I can pour out my sorrows without bothering/troubling anyone.
Just a few reminders:
1. Any person, living or dead, found it offensive or felt that I'm shooting you and 'innocent' you, I'M NOT SORRY AT ALL. (why should I be, since it's my blog, and you choose to read it when you can jolly well go watch YouTube or do sth that contributes to the society!)
2. I have the freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is mine.
3. Remember point number 2.
Sept 19. Wed.
Nothing special about this day (well, maybe it's one of my friend's birthday, but that's not the main point)...
Since there's nothing special, why the hell am I going through all this nonsense?
School can't be getting any worser than this, can it?
I tried my best to help others... I sacrificed my time to do the work (which, in my opinion, I can simply heck care and ignore, and follow the crowd: act blur)...
BUT I did all I could (well, maybe not to my 120%), but at least I did something.
I'm not being boastful or proud or show-off or anything along that line, but I felt that if it's not for my help, can IT even move on to where IT is now?
I gave my opinions. My opinions turned out to be useful and correct.
Am I getting any recognition? NO.
I gave my opinions. My opinions turned out to be wrong.
Am I getting any recognition? YES.
YES for being wrong, but NO for being right. Ironic? You bet.
Now I truly understand why tertiary institutions stress and emphasise, time and time again, on the importance of citation and referencing. Now I truly appreciate the beauty of copyright law.
You cite and do referencing when you get help from those sources because you want to recognise their help. You want to recognise the author(s) and publisher's efforts for printing the priceless books so you can refer to them and actually complete your assignment.
You appreciate them. You put the citation in your essay just in case in the future when others need to do research and your work comes in handy, they know where their first-hand information is from. So it's not entirely your work, is it? That's why the references and citation are there to inform the third party of the first party's existence!
Am I making sense here? You bet I am!
I just can't take it lying down. I can't.
But what can I do or say?
Jump up front and claim my credit?
Would they appreciate it in the first place, I ask myself. Would it be redundant for such actions, if their minds are already thinking that the other source is the ultimate best one? Who cares about the 'small' role I play?
Well, only me, myself and I.
So tell me, am I stupid, or am I just plain naive?
Am I stupid for sacrificing my time and sleep and giving all the help I could possibly have, but get nothing in return, and instead, push the crown on another's head?
Or am I just plain naive to think that my contribution will be, in one way or another, be recognised and praised?
I think I'm both.
Stupid and plain naive.
Tell me, can I get any worse?
I dunno the consequences or impacts that this post will bring.
But I don't really care le.
I'm sick of taking into consideration others' feelings all the time, and do the things that I don't like to do.
And you reap what you sow?
I don't think I believe in that anymore...
Pls, GYM... let these two years pass quickly.


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