They went JB without me!!
Cant find the books i want..wad a wasted trip...
TM & CS oso full of ppl...oh man...i chose the wrong day to go shopping alone...WADEVA~
sir n mam went JB shopping but i cant go...they took aunt theresa's space for moi..
Too bad, soo sad...
Went to skol to check out some books..shocked to find it full of ppl...yuan lai skol opens le~ luckily i dint wear slack slack...the students all dressed up as if there's D&D tonight..okie i'm exaggerating..i know..but still...

Bought a new bag (yes, again, mam's gonna to kill moi)...I haf a thing wif bags n shoes n wallets...cant control myself but to splurge on them...haiz~
Coz my officers went to JB to par toh so i'll be alone at home wif BeBe (bro finally got a job @ citibank le!) Ta pao mac home to eat...bump into "lei gong" having a shower...luckily i brought umbrella if not i will be drenched... Admiring BeBe's sleeping a land of her own...sooooooo cutez!

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